Title: Heat, Temperature, and Atmospheric Circulation
1AMS Weather Studies Introduction to Atmospheric
Science, 4th Edition
- Chapter 4
- Heat, Temperature, and Atmospheric Circulation
- Death Valley Hottest and driest place in North
America - 134F in 1913
- 2nd highest temperature
- ever recorded on Earth
- Summer 1996
- 40 successive days
- over 120F
- 105 successive
- days over 110F
- Causes
- Topographic setting
- Atmospheric circulation
- Intense solar radiation
3Driving Question
- What are the causes and consequence of heat
transfer within the Earth-atmosphere system? - Temperature
- One of the most common and important weather
variables used to describe the state of the
atmosphere - Heat
- Related to temperature
- How?
- How is heat transferred?
- How does heat affect atmospheric circulation?
- This chapter will answer these questions
4Distinguishing Temperature and Heat
- All matter is composed of molecules or particles
in continual vibrational, rotational, and/or
translational motion - The energy represented by this motion is called
kinetic energy - Temperature
- Directly proportional to the average kinetic
energy of atoms or molecules composing a
substance - Internal energy
- Encompasses all the energy in a substance
- Includes kinetic energy
- Also includes potential energy arising from
forces between atoms/molecules - Heat is energy in transit
- When two substances are brought together with
different kinetic energy, energy is always
transferred from the warmer object to the colder
5Temperature Scales
- Absolute zero is the temperature at which
theoretically all molecular motion ceases and no
electromagnetic radiation is emitted - Absolute zero -459.67F 273.15C 0 K
6Temperature Scales and Heat Units
- Temperature scales measure the degree of hotness
or coldness - Calorie amount of heat required to raise
temperature of 1 gram of water 1 Celsius degree - Different from food calorie, which is actually
1 kilocalorie - Joule more common in meteorology today
- 1 calorie 4.1868 joules
- British Thermal Units (BTU)
- The amount of energy required to raise 1 pound of
water 1 Fahrenheit degree - 1 BTU 252 cal 1055 J
7Measuring Air Temperature
- Thermometer
- Liquid in glass tube type
- Liquid is mercury or alcohol
- Bimetallic thermometer
- Two strips of metal with different
- expansion/contraction rates
- Electrical resistance
- thermometer
- Thermograph measures and
- records temperature
- Important properties
- Accuracy
- Response time
- Location is important
- Ventilated
- Shielded from weather
8Heat Transfer Processes
- Temperature gradient
- A change in temperature over distance
- Example the hot equator and cold poles
- Heat flows in response to a temperature gradient
- This is the 2nd law of thermodynamics
- Heat flows toward lower temperature so as to
eliminate the gradient - Heat flows/transfers in the
- atmosphere
- Radiation
- Conduction
- Convection
- Phase changes in water (latent heat)
- Radiation is both a form of energy and a means of
energy transfer - Radiation will occur even in a vacuum such as
space - Absorption of radiation by an object causes
temperature of object to rise - Converts electromagnetic energy to heat
- Absorption at greater rate than emission
- Radiational heating
- Emission at greater rate than absorption
- Radiational cooling
10Conduction and Convection
- Conduction
- Transfer of kinetic energy of atoms or molecules
by collision between neighboring atoms or
molecules - Heat conductivity
- Ratio of rate of heat transport across an area to
a temperature gradient - Some materials have a higher heat conductivity
than others - Solids (e.g., metal) are better conductors than
liquids, and liquids are better than gases (e.g.
air) - Conductivity is impaired by trapped air
- Examples fiberglass insulation and thick layer
of fresh snow
11Conduction and Convection
- A thick layer of snow is a good insulator
- because of air trapped between
- individual snowflakes. As snow settles,
- the snow covers insulating property
- diminishes
12Conduction and Convection
- Convection
- Consequence of differences in air density
- Transport of heat within a substance via the
movement of the substance itself - For this to occur, the substance must generally
be liquid or gas - This is a very important
- process for transferring heat in the atmosphere
- The convection cycle
- Ascending warm air expands, cools and eventually
sinks back to ground
13Phase Changes of Water
- Water absorbs or releases heat upon phase changes
- This is called latent heat
- Latent heating
- This is the movement of heat from one location to
another due to phase changes of water - Example evaporation of water, movement of vapor
by winds, condensation elsewhere
14Thermal Response and Specific Heat
- Temperature change caused by input/output of a
specified quantity of heat varies from substance
to substance - Specific heat
- The amount of heat required to raise 1 gram of a
substance 1 Celsius degree
15Thermal Inertia
- Thermal inertia is a resistance to a change in
temperature - A large body of water exhibits a greater
resistance to temperature change than land
because of difference in specific heat
16Maritime vs. Continental Climate
- A large body of water exhibits a greater
resistance to temperature change, called thermal
inertia, than does a landmass - Places immediately downwind of the ocean
experience much less annual temperature change
(maritime climate) than do locations well inland
(continental climate)
17Heat Imbalance Atmosphere vs. Earths Surface
- At the Earths surface, absorption of solar
radiation is greater than emission of infrared
radiation - In the atmosphere, emission of infrared radiation
to space is greater than absorption of solar
radiation - Therefore, the Earths surface has net
radiational heating, and the atmosphere has net
radiational cooling - But, the Earths surface transfers heat to the
atmosphere to make up for the loss
18Heat Imbalance Atmosphere vs. Earths Surface
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20Latent Heating
- Some of the absorbed solar radiation is used to
vaporize water at Earths surface - This energy is released to the atmosphere when
clouds form - Large amounts of heat are needed for phase
changes of water compared to other substances
21(No Transcript)
22Sensible Heating
- Heat transfer via conduction and convection can
be sensed by temperature change (sensible
heating) and measured by a thermometer - Sensible heating in the form of convectional
uplifts can combine with latent heating through
condensation to channel heat from Earths surface
into the troposphere - This produces cumulus clouds
- If it continues vertically in the atmosphere,
cumulonimbus clouds may form
23Bowen Ratio
- Describes how the energy received at the Earths
surface is partitioned between sensible heating
and latent heating - Bowen ratio (sensible heating)/(latent
heating) - At the global scale, this is (7 units)/(23
units) 0.3
24Heat Imbalance Tropics vs. Middle and
- We have seen in previous chapters how the Earths
surface is unevenly heated due to higher solar
altitudes in the tropics than at higher latitudes - This causes a temperature gradient, resulting in
heat transfer - Poleward heat transport is brought about through
- Air mass exchange
- Storms
- Ocean currents
25Heat Imbalance Tropics vs. Middle and
- Heat transport by air mass exchange
- North-South exchange of air masses transports
sensible heat from the tropics into the middle
and high latitudes - The properties of air mass depend on its source
region - Air masses modify as they move away from their
source region - Heat transport by storm
- Tropical storms and hurricanes are greater
contributors to poleward heat transport then
middle latitude cyclones - Heat transport by ocean circulation
- Contributes via wind-drive surface currents and
thermohaline circulation - The thermohaline circulation is the
density-driven movement of water masses - Transports heat energy, salt, and dissolved gases
over great distances and depths - Meridonal overturning circulation (MOC)
- At high latitudes, surface waters cool, sink and
flow southward as cold bottom water
26The Gulf Stream flows along the East Coast from
Florida to the Delaware coast
27Why Weather?
- Imbalances in radiational heating/cooling create
temperature gradients between - The Earths surface and the troposphere
- Low and high latitudes
- Heat is transported in the Earth-atmosphere
system to reduce temperature differences - A cause-and-effect chain starts with the sun, and
ends with weather - Some solar radiation is absorbed (converted to
heat), some is converted to kinetic energy - Winds are caused by this kinetic energy, as well
as convection currents and north-south exchange
of air masses - The rate of heat redistribution varies by season
- This causes seasonal weather and air circulation
28Variation of Air Temperature
- Radiational controls factors that affect local
radiation budget and air temperature - Time of day and time of the year
- Determines solar altitude and duration of
radiation received - Cloud cover
- Surface characteristics
- The annual temperature cycle represents these
variations - The annual temperature maximums and minimums do
not occur at the exact max/min of solar
radiation, especially in middle and high
latitudes - The atmosphere takes time to heat and cool
- Average lag time in U.S. 27 days. Can be up to
36 days with the maritime influence
29Variation of Air Temperature
- Daily temperature cycle
- Lowest temperature usually occurs just after
sunrise - Based on radiation alone, minimum temperature
would occur after sunrise when incoming radiation
becomes dominant - Highest temperature usually occurs in the early
to middle afternoon - Even though peak of solar radiation is around
noon, the imbalance in favor of incoming vs.
outgoing radiation continues after noon, and the
atmosphere continues to warm - Dry soil heats more rapidly than moist soil
- Less energy is used to evaporate water if little
water is present - More energy is therefore used to warm the Earth,
and consequently, the atmosphere - Relative humidity also affects the ability of
evaporation to occur
30Variation of Air Temperature
Annual Temperature Cycle
Daily Temperature Cycle
31Variation of Air Temperature
- Why is it so cold when snow is on the ground?
- Snow has a relatively high albedo
- Less energy absorbed by the surface and converted
to heat - Snow reduces sensible heating of overlying air
- Some of the available heat is used to vaporize
snow - Snow is an excellent infrared radiation emitter
- Nocturnal radiational cooling is extreme
- Especially when skies are clear
- Cooling is enhanced with light winds or calm
32Variation of Air Temperature
- Cold and warm air advection
- Air mass advection
- Horizontal movement of an air mass from one
location to another - Cold air advection
- Horizontal movement of colder air into a warmer
area - Arrow A on the next slide
- Warm air advection
- Horizontal movement of warmer air into a colder
area - Arrow B on the next slide
- Significance of air mass advection to local
temperature depends on - The initial temperature of the air new mass
- The degree of modification the air mass receives
as it travels over the Earths surface
33Variation of Air Temperature
- Cold Air Advection
- Warm Air Advection
34Anthropogenic Influence
- An urban heat island is an example of
anthropogenic influence on the - Earths climate
- An urban heat island is a city of warmth
- surrounded by cooler air
- Caused by
- Relative lack of moisture in the city
- More available heat from absorbed radiation is
used to raise the temperature of city surfaces
and less for evaporation of water - Greater concentration of heat sources in a city
(cars, air conditioners, etc) - Lower albedo of city surfaces
- Building materials conduct heat more readily than
soil and vegetation - Develop best on nights when the air is calm and
the sky is clear