Title: Vulcano Workshop 2004
1AMS a Cosmic Ray spectrometer on the ISS
Davide Grandi INFN Milano ITALY On behalf of the
AMS Collaboration
2Davide Grandi
Vulcano Workshop 2004
3Outline of the talk
- AMS physics goals
- AMS-02 detector
- AMS-01 measurements and near Earth Environment
- CR Astrophysics
- CR isotopes and propagation (RICH subdetector)
- Conclusions
- Next talk of E. Fiandrini focused on AM and DM
(and different subdetectors)
Davide Grandi
Vulcano Workshop 2004
4AMS physics goals
- CR Astrophysics
- Primary CR flux precise measurements
- Measurements of CR (e , g, 3,4He, B, C 9,10Be,
Zlt26) composition in the GeV-TeV region - Search for Cosmic Antimatter
- Search for Dark Matter
- Gamma Rays astrophysics
Davide Grandi
Vulcano Workshop 2004
5Antimatter search AMS-01
AMS-01 measured spectrum
Davide Grandi
Vulcano Workshop 2004
6TRD (foam straw drift tubes Xe/CO2) separate
e/p up to 300 GeV
TOF (2x2 planes of scintillator hodoscopes) Dt
120 ps, b and Z
Superconducting magnet BL20.85 Tm2 for sign(Z)
Silicon Tracker (8 layers double sided) for
p,Z and sign(Z)
RICH (radiator Aerogel/NaF) b Z and sign(Z)
ECAL (Lead Scintillator fibers) e/p separation
Davide Grandi
Vulcano Workshop 2004
7New detector
- Superconducting magnet in space (cooled to 1.8 oK
by 3000 l superfluid He) - Large acceptance (0.5 m2sr)
- Long time exposure (3-5 years) and ionizing flux
max rate 2 kHz - Separate light isotopes for Elt10 GeV/n
- B lt 300 G at 2 m
- All coils already built
Davide Grandi
Vulcano Workshop 2004
8Primary CR fluxes
- Protons (88 of total spectrum)
- He (? 9)
- Electrons (2 )
- Antiprotons and D
- Power spectra E-g where g ?2-3 for acceleration
mod. - Propagation the magnetic field (galactic,
heliospheric and Earth) - Background for DM measure p- ? 10-3 p, e-, He
Davide Grandi
Vulcano Workshop 2004
9AMS-01 CR measurements
- 108 CR events measured in 10 days
- 3He and 4He measured
- D spectrum
- Positrons and electrons measured (and ratio
e/(ee-)) - Undercutoff Secondary CR
Davide Grandi
Vulcano Workshop 2004
10Magnetic field and Secondary CR
Origin and sink of secondary CR (e and e-) in
Davide Grandi
Vulcano Workshop 2004
11Separation of Primary and Secondary CR
- Reconstruction of particle trajectory using the
last model of magnetic field (IGRF and
Tsyganenko) - backtracing and forward tracing technique
- nature of the CR and
- nature (trapping) and origin of secondary CR
- TF calculation evaluation of magnetosphere
transmissivity (Proc. ICSC 2003 ESA SP-533) - Adiabatic analysis of undercutoff leptons and
protons (Jour. Geoph. Res., 108 A11, 2003) - MC of secondary CR production in atmosphere
(Phys. Lett., B489, 2000)
Davide Grandi
Vulcano Workshop 2004
12Separation of Primary and Secondary CR
The TF calculation (based on the backtracing) for
the AMS geomagnetic region can separate the
primary CR component from the total measured flux
Davide Grandi
Vulcano Workshop 2004
13SOLAR Modulation
- Solar cycle (22 years)
- Magnetic field polarity (drift in the heliosphere
important for the ratio p/antip) in year 2012
will change polarity (from Alt0 to Agt0)
- 3-5 years of data taking (2008-2013) important
test of external magnetic field models
(Tsyganenko) and heliospheric diffusion models
for Galactic CR
Davide Grandi
Vulcano Workshop 2004
14CR propagation
- Propagation models of CR in the galaxy
diffusion, convection and reacceleration - Nuclear interaction of Primary CR with the ISM
- abundance of elements
- Local modulation effects (the Sun..)
- Primary CR (acceleration mech.)
- Secondary CR B/C ratio is sensitive to diffusion
(B secondary while C primary) - Radioactive nuclei 10Be/9Be (t 10Be 1.5x106 y)
estimate propagation time and size of ISM - 3He/4He sensitive to the density of ISM
Davide Grandi
Vulcano Workshop 2004
15Ratios of abundances RICH
Cerenkov Cone
- Accurate velocity measurement via the opening
angle of the Cerenkov cone - Isotope separation
- Resol. D b/b 0.1 (p)
- Test of CR propagation
- Measure charge
- up to Z 30
- Measure the value Z
Aerogel Radiator
RICH gives additional particle identification
Davide Grandi
Vulcano Workshop 2004
Without mirror
With mirror in
SPS beam A/Z 2
Reconstructed charge spectrum
Davide Grandi
Vulcano Workshop 2004
17AMS-02 capabilities
Unstable isotopes are very sensitive of the
conditions of the solar system neighborhood
Davide Grandi
Vulcano Workshop 2004
18AMS-02 capabilities
Davide Grandi
Vulcano Workshop 2004
19AMS-02 capabilities
Davide Grandi
Vulcano Workshop 2004
- AMS-02 mission starting 2008 accurate new data
from GeV to TeV - CR measurements for 3-5 year
- Long term study of Solar modulation and
geomagnetic field effect on CR flux - Test of CR propagation (radioactive nulcei) ISM
density (isotopes secondary CR) - Secondary CR creation (important for
atmospheric n fluxes) and near Earth radiation
Davide Grandi
Vulcano Workshop 2004