Title: 4 Preliminary System Design
14 Preliminary System Design
- also known as advance development
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10Preliminary System Design
Preliminary system design extends the translation
of system-level requirements into design
requirements for the subsystem level,
configuration-item level, and below. Included is
an extension of functional analysis and
requirements allocation from the baseline
described in Section 3.6, to the depth needed to
identify specific requirements for hardware,
software, people, facilities, logistic support
elements, and related resources.
11Preliminary System Design
Trade-off studies are conducted and the results
described in the form of an allocated baseline
(i.e., development, product, process, and
material speci-fications). This chapter continues
the top-down approach and presents refined
functional analysis and allocation (refer to
Figure 2.4, Blocks 1.1 and 1.2), detailed
trade-off studies (Block 1.3), synthesis and
evaluation at the subsystem level (Blocks 1.4 and
1.5), and a final description of the major
elements of the system.
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13Functional Analysis
- As described previously functional analysis is
the iterative process of breaking down (or
decomposing) requirements from the system level,
to the subsystem level, and as far down the
hierarchical system structure as necessary to
describe functional interfaces and identify
resource needs adequately. These resources are in
the form of hardware, software, people,
facilities, data or combinations thereof. The
functional analysis evolves from an identified
need, the results of the feasibility analysis,
the definition of system operational
requirements, and the maintenance concept.
14Functional Analysis
- Functional flow diagrams (or functional block
diagrams) are developed to describe the system in
functional terms. These are developed to reflect
both operational and support activities as they
occur throughout the system life cycle, and they
are structured in a manner that illustrates the
hierarchal aspects of a system (see Figure 3.11).
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16Functional Analysis
The general sequence of steps leading from the
identification of a need to the functional
analysis is illustrated in Figure 4.3. Although
the functional block diagram covers events
through the entire life cycle, Block 9 has been
expanded to cover the operational scenario
illustrated (i.e.. fly aircraft from point A to
point B). This scenario may be decomposed into
segments, indicating the whats at a lower
level. Eventually, one needs to convert to the
"hows" resulting in the identification of a
specific UHF communication subsystem (refer to
Block 9.5.1).
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20Requirement Allocation
- Lower-level elements of the system are defined
by combining (or grouping) similar functions into
logical subdivisions, identifying major
subsystems, configuration units, and so forth
(refer to Figure 3.13). Figure 4.6 presents a
summary of this process, evolving from a
functional definition of System XYZ to the
packaging of the system into three units (i.e..
Unit A, Unit B and Unit C).
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22Requirement Allocation
- Given the "packaging" concept shown in Figure
4.6, it is now appropriate to apply the TPMs to
the units. The objective is to allocate the
system-level "design-to" requirements down to
Unit A, Unit B, and Unit C, and to develop
specific qualitative and quantitative "design-to"
requirements for each of the units (i.e., DDPs).
Figure 4.8 shows the results of an allocation of
System XYZ requirements to the unit level and the
assembly level. The objective is to establish
criteria or goals for the design, or procurement
of the three units and the assemblies.
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24Requirement Allocation
- The purpose of allocation is to provide
guidelines to assist design engineers develop or
select a product (equipment, software, personnel,
data, etc.) that will ultimately be compatible
with, and contribute to meeting system-level
requirements. That is, when combining and
integrating the units in Figure 4.8, the results
must be in compliance with system requirements.
This usually requires an iterative process
because it may not always be possible to meet the
allocated parameter values with the available
technology exactly. Trade-offs are made, the
allocations are revised as necessary, and the
best approach is defined as a model.
25Engineering Design Technologies
- To design is to project and evaluate ideas for
bringing a needed system or product into being.
For the design process to yield a good result,
numerous abstractions (design alternatives) must
be formulated and evaluated. This must be
accomplished accurately, with relative ease, and
in a limited time. The design team needs to
converge to a final design which meets the need
effectively and efficiently. Several
computer-based technologies are emerging to
facilitate this design assurance. - CAD, CAED, CAD / CAM and CALS
26Synthesis and Design Definition
- Synthesis refers to the combining and
structuring of parts and elements in such a
manner so as to form a functional entity. System
synthesis is achieved when sufficient preliminary
design progress has been made and trade-off
studies have been accomplished to confirm and
assure the completeness of system performance and
other design requirements (as allocated for
detail design).
27System Design Reviews
- Design is a progression from a defined need to
an entity that will perform a useful function in
a satisfactory manner. Design involves through a
series of stages conceptual design, preliminary
system design, and detail design and development.
In each major stage of the design process, an
evaluative function is accomplished to ensure
that the design is in compliance with the
specified requirements before proceeding with the
next stage. Deviations are noted, and the
necessary corrective action should be initiated
as appropriate.