Title: Folie 1
1Quasi infinite flat land exclusively dedicated
to science
A 5-hour flight from Australia
- CONCORDIA station (Antarctica, Dome C) as an
astronomical site - ARENA EC network
- Science cases and associated working groups
- Antarctica as part of the ASTRONET roadmap
- Concluding remarks
3Extreme stability of the ATMOSPHERE
BRAIN to study the polarization of CMB
4Implementation of a large international facility
must be validated step by step
- site quality evaluation (2004-2010)
- small size instruments (dedicated) (2006 -2013)
- medium size (pathfinder/facility) (2013-2020)
- very large size (ELT, Arrays) (gt2020)
5Seeing statistics based on 3 years of observations
On the roof of CONCORDIA (20 m above ice)
CONCORDIASTRO facility to monitor the sky
turbulence properties (DIMM/GSM)
Seeing arcsec
7 m above ice
Seeing arcsec
Fossat et al. 2008, in press
6 Fraction of time to be above the boundary
layer vs. height above ice
Distribution of the seeing above the boundary
- P(10m) 23
- P(20m) 45
- P(24m) 50
- P(35m) 65
- Seeing(Pmax) 0.29
- Seeing median 0.34
From Fossat et al. 2008, in press
7NIR-MIR Sky Transmission/Emission
8Antarctic Research a European Network for
- A 4-year (2006-2009) EC FP6 network to foster
large Antarctic Astronomical Research
Infrastructure developments at Dome C - budget, 1.335 M, 23 partners , 7 countries
- Generate and give access to site testing data
- Identify most compelling science cases (ARENA2,
POTSDAM) - Propose adequate instrumental components
- Request Polar Agencies to upgrade the logistics
- Conclusions will be presented at the 3rd ARENA
Conference Frascati (Rome) 11-15 May, 2009 - http//arena.unice.fr
9ARENA working groups
- Wide field NIR/optical D. Burgarella (LAM/OAMP)
/M. Burton (UNSW) - Submillimetric astronomy V. Minier (CEA,
Saclay)/L. Olmi (INAF) - Interferometry (NIR) V. Coudé du Foresto (Obs.
Paris)/J. Surdej (U. Liège) - Variability monitoring H. Rauer (DLR, Berlin)/
H. Deeg (IAC, Tenerife) - CMB Y. Giraud Héraud (APC, Paris 7)/P. De
Bernardis (INAF, U. Roma) - Solar corona L. Damé (Obs. Paris) / V. Andretta
10WG1 a WF 2.5m class telescope
- Ideal for deep, optical/ near IR/thermal IR,
Wide Field, diffraction limited imaging (and
spectro-imaging) surveys - Most compelling K dark and L surveys. New
windows in MIR ? - First step IRAIT 80 cm, set up during 2008-2009
summer - Most mature next generation project PILOT
(UNSW) - phase A study will be presented at SPIE (June
2008) - phase B 2009-10, construction 2011-2013 (seeking
funds) - First light 2013/14
- Primary science drivers Cosmic shear,
Distant universe, Early stellar populations, H2
in our Galaxy, extragalactic stellar populations
and history (Magellanic Clouds) from SF to AGB - ARENA solicits French/Italian/European
11Pathfinder for an International Large
OpticalTelescope (PILOT)
- 2.4 m Ritchey Chrétien
- Twin Nasmyth foci
- Fast Tip tilt secondary
- 0.35 ? 25 µm
- Diffraction limited over 1
- On a 30m tower (and/or GLAO)
- Enclosure thermally controlled
- Wide field image quality matching median free
seeing - Science pathfinder
- Phase A study June 2008
- Phase B 2009/2010
- First light 2013
Credit W. Saunders, J. Storey, UNSW
12WG2- A submillimeter dish
- Exceptional sky transmission and stability
- 200 µm window!
- Proposed an antarctized copy of an ALMA
antenna as a pathfinder towards - a larger dish, up to 25 m
- a submillimeter interferometer (ideal site)
13Evaluating the potential of Dome C for FIR/submm
From Minier et al. 2008
- Unique science cases
- Cosmic history of star formation
- Early phases of star formation in the Magellanic
Clouds - Why Dome C might be the best place ?
- 450 µm opens gt 50 of time ? deep extragalactic
surveys (synergy with ALMA) - 200 µm opens a significant fraction of time ?
constrains peak of - SED of prestellar and protostellar population
? IMF and luminosity function - (follow-up of Herschel Key Programs)
- Concordia Station already in place.
- Foreseen facility and roadmap
- 2007-2010 assessment of atmospheric
transmission at 200 µm - and polar constraints on telescope systems (in
progress - CEA led experiments). - 2009 - 2015 Deployment of small and medium size
telescopes - 2015 - Potential site for a FIR interferometer
as technological pathfinder for FIRI.
14Expected submm transmission at Dome C
From Minier et al. 2008
25 of time
450 µm 350 µm 200 µm
15WG3- Infrared km-size interferometric array
- Exceptional atmospheric parameters
- No space limitation, flat ? km array
- To monitor isopistonic angle, ro, qo
- Pathfinder Aladdin (2 x 1m telescopes on a 40 m
ring) - Long term objective kilometric array (KEOPS)
- ARENA workshop to be held at ESO- Garching
(13-15 October 2008)
Court. V. Coudé du Foresto
Court. F. Vakili
16WG4- Long time series observations
- Small dedicated team instruments
- Planetary transits (A-step, ICE-T)
- Stellar asteroseismology (SIAMOIS)
- ARENA workshop to be held in Catania (Sicily)
http//www.oact.inaf.it/arenact/ (17-19 September
A step court. T. Guillot
Ice-T, court. K. Strassmeier
- Antarctic Plateau features unique conditions for
astronomy from UV? mm - Site evaluation parameters should continue to be
monitored intensively - Europe (Fr It) has successfully developed
CONCORDIA (winterover) - Other stations (SP, Dome A, Dome F) are
challenging Dome C - Dome C must be seriously considered in the
ASTRONET roadmap as a potential site for future
instruments and the recommendations of ARENA
(end 2009) should be taken into account. - A 2.5m Wide Field telescope seems to be a
realistic and necessary milestone. Europe should
participate in phase B of PILOT. - Studies for larger instruments such as a
submillimeter dish/array, an infrared km array,
large solar corona instrument, large CMB
collectors should be enabled and given support
NOW by the funding agencies - CONCORDIA should become a multidisciplinary
European Research Infrastructure supported by EU
FP7 FP8 ? upgrade logistics
- D. Burgarella
- V. Coudé du Foresto
- C. Eiroa
- E. Fossat
- T. Guillot
- T. Le Bertre
- V. Minier
- P. Persi
- W. Saunders
- K. Strassmeier
- J. Storey
- The ARENA NA, tasks, and working group leaders
- The ARENA consortium
- IPEV/PNRA, Polar Agencies
- CNRS, CEA, INAF and other National Agencies
- EU FP6 Research Infrastructures funding
contract RICA
And the teams operating CONCORDIA day and night
19Thank you for your attention !
20Unique science cases
- Photometry of very young embedded sources in
25-40 µm - Mosaic imaging in the Q window (17-40 µm)
- Exoplanet secondary transits in LMN bands (NIR
and MIR)
Embedded young stellar objects SEDs, showing the
wealth of physical insight gained when adding
mid-IR information to other wavelengths
Robitaille et al.(2007)
Secondary transit depths for HD 189733b
and estimated planet-star flux ratio vs
wavelength Charbonneau et al. (2008)
From Eiroa, 2008
21Finally, how much better is it?