Title: Electronic Workshop
1Electronic Workshop
Electrical Circuits Dr. Sandra Cruz-Pol Professor
Electrical Computer Engineering UPRM
2Once upon a time
- E produces H, and vice versa! EH Discovery by
professor Oersteds demo! - Can HE ? Finally 11 years laterYES!!!
- Used in generating electricity
- First DC Thomas Edison not so good
- Then AC Nikola TESLA GREAT!!
- Invented ac motor, radio, design Niagara Falls
generator, distribution systems, fluorescence
lamps, remote control, wireless, logic circuits,
3 phasic and many modern things.
3How a Motor works?
- http//www.walter-fendt.de/ph11e/electricmotor.htm
4How an electric Generator works?
- http//www.wvic.com/how-gen-works.htm
5Electrical Circuits
- We will take a look at several electricity
components concepts - Resistors
- Capacitors
- Series Parallel Connections
- IC or chips
- Batteries
- Nodes
It most have a closed loop
6Meet the Concepts Resistor
Resistors- reduce or resist the flow of
7Series ConnectionTry to connect a circuit the
one belowusing the color light bulbs provided
8Parallel Connection
Elements connect on both legs.
I V / R
9What is a Node?
How many nodes are in this circuit?
- Light emitting diodes (LED) like regular light
bulbs but that are actually semiconductors that
shine when an electrical current passes through
them in a specific direction. - Low Power consumption! ?
11 What is a circuit Board?
12Electronic Doorbell
Warning!! It can get HOT.
Capacitors store electrons
15Electric Circuit
16Discharging a capacitor
17Charge/discharge Capacitor
Piezo-electric material
18Chip (integrated circuits)
The 555 timer regulator pin layout (from
19 1k
20Myth Why is the Ocean Blue?
- FALSE The ocean is blue because the sky
reflection on its surface. - TRUE Water is blue.
- frequency spectra
- But you need a huge amount of it to really see
its color. - Look at a swimming pool as it gets deeper even
on cloudy days.
21Myth 2
- FALSE Thomas Edison, greatest contributor to
Electricity and systems used today. - TRUE Nikola Tesla greatest contributor to
Electricity. - Invented ac motor,
- perfected dc motor,
- invented radio transmission, (wireless)
- designed Niagara Falls generator,
- distribution systems,
- fluorescence lamps,
- remote control, wireless,
- logic circuits,
- 3 phasic and many others.
22Where to find this material?
- http//ece.uprm.edu/pol/outreach.html
- Also look at
- http//casa.ece.uprm.edu
- http//ece.uprm.edu/climmate