Title: Neutrino%20Astronomy%20in%20Ice
1Neutrino Astronomy in Ice
- Albrecht Karle
- University of Wisconsin - Madison
- NOW 2006
- Introduction
- Neutrino astronomy motivation
- Antarctic ice as a detector medium
- Optical detectors AMANDA and IceCube
- Current results
- IceCube construction status
- Detectors for extreme energies New methods
- Conclusions
3Physics Motivation
- Search for cosmic-ray accelerators
- Protons are bent in galactic magnetic fields
- n are produced by hadron accelerators
- HE (gt51013 eV) photons are absorbed by
interaction with 30K microwave background photons - gg --gt ee-
- Study the High-Energy Universe
- 100 GeV 1019 eV
- Cross section effective area rise with energy,
so a single detector can cover a very wide energy
4Physics Topics
- Searches for cosmic accelerators
- Active Galactic Nuclei
- Supernova Remnants
- Gamma-Ray bursters
- Neutrino physics
- Cross-section measurements
- Via absorption in earth
- Oscillations
- Searches for supersymmetry, WIMPs, MeV n from
supernovae, monopoles, .
5Active Galactic Nuclei and GRBs
Extragalactic sources are expected to produce up
to hundreds events/yr/km2
HESS J1303-63.1 Unid source 12 kpc 15000 yrs
6Messengers from the Universe
- Straight line propagation to point back to
- Small absorption in sources and during
Cosmic accelerator
Photons absorbed on dust and radiation. For E gt
100 TeV do not survive the journey from the
Galactic Centre Neutrons decay
7Universe is not transparent for HE photons or
Figure by P. Gorham
g gCMB -gt e e- pgCMB -gt D-gtnp
mnm GZK -
Protons deflected by magnetic field for E lt 1019
eV! Not pointing back to the source! Need
neutrinos for high energy (gt10TeV) astronomy!
8Neutrino production bottom up
Beam-dump model p0 ? g-astronomy p ?
Neglecting g absorption (uncertain) ?n ? ?g
Targets p or ambient g
At E gt 100 TeV
1 2 2
Cosmic rays
- Candidate sources
- SN remnants, ?Quasars
- Active Galactic Nuclei
- Gamma Ray Bursts
- Dark Matter
- Exotics
T. Gaisser 2005
knee 1 part m-2 yr-1
Ankle 1 part km-2 yr-1
10Cosmic rays and neutrino fluxes
Waxman, 2006
Bound flux if CR lose Energy making pions This
is the case for GZK (guaranteed flux)
CR lose energy Inside starburst
galaxies. Electrons (synchrotron) Provide
calibration Waxman, astro/ph 0601695 Has been
argued recently to be lower, eg Stecker
IceCube, 3 yr
11Neutrino and cosmic ray detectors in Antarctica
- In final configuration and operation
- SPASE II air shower array with 100
scintillators at surface - AMANDA-II 19 strings, 667 PMT, 1500 -2000m
- In preparation, construction and/or preliminary
operation - IceCube Neutrino observatory, optical ice
cherenkov, 80 strings, 5000PMT, - ANITA Radio ice cherenkov, Balloon flight 06/07
- Experiments in proposal and/or prototyping phase
- AURA radio ice
- SPATS acoustic detection in ice
- ARIANNA, radio ice shelf
12NT operate at a wide energy range 100 GeV to
beyond 1 EeV
Neutrino telescopes operate over wide Energy range
- The negative power law spectra of cosmic
accelerators is compensated by the increasing
effective detection area - Effective area for nm
- Why?
- Increase of muon range with energy
- Wide energy range unique to neutrino telescopes
much smaller for cosmic ray or gamma ray
detectors. - Sensitivities for diffuse signals comparable for
13Antarctica is Huge Cold Dry Icy Empty
40 4400km
14Antarctic Ice
- Antarctic ice sheet
- Thickness up to more than 4 km
- Area gt North america
- Possible detection methods for neutrinos
- Optical detection (ice Cherenkov, (below 1400m)
- Absorption length_at_400nm gt100m
- Effective scattering length gt20m
- Extremely low noise (300pe/sec/PMT)
- Radio detection (ice Cherenkov, Askaryan)
- Estimated absorption length gt1 km
- Acoustic detection
- Estimated absorption length gt 1km
- Low noise
15- Physics Backgrounds
- At energies lt 1 PeV
- Atmospheric muons (downgoing)
- Atmospheric neutrinos (upgoing)
- Earth absorption effects
- At high energies gt 1 PeV
- Zenith angle dependent
- nt regeneration
16Some AMANDA results
Some results presented by the IceCube
collaboration at Neutrino 2006, Santa Fe
- Point sources
- Diffuse flux limit
17Limits to diffuse fluxes
Hill, IceCube Coll. at Neutrino 2006)
18Point source analysis
Optimal search window
2000-2003 3329 events 807 days
live-time2000-2004 4282 events 1001 days
- Search for an excess of events
- from candidate sources
- anywhere on the northern sky
- Atm-n Background from off-source data
- No detection yet, flux upper limits set
19Northern hemisphere grid search
Significance / s
Significance / s
Largest fluctuation 3.7s at 12.6 h, 4.5
deg compatible with position of EGRET source 3EG
20Northern hemisphere grid search
Random events
Significance / s
Significance / s
21Search for Neutrinos from GRBs
- Upper limit E2F? lt 310-8 GeV cm-2 s-1 sr-1
(muon) - Assumed average spectral shape from
Waxman-Bahcall - Aggregate limit including newer data about factor
of 10 above Waxman-Bahcall prediction (Neutrino
22Limits on point sources
Point Source Search
23IceCube 2006
IceCube array 70 strings planned 9 strings and
540 DOMs installed IceTop array 70 locations
planned 16 locations and 64 DOMs installed
242005, 2006, 2007 Deployments
IceCube string and IceTop station deployed 01/05
IceCube string and IceTop station deployed 12/05
IceTop station only 2006
IceCube string and IceTop station to be deployed
12/06 01/07
604 DOMs deployed to date Next year looking for
12 strings. IceTop will be backed off to remain
in line with hole deployment Want to achieve
steady state of 14 strings / season.
25The Enhanced Hot Water Drill (EHWD) in 2006
Supply 200 GPM _at_ 1000 psi, 190 FReturn 192
GPM _at_ 33 F Make-Up 8 GPM _at_ 33 F
EHWD designed to drill a 2450 m 60 cm hole in
30 hr. Fuel budget is 7200 gal per hole. Shown
above is drill camp and tower site (inset), both
mobile field arrays. Everything must fit into
LC-130 for transport to Pole.
Thermal Power 4.5 MW
26Drilling strategy 06/07
- Maintenance, upgrades and tuning.
- Overall no fundamental changes to drill strategy
and equipment. - Larger crew of 30 people to sustain 3 shift
schedule 24/7 - New firn drill strategy in 06/07
27String installation
- 10 hour deployments we successful.
- No changes in equipment.
- Higher integration in drill operation.
28String 39 two-week freeze-in movie
Mark Krasberg
29Fundamental detector elements
Digital Receiver (PCI card)
up to 3.3 km copper, 0.9mm (twisted pair, power,
data, time synchronization)
Intelligent Digitizer (DOM)
30DOM (Digital Optical Module) Power consumption
3.5 W Digitize at 300 Mhz, 400 ns 40 MHz,
6.4 µs Send all data to surface over copper Two
sensors/twisted pair. Flasherboard with 12
LEDs Local HV
Clock stability 10-10 0.1 nsec /
sec Synchronized to GPS time every 2 sec at a
precision of rms 2 nsec (design goal 5 nsec)
31Pulse shapestaken in situ
- Pulse shapes are recorded with three ATWD
channels for high dynamic range coverage. - Runs of 10 pulses at 5 different brightness
settings are shown. - High saturation in channel 0, but good coverage
of the brightest pulses in channel 2.
32Low noise rates -higher sensitivity to Supernova
Importance of noise rates 1.) noise rate w/o
dead time 700 Hz, important for DAQ
bandwidth 2.) noise rate w/suppression of 50µs
300Hz, important for event reconstruction and in
particular for supernova sensitivity. Two
Icecube strings probably more sensitive than all
33The Timing system works
Flasher tests are used to verify the timining
system. The figurefrom string 21 (2005) shows
rms spread of 2 neighboring DOMs from flasher
pulses. The timing system works also on all new
strings and IceTop stations in 2006.
34Occupancy data
- The number of recorded hits on the strings is
plotted versus the depth. - Indication for overall uniformity of strings.
(need to wait until all are at same temperature) - Features indicate changes in triggered muon flux
and optical structure of the ice.
Z position m
Triggered events for strings with 8 or more hits
, normalized.
35Cosmic ray muons Data and Monte-Carlo coming
- Event rates
- Trigger 8 fold (gate 5 µsec LC, 1µsec)
- Cosmic ray muons 140 Hz (MC 180Hz).
- Atmospheric n simulation 0.0004Hz (35/d)
The azimuthal structure reflects the geometry of
the 9 strings. Simulations reproduce the detector
36Neutrino event
37Event Signatures in IceCube
Neutrino Telescopes
1013 eV (10 TeV)
6x1015 eV (6 PeV)
? (300 m!)
?? ??hadrons
signature of ??
signature of ??
38IceCube with IceTop surface array
Area--solid-angle 1/3 km2sr (including angular
dependence of EAS trigger)
- Calibration
- Veto of HE shower background
- Cosmic Ray/air shower physics up to 1018 eV
39IceTop tank
Each 2 m diameter IceTop tank contains two DOMs.
Yes, this is ice, not water!
m signals from IceTop DOMs
40High energy cosmic ray air shower event
41Primary composition with IceCube
- Nm from deep IceCube Ne from IceTop
- High altitude allows good energy resolution
- Good mass separation from Nm/Ne
- 1/3 km2 sr (2000 x SPASE-AMANDA)
- Covers sub-PeV to EeV energies
- Very good energy resolution possible.
SPASE-AMANDA Mass independent energy resolution
of air shower primary for 1ltE/PeVlt10 - ????????????????sE 0.07 log(E)
Figure by Ralph Engel
42SPASE - AMANDA Energy resolution of air shower
Energy resolution of air shower primary for
1ltE/PeVlt10 ????????????????sE 7 log(E) (Mass
independent based on MC)
5 6 7 8
5 6 7 8
43Limits on point sources
Point Source Search
44IceCube EHE Event Channels
- Possible EHE particles in depth
Fluxes at the IceCube depth
Atm m
EGZK gtgt EAtmm
Secondary m and t
45Coherent Radio signalfrom electromagnetic cascade
charge asymmetry in particle shower development-
combined effects of positron annihilation and
Compton scattering on atomic electrons result in
a 20 excess of electrons over positrons in a
particle shower
wavelengths shorter than the bunch length suffer
from destructive interference
moves as a compact bunch, a few cm wide and 1cm
electric field strength proportional to the
square of the shower energy
Gurgen Askaryan (1928-1997)
is the length of the bunch
Add coherently!
46Why Ice? Why Radio?
- Long attenuation - Radio 1km
- Optical attenuation in ice 100m
- No scattering for Radio In ice.
- A lot of it.
- Free to use.
- South pole is isolated. RF quiet.
- Antennas are cheaper and more robust than PMTs.
- No need to drill wide holes
- lower drilling cost of deployment w.r.t optical
detectors - 1016 - 1023 eV
Effective volume per detector element for ne
induced cascades
Radio Ice Cherenkov experiment
- Made surveys of rf properties of the ice at the
South Pole - Set most stringent limits on the neutrino flux
from 1016 to 1018 GeV - Utilized the infrastructure and deployment of
The Askaryan UnderIce Radio Array
Endorsement by IceCube.
- Develop technology for larger radio array
- Further map out the radio properties of South
Pole Ice - Build intermediate detector with improved
effective volume over RICE
- LABRADOR chip developed for ANITA has gt1GHz
bandwidth, low power consumption, small deadtime,
and has been tested to low temperatures. - IceCube holes, cables and DAQ design including
DOM Mainboard power and time stamping. - Use pressure vessel, add connectors for antennas.
- Use RICE experience with antennas.
49Digital Radio Module
50(No Transcript)
51ANITA collaboration prepares flight
Slide from Gary Varner, presented at TeVII
workshop, Sep 06
52Acoustic detection
- Detect the acoustic sound wave generated by the
expansion caused by the heat dissipated in the
shower. Energy threshold gt1e17 or 1e18eV - R D
- World wide activities. Ice expected to be
significantly quieter than water (no waves, rain
and dolphins). - Initial Goal determine acoustic properties of
ice - Absorption length
- Noise levels
- Three test strings ready for deployment in 05/06
season. Deployment was not approved by NSF for
logistics support reasons. - Hope/expect this year deployment.
53Acoustic sensors completed in 2005
Endorsement by IceCube
54Other ideas/proposals
Radio from gteo synchrotron radiation of Air
showers LOFAR/LOPES Threshold100 PeV, LOPES
must be externally triggered by ground
detectors. 5 highly inclined events in 2004 data
ARIANNA on Ross iceshelf?
Possible extension of IceTop?
55Possible scenarioof a GZK scale detector
300 microphones/string
5 antennas/string
Observation of UHE neutrinos by more than one
method could make for a more compelling discovery
- Antarctic ice is a unique medium for high energy
particle astrophysics. - AMANDA continues to deliver results.
- IceCube now in full construction. 9 strings
operational, taking data at 150 evts/sec, 12 to
be added by January 06. - First IceCube data consistent with expectations.
DOM performance meets or exceeds expectations. - String deployment plan 12 strings next year
(logistics support for 14), then 14 each year
thereafter. Looking to reach target of 75
strings. - Discovery potential growing.
- Ice is very promising target medium for radio and
possibly acoustic detection of highest energy
neutrinos (EeV). - Hybrid detectors may reduce systematics at
highest energies (no atmospheric neutrinos as
reference signal).
57IceCube effective area and angular resolution for
further improvement expected using waveform info
Median angular reconstruction uncertainty 0.8?
- E-2 nm spectrum
- quality cuts and background suppression (atm m
reduction by 106)