Title: Physical Principles of Design
1Physical Principles of Design
- Lecture-1
- Monday 13.January.2003
- Basic Physical Principles
2Basic Physical Principles
- Motion and Acceleration
- Static Equilibrium
- Properties of Fluids
- Temperature and Heat
- Strength of Materials and Elasticity
- Electromagnetic Properties and Light
- Optics and Images
3The SI System of Units
a.k.a. The Metric System a.k.a. MKSA M for
meter, K for kilogramS for second, A for ampere.
Other units(e.g. Joule,Newton) are derived from
these. Always stick with SI units and everything
will come out ok.
4Specific Units
Length meter(m) Time second(s) Mass
kilogram(kg). Length(m)
speed(m/s) acceleration (m/s2)
units Kg m/s2Newton(N) Energy N mJouleKg
m2/s2J Power energy/timeJ/s
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11Class 2Take-Away Concepts
12Class 2Problems of the Day
13Class 2Problems of the Day