Title: Design Principles
1Design Principles
- Douglas M. Stewart, Ph.D.
- Anderson School of Management
- University of New Mexico
2Three Aspects of Mental Models
- Design model and user model should match
3System Image of Refrigerator
4Users Model
5Design Model
6Experience vs. Inexperience
- Use knowledge
- In the world
- In the head
- Experienced users
- Dont impede knowledge in head
- Inexperienced users
- Principles observable from system image
- Actions consistent with users conceptual model
- Manuals are part of the system image
7Will the Real Abe Lincoln Please Step Forward?
- Great precision in knowledge is not required.
- Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde
Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the
ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng
is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit
pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can
sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae
the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by
istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. - Amzanig huh?
9Simplify the Structure of Tasks
- Necessary tasks should
- Be simple in structure
- Minimize the amount of planning or problem
solving - Improving the task with technology
- Keep task the same but provide mental aids
- Make the invisible visible to improve feedback
- Automate but keep task the same
- Change the nature of the task
10A simple game
- Start with the nine numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and
9. You and your opponent alternate turns, each
taking a number. Each number can be taken only
once, so if your opponent has taken it you cannot
also take it. The first person to have any three
numbers that total 15 wins the game.
11Make things Visible
- Bridge the gulf of Execution and Evaluation
- Give each action an immediate and obvious
feedback - Leitz slide projector
- Make relevant parts visible
- The remote control antenna that was really a hook
- Affordances
13Get the Mappings Right
- Should be able to see relations between
- Intentions and possible actions
- Actions and effects on system
- Actual system state and what is perceived
- Perceived state and needs of user
- Difficulties arise when controls deviate from
strict - Proximity
- Mimicry
- Analogy
14Real World Mapping
15Real World Mapping (2)
16Real World Mapping (3)
17Real World Mapping (4)
18Fantasy World Mapping
19Not even mapped with itself
20Stupid MSU Tricks
21More Stupid MSU Tricks
22Exploit the Power of Constraints
- Natural
- Extra partsfrom reassembly
- Artificial
- Lockouts and interlocks
- Im thinking of a
- Mythical being that rhymes with post
- Building material that rhymes with eel
- Unit of time that rhymes with ear
- Answers ghost, steel year
23Design for Error
From a nuclear power plant control room
- Allow for recovery
- Show what has been done and what happened
- Allow user to reverse from unwanted operations
- Make it hard to perform irreversible operations
24When all else failsstandardize
- Common Standards
- Side of road
- Clockwise to tighten
- Timing of standard
- Locking in a primitive technology
- English system
- 12 hour days of 60 minutes
25Not up to standard
26For 25,000 Id like to know what time it is
27Still More Stupid MSU Tricks
Henry Center Restrooms near class
28And just down the hall
29What is wrong here?
30Deliberately making things difficult
- Doors to keep people out
- Security systems
- Dangerous equipment
- Secret doors and cabinets
- Childproofing
- Cabinets
- Medicine
- Equipment
- Games
31Bad Design Internet Page
- http//csob.berry.edu/faculty/jgrout/pokayoke.shtm
l - http//www.baddesigns.com/
- You have been employed by a manufacturing company
to design their new product. The company is
considering combining the following into one
item - AM-FM radio
- Cassette player
- CD player
- Telephone
- Telephone answering machine
- Clock
- Alarm clock (can turn on tone, radio, cassette or
CD) - Desk or bed lamp
33Exercise Cont.
- The company is trying to decide whether or not to
include a 2 TV screen and a switched electrical
outlet that can turn on a coffee maker or toaster - Your job is to
- Recommend what to build
- Design the control panel
- Explain how you would go about validating that
this is what the customer wants and is easy to