Title: CMB from the South Pole
1CMB from the South Pole
Past, present, and future
Hanoi, Vietnam, 9 August 2006
2- South Pole is well represented at the 2006
Rencontres du Vietnam - This afternoon, in PS3 (cosmology/CMB)
- K. Ganga (QUAD)
- D. Dowell (BICEP)
- Ch. Reichardt (ACBAR)
- Also, in PS1 (high energy astrophysics)
- K. Hoffman (IceCube, radio neutrino detection)
- South Pole is playing increasing central role in
CMB studies. - International Polar Year (IPY) 2007-2008
- Last such effort IGY 1957-1958
- 80,000 scientists from 67 countries, lead to
founding of South Pole Station, modern
astrophysics from Antarctica.
3Outline CMB from the Pole
- South Pole Prehistory (pre-COBE!)
- Unique features of the Pole attract scientists
- Heroic age of CMB exploration 1984-1992
- Recent history (1992-2005)
- Python (1992-1997)
- Viper/ACBAR (1997-2005)
- DASI (1999-2004)
- New Challenges
- Polarization (DASIpol), QUAD, BICEP
- Structure formation / dark energy SPT
4- Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station
- elevation 2335m
- current temp -78C
- humidity 90
- Hanoi, Vietnam
- elevation 6m
- current temp 28C
- humidity 90
5Quartiles of PWV at three Sites
6Why South Pole?
- Atmosphere
- Superb atmospheric transmission and stability
- Sun shielded for 6 months continuously ( easy
to extend longer) - Unique geographical position
- Fields remain at constant elevation 24/7/52
- Infrastructure
- Extraordinary well run station transportation,
communications, construction support, electrical
power, technical support, laboratory space,
accommodations, you name it, but FedEx doesnt
deliver - But, cant get there 9 months of the year
- Forces project discipline
71984 first submm astronomy at PolePomerantz
French team Emilie
81986-1990 First CMB efforts at PoleDragovan et
al., Bell/Princeton 90 GHz Emilie 21988 Also
Lubin, Peterson, Smoot
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11All cargo arrives at South Pole in LC130
Hercules 300 flights/year x 28,000 lbs, 50
for fuel resupply
121992 White Dish (Peterson) returns tight upper
limits at lt 1 deg. scale
Hien T. Nguyen
13CMB Anisotropy Detected in 1992
the anisotropy observed by the DMR
experiment is a direct measure of the
fluctuations produced during the Inflationary
epoch, and thus provide the earliest
observational information about the origin of the
universe, going back 10-35 seconds after the big
bang. Ned Wright et al., 1992
COBE Satellite
14Python (1992-97) first permanent CMB
installation at Pole
151994 first CMB winter operations
1650mK 4 x 90GHz bolometer array
A hard learning curve
17Martin A. Pomerantz Observatory (MAPO)
About one kilometer from the geographic pole
18Viper Telescope 2.1 m off-axis Gregorian
Skirt reflects primary spill-over to sky.
Ground shield blocks emission from ELlt 25º.
Panel lowers for low-EL observations
Large AZ chop (3) small beams (4-5?)
broad ?-space coverage (75 to 3000) with
high resolution
19Business end of the ACBAR receiver
20ACBAR and CBI were used as an extension to the
WMAP power spectrum to help break parameter
Bennett et al. 2003
21What does ACBAR add to parameter estimation from
WMAP? ACBAR and CBI were used as an extension
to the WMAP power spectrum to help break
parameter degeneracies.
Spergel et al., 2003
221999-2004 DASI
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24Inside DASI
25MAPO January 2001 fully equipped modern labat
South Pole station
DASI w/ deployable ground shields
DASI Year 1 92 days, 16 hours/day 32 fields,
released April 2001
Aug 15, 2002 DASI polarization update ? 271
days of polarization data on 2 fields
26DASI 1st Season Results
DASI papers I, II II (astro-ph/0104488 90)
27DASI 1st Season Results
April 2001
DASI papers I, II II (astro-ph/0104488 90)
282001 DASI/Boomerang Results
- Inflation checks
- Further strong support for flat universe
- Higher harmonic acoustic peaks detected ?
adiabatic fluctuations (not isocurvature,
defects) - Nearly scale invariant initial spectrum
- What stuff makes up the universe
- 4.5 Baryons consistent with Big Bang
Nucleosynthesis ? Physics at 1 sec and
at 400,000 years - 30 Dark matter
- 65 Dark energy, ?? ? consistent with
supernovae results - Age of the universe 14 /- 0.5 Gyr
29CMB temperature easy stuff!
Hinshaw et al, 2006
30Acoustic standing waves
Photon-baryon fluid oscillates, photon
pressure gives restoring force Seeded by
primordial fluctuations density
(scalar) Linear regime Fourier modes
evolve independently Pattern is frozen at
last scattering (z 1100, t 400,000
A density/temperature Fourier mode
31E-mode Polarization (curl free)
Polarization parallel or perpendicular to
wave vector Density (scalar) fluctuations
generate only E-Polarization
32B-mode Polarization (curl component)
Polarization oriented at 45 degrees to wave
vector Not generated by density oscillations
(only primordial source inflationary gravity
33Level of Inflationary Gravity waves (Tensors)
black hole
event horizon scale
Energy scale of Inflation! (GUT?)
34Choose your poison.
Boyle / Steinhardt
352002 DASI first detects polarization of the CMB
36Polarization Present
- 9/2002
- DASI E TE ast-ph/0209478
- 2/2003
- WMAP TE ast-ph/0302213
- 9/2004
- DASI E TE ast-ph/0409357
- CAPMAP E ast-ph/0409380
- CBI E ast-ph/0409569
- 7/2005
- Boom03 E TE ast-ph/0507514
- 3/2006
- WMAP E TE ast-ph/0603450
37E (scalar)
E (scalar)
B (lensing)
B (lensing)
B (tensor)
B (tensor)
38E (scalar)
B (lensing)
B (tensor)
39Aug 2004 QUAD focal plane assembledGoal
Planck-like instantaneous sensitivity,concentrate
d on a 80 sq. deg. survey...high S/N E-map
31 feeds
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41Nov 2004 Installing QUEST rx on DASI...
A tight fit!
42LHe consumption
25L/day per experiment South Pole Station
stockpiles 20,000 L for the 9 month Winter
observing season Past two winters, LHe
has lasted through to summer resupply!
January 2005
43QUAD 1yr results (simulated!)
sims well-reproduce noise in data, 300 lt l lt 1500
Michael Brown
44BICEP a B-mode machine!
Feb 2006 working at Pole!
98 Detector Focal Plane (100 GHz and 150 GHz)
Telescope 25 cm wide-field refractor, all optics
at 4 K
Polarization-Selective Bolometers (JPL)
Fast-scan mount (5 d/s)
4529 Nov 2005 BICEP lifted home
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47WMAP 3yr
- 94 GHz (W-band)
- Filtered using the BICEP azimuth-scan strategy
48BICEP 9 day! (C.L. Kuo)
- Blind pointing star camera nominal radio model
only - Actual pointing model to be derived from galactic
sources (WMAP?) - Absolute calibration from WMAP
49How well could we do?
- Use actual coverage map, observing efficiency
- Assume no hit from systematics or foregrounds
50Sensitivity projections - buyer beware
- - Assumes no hit from systematics or foregrounds
- - 100 good weather days (12 in the can so far)
- Conservative guess for first season
BICEP 100-day
51Sensitivity projections - buyer beware
- - Assumes no hit from systematics or foregrounds
- - 300 good weather days
- Reasonable guess for 2 - 3 seasons
BICEP 300-day
52Sensitivity projections - buyer beware
- - Assumes no hit from systematics or foregrounds
- - BICEP-2 upgrade antenna-coupled TES focal plane
- 512 detectors at 150 GHz, 20 degree FOV
BICEP 300-day
53Sensitivity projections - buyer beware
- Array of co-pointed BICEP-2 style receivers
- One concept SPuD SPider Upgrade to DASI
- 2x100, 2x150, 1x220 GHz receivers share DASI
BICEP mounts
BICEP 300-day
54CMB polarization Foregrounds
From the 2005 CMB Task Force report
56within Southern Hole dust power is 100x below
median! Foreground minimum at 150 GHz, r 0.02
5710m South Pole Telescope (SPT)
- Submm wave telescope
- 20 mm rms surface
- 1 arcsecond pointing
- off-axis gregorian
- 3 levels of shielding
- 1 m primary guard ring
- inner moving shields
- outer fixed shields
- Collaboration led by
- University of Chicago
- (Carlstrom)
58Telescope will be installed in December 2006 A
test build is underway this summer in
Texas Ground shield will be installed in
December 2007
59Number counts depend Volume (z) and growth of
SZ as a probe of Structure formation
Through the SZ effect we can study Galaxy
Clusters at the epoch of their formation
1 deg2 of sky _at_ 150 GHz
Springel, White, Hernquist 2000
60dN/dz for SPT 4000 sq degree Survey (could be
done in one austral winter)
Precision measurements can in principle place
precise constraints on the Dark energy equation
of state.
61What does it take to realize this potential?
- High Resolution 1 _at_ 150 GHz
- big dish gt8m
- Mapping Speed
- ( of elements)/noise2
- At 150GHz from the ground, bolometers have
reached background limit to sensitivity - Large format bolometer arrays
62960 Element TES Frequency Domain Multiplexed
Bolometer Array
- Initial configuration of the array will be
- 3-90 GHz wedges,
- 2-150 GHz wedges, and
- 1-217 GHz wedge.
- In the second season, we will add at least one
274 GHz wedge
63SPT mount / reflector in Texastest build July
64Construction at the Pole is proceeding on
schedule. First light in February 2007
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66QUAD T Map vs. WMAP 3yr
- WMAP unsmoothed W-band processed through QUAD
pipeline - Cross-calibration!
Clem Pryke
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- CMB polarization is worth the effort
- QUAD is beginning its 2nd season now
- 1yr results to appear soon Improved E-mode
measurements! - BICEP is beginning its 1st season now. Over next
6 months, it will teach us new things about - Large angular scales what range is accessible
from the ground with and without modulation - B-mode separation gaining real experience with a
well-characterized instrument - Inflation? (best current limit r lt 0.28)
- Future more detectors! (more frequencies!)
73Stay tuned
Photo D. Barkats
74T spectrum traces density evolution of acoustic
oscillations in early universe.
- E spectrum features
- 102 lower
- correlated with T
- but out of phase
- peaks at smaller scales
- B spectrum features
- 102 - 103 lower still!
- gravity waves l lt 100
- lensing l gt 100
75Polarization Sensitive Bolometers (Boom03, Planck)
X and Y detectors share same filters and feeds
Semiconducting thermistors Neutron-Transmutation-
Doped Ge
Metalized absorber meshes X (back) and Y
(front) R(sheet) 377 W/square
Courtesy of Jamie Bock, NASA JPL
76Origins of QUAD
- QUEST collaboration Stanford, Caltech/JPL,
Cardiff/UK - Caltech/JPL provides detectors 62 PSBs
- Stanford provides focal plane/receiver
integration - Cardiff provides mirrors, cryostat, (telescope
mount?) - QUEST proposal to deploy in Chile denied!
- Early 2003, DASI begins its final season
- Suggestion to put QUEST receiver on DASI mount at
Pole - Proposal submitted June 2003 funded!
77The QUAD team
- Stanford Sarah Church, Jamie Hinderks, Ben
Rusholme, Keith Thompson, Melanie Bowden, Ed Wu - UK Walter Gear, Simon Melhuish, Lucio
Piccirillo, Mike Zemcov, Nutan Rajguru, Angiola
Orland, Peter Ade, Andy Taylor, Michael Brown,
Patricia Castro, Anthony Murphy, Creidhe
OSullivan, Gary Cahill - Caltech/JPL Andrew Lange, Jamie Bock, John
Kovac, Ken Ganga (now Paris) - Chicago Clem Pryke, Erik Leitch (now JPL),
Robert Friedman, John Carlstrom), Robert Schwarz
78Weiner filtered E / B maps
- S/N gt 1 on E-mode structure, 500 lt l lt 1000
Clem Pryke
79QUAD 1yr concerns!
- Ground pickup is significant
- Very small in polarization, but detectable
- Can remove for sure with field differencing
- May not need to take this hit with better
filtering - Focus shifts due to cone expansion/contraction
and primary has small warp - Leads to changing beam ellipticity
- Measured, modelled, and included in sims for 2005
- Fixed for 2006 with corrective secondary
- A/B beams are not identical - center points
offset - Measured and included in sims
80Leakage (T and E) into B is small
- Simulations include sky coverage, filtering,
beams - Raw B leakage
- 102 level of E
Hinshaw / CMB Task Force Report
82t, ns, r from WMAP 3yr
Spergel et al, 2006
- ns 0.95 /- 0.017
- In slow-roll Inflation, if e h,
- this means r 0.1 (detectable GWs) !
Caltech / JPL
Andrew Lange Ki Won Yoon Cynthia Chiang John
Kovac Chao-Lin Kuo
Jamie Bock Darren Dowell Hien Nguyen Peter
Mason Erik Leitch Viktor Hristov John
Denis Barkats
U.C. Berkeley Bill Holzapfel Yuki Takahashi
U.C. San Diego Brian Keating Evan Bierman
CEA, Grenoble Lionel Duband IAS, Paris Eric
Hivon Nicolas Ponthieu
Cardiff University Peter Ade
84Inflation Instructions?!
85QUAD sensitivity
86QUAD Parameter estimation
- 300 sq. deg. Survey
- 6 months, 22 hr/day 20 loss
- 3210 hr/year
- 2 years
- High resolution E-mode measurement reduces errors
on most parameters by factor of 2
87Jan 06 A working instrument
88Polarization calibrations
- response angles
- No astronomical sources of known polarization
angle - Measured with dielectric sheet calibrator to lt
/- 0.3 degrees (Yuki Takahashi) - Spec /- 3.5 deg B from r0.1
- cross-polar response measured using wire grids,
near and far - gains matched using el-nods, stability checked
with flash lamp
89How to get inflation energy from B modes
Primordial GWB power spectrum
FRW equation tells us that
Energy density
potential energy dominates under slow-roll
The final answer
(use numerical methods to get exact
90Installing QUAD primary and test cone
December 2003
91QUAD cryostat/receiver
92Calibrated scans
93Excellent long term stability
94Point sources confirm pointing
95Pipelines and Simulations Constructed
- Two complete pipelines have been written
including fake data simulators - To sim take cross power spectra between all
channels and accumlate over \ - n half scans
- Then regen noise with proper
cross correlations - Add signal sampled from a map if desired
- Replace real data with sim and map using
usual mapper
96Jacknife Spectra Real and Sim
97Faraday Polarization Modulators
Measured Transmission
- Work of Brian Keating/UCSD
- All Solid State
- Rapid, efficient modulation /- 45 deg
- gt30 Band-Width
- Installed in 6 out of 49 pixels for 2006
98Measuring spectral match
- Measured before shipping with
- CWRU and UCSD polarizing FTSs
- (E. Bierman)
- Important for foreground removal
- Gain match from atmosphere
- (K. Yoon)
A well-matched PSB pair ( 40 with ?? matched lt
A less-well-matched pair ( 3 with ?? mismatch
99Fourier plane comparison
- High-pass filter of sky and instrument 1/f
preserves power at l gt 30 - Modes lost to AZ-only scanning are localized to v
axis of uv plane - E/B mixing effects are also uv local
- No serious problems from AZ-only scanning
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101Beam maps on RCW38
- Beam size, ellipticity, pointing monitored daily,
mapped in detail monthly
102Polarized maps of the Moon
- Limb polarization gives quadrupole Q, U
103Apr 2005 QUAD CMB observing
- 24 hour observing schedule
- 5 hours fridge cycle
- 1 hour RCW38 beam calibrations
- 2 x 9 hours 18 hours mapping CMB field
- Each 9 hour map
- Covers a strip of our 80 square deg field at one
of 2 theta orientations - Consists of AZ scans 7.5 degree span, 0.2
deg/sec - 4 scans (80 sec each), followed by calibration
and 1.2 arcmin EL step - Redundancies
- Hourly field difference - observe lead/trail
fields 7.5 deg in RA over exact scan pattern with
respect to ground - Daily theta difference - observe same fields,
same pattern with telescope rotated 60 deg - Each calibration
- EL nod, 1 degree
- Calibration source (polarized) swings into
secondary apex hole
104- Gravity waves (Tensors)
- more E than B!
- Lensing
- E into B
105Gravitational lensing of T and E
Hu and Okamoto/0111606
Realistic models predict 2.6' rms deflection,
coherence scale few degrees
106BICEP receiver
- Wide-field refractor
- All-cold optics 2 lenses filters
- HDPE lenses (C.D. Dowell)
- Teflon AR coated (C.L. Kuo)
- 25cm -gt 0.95, 0.63 FWHMs
- 17 FOV, high throughput
- Low instr-pol, cross-pol
- Flat, telecentric focal plane
- Ready for lithographed arrays!
107BICEP focal-plane insert
Trussed structure vacuum-gap isolate 4K feeds
from 250 mK filters, PSBs (Planck/JPL style)
144 JFET pairs (SPIRE/JPL style) fridge
4He/3He/3He, 250mK, gt 60 hours
RF-sensitive components enclosed in 4K Faraday
Ki Won Yoon (2006)
108Measuring beam match
- beams mapped in highbay to -30dB
- Ongoing work
- Beam parameters characterized for each feed/PSB
pair (H.C. Chiang) - SPECs for pairwise match of FWHM, ellipticity
driven by simulations of measuring B (at level of
r0.1) (N. Ponthieu)
Differential Beam sizes, 100GHz
Differential ellipticities, 100GHz
SPEC 1.1
SPEC 2.7
10914 Oct 05 To the South Pole
11017 Nov 05 safe arrival
111 15 Nov - 15 Dec 05Building a new observatory
112Sidelobe characterization
- Extremely clean optical design
- Unobstructed aperture
- Black forebaffle
- Reflective groundshield
- Sidelobes mapped in-situ using Gunn oscillators
on 30 mast - Also, polarized thermal sources on groundshield
edge - Very low ground pickup!
113BICEP field selection
21 Mar
21 Jan
1000 mK
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115BICEP CMB observing
- 48 hour observing schedule
- 6 hours fridge cycle
- 6 hours mapping trans-galactic field
- 4 x 9 hours 36 hours mapping CMB field
- Each 9 hour map
- covers entire field at one of 4 boresight
orientations - Consists of AZ scans 75 degree span, 2.8 deg/sec
- 22 scans (60 sec each), followed by calibration
and 0.25 degree EL step
- Each calibration
- EL nod, 1 degree
- Flash lamp on swingarm
116BICEP PSB pair SUM vs DIF maps
117Noise extrapolations
- 1140 deg2
- Apodized by large FOV
- Assume 100 good-weather days
- At map center
- 0.51 mK rms in 1 deg2
118- Why go further?
- T and E Continue
- testing the paradigm
- E adds power to
- parameter estimation
- B New physics
- GWs Inflation S.G.,
- Lensing Dark energy,
- neutrino masses,
- clean the GW signal...
- Explore limits for
- future missions!
- Foregrounds, etc...
119Atmospheric transmission
Primary CMB
120Discovery of the Cosmic Microwave Background
smoking gun evidence for the Big Bang Arno
Penzias Robert Wilson in front of the 20ft Bell
Labs antenna used to discover the CMB in
1965 Enormous impact on Cosmology