Title: The Potential for Astronomy in Antarctica
1The Potential for Astronomy in Antarctica
with thanks to Michael Ashley, Jon Lawrence, John
Image Michael Burton
2Why Antarctica?
- The Antarctic Continent
- Site Conditions
- Astronomical Potential
- Infrastructure and Facilities
Image Michael Burton
3No Penguins!
Australian Antarctic Division
4High, Dry and Cold!
Image Michael Burton
5Some myths about Antarctica
- Its completely inaccessible
- Your telescope will blow away
- The conditions make it impossible to work
Image Karim Agabi
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8Contour map of Antarctica
South Pole X
94.5 hours
10The Antarctic plateau is
- High (3000 4000m)
- Dry (lt250µm ppt H2O)
- Cold (-60? to -90?C)
- Stable (little wind!)
- And offers continuous observing.
11Three Advantages for Astronomy in Antarctica
- Low Water Vapour
- new windows
- reduced emissivity
- Low Temperature
- reduced background
- Low Aerosols
- reduced background
- improved sky stability
The Automated Astrophysical Site Testing
Image Michael Burton
12It is so dark that one of our site testing
instruments inadvertently produced a near-IR map
of the Milky Way - with a 3 mm diameter
DIRBE (in space)
IRPS (in Antarctica)
The Milky Way at 2.2 microns
See Phillips et al 1999
13Infrared Sky Background
20100 times lower than good temperate sites
Mauna Kea (www.gemini.edu)
South Pole (IRPS/ MISM)
Ashley et al 1996, Phillips et al 1999,
Chamberlain et al 2000
South Pole Teff -40? C, Mauna Kea Teff 0? C
14Summary of the global oceanic aerosol pattern
detected by polar-orbiting satellites between
July 1989 and June 1991
15The Water Vapour is 5 timessmaller at the South
Lane 1998
16The atmospheric transparency and stability in the
sub-mm is the best on earth.
Mauna Kea
Comparison of South Pole with two other sites.
(Data from Jeff Peterson, CMU)
17Infrared Options for Antarctica
- Sensitivity determined by
- So to make an impact.
- 2.2 to 5 ?m or 8 to 13µm where low temperatures
and low aerosols suppress thermal background - 4.7 to 5.5 ?m or 16 to 35 ?m where high
transmission opens up windows - With a telescope large enough to realise the
? S/N µ D / q . (h t / e)0.5
? Transmission, ? Background, ? Image Size, D
18Three More Advantages
- Wide isoplanatic angle
- longer coherence times
- always a star for AO correction!
- Low scintillation
- precision photometry
- Continuous observation
- monitoring
- all year in the thermal IR!
Marks 1999, 2002
19Unlike all other sites, the Antarctic plateau
has no high-altitude turbulence. This has
profound implications for astrometry, photometry
and interferometry.
South Pole SODAR data, showing turbulence
confined to lowest 300 m.
Travouillon et al 2002
900 metres
12 months
20This would be a good place
Image NASA
21The Calmest Place on Earth!
ESO data
Valenziano DallOglio 1999, PASA 16, 167 Dome C
50 1.0 m/s
22Wind Speed Profiles (University of Nice)
Altitude (Km)
Altitude (Km)
Altitude (Km)
Dome C (Dec 2000)
Paranal ESO Chile (1992)
Gemini NOAO Chile (1998)
Agabi and Fossat (2003)
23Atmospheric turbulence
The absence of high-altitude turbulence above the
Antarctic plateau is of profound
importance. Isoplanatic angle 30 times larger
than on Mauna Kea Marks et al, AA Supp
(1998) Marks et al, AA Supp (1999) Marks 2002
Log Altitude
24The effect of eliminating high-altitude turbulence
Turbulent layer high ? narrow field
Turbulent layer low ? wide field
10 100 times improvement in isoplanatic angle,
scintillation noise, and astrometric error.
25Two More Advantages
- Vast quantities of pure ice
- Muons and neutrino interactions
- High geomagnetic latitudes
- Increased cosmic ray fluxes at low energies
AMANDA drill site
26Focus Areas for Antarctic Telescopes
- Wide-field Thermal Infrared Imaging
- 2m Antarctica 8m Temperate Latitude
- Continuous Observation at 2.4µm
- Background lowest, Source never sets
- Precision Photometry
- Mid-IR Interferometry
- Reduced background, improved phase stability
- Astrometric Interferometry
- Long time period, micro-arcsecond, positions
- Error ? h2 Cn2
27Science Programs
- Star Formation and the Galactic Ecology
- Protogalaxies and Earliest Star Formation
- 2.4µm Cosmological Window, V-L 10
- Micro-lensing towards Galactic Centre
- 2.4µm continuous observation, optical depth
unity! - Exo-solar planets
- Precision photometry for planetary occultations
- Stellar seismology and tomography
- Precision photometry, continuous observation
- Galactic and LMC dynamics
- Precision astrometry
Burton et al 2000
28Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station
Images Michael Burton
29Infrastructure to meet all needs!
Images Michael Burton
30Telescopes, Telescopes, Telescopes
31Concordia Station
Nearly Finished!
A permanent, winter station is currently under
32Tractor and Plane to Dome C
33Lunch Time Volleyball at Dome C
Pressure altitude 3600 m Temperature -30oC
Image Patrik Kaufmann
34One HundredDays at Dome C!(see theUNSW
displayby theStarLabPlanetariumin the Expo)
35Further Informationwww.phys.unsw.edu.au/astro
- South Pole Diaries
- Antarctic Picture Gallery
- South Pole Webcam
- The Douglas Mawson Telescope
- JACARA Bibliography
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37Infrared Sky Background
- 20100 times lower than good temperate sites
Chamberlain et al 1999
Ashley et al 1996
38Sensitivity for widefield imaging
Fluxes in Jy / square arcsecond 5 sigma, 1 hour
39The effect of reducing high-altitude wind
Turbulent layer moves slowly
- Phase coherence times increased
- Required adaptive optics bandwidth decreases
10 100 times improvement in sensitivity of
interferometers and AO sensors.