Title: Preliminary Airworthiness
1- Preliminary Airworthiness
- Design Review for FIFI LS
- (Field-Imaging Far-Infrared Line Spectrometer)
- 15 December 1998
2- Overview
- Albrecht Poglitsch
- 15 December 1998
3The FIFI LS Team
- MPE Garching
- PI Albrecht Poglitsch
- CoIs Norbert Geis (Instrument Scientist)
- Reinhard Genzel (MPE director)
- Leslie Looney (Project Scientist)
- Dieter Lutz
- Linda Tacconi
- Engineers H. Dohnalek (Design engineer,
cryo/mechanics) - G. Kettenring (Support engineer, FE
modeling) - J. Niekerke (Electrical Engineer, control
electronics) - G. Pfaller (Head of MPE machine shop)
- M. Rumitz (Electrical engineer, readout
electronics) - H. Wang (Electrical engineer, control SW/HW)
- Students Dirk Rosenthal (Detector development)
- Walfried Raab (Cryostat definition, grating,
optics) - Alexander Urban (Detector readout testing)
4The FIFI LS Team (cont.)
- Univ. of Jena
- CoI Thomas Henning
- Student Randolf Klein (Software user
interface, data analysis)
5FIFI LS Overview
- PI Instrument for SOFIA
- Wavelength ranges 42-110 mm 110-210 mm
- Resolution 0.03-0.1 mm ( 175 km/s)
- Instantaneous spectral coverage 1300 - 3000 km/s
- Two 2516 GeGa photoconductor arrays
- 55 (spatial pixels) 16 (spectral channels)
- Built by MPE Garching / Univ. Jena, Germany
6System Overview
7FIFI LS Instrument
8FIFI LS Instrument
- Cryostats and vacuum vessel built from Aluminum
5083 (AlMg4.5Mn) (TBD for vacuum vessel) - Indium sealed stainless steel necks
- Work surfaces attached to bottom of cryostats
- Work surfaces are not part of cryostats
- Work surfaces connected via fiberglass tabs
- Optic components mounted on work surface and
surrounded by sheet aluminum cryogenic shields
11- Schedule
- Norbert Geis
- 15 December 1998
12FIFI LS Schedule
13- Functional Hazard Analysis I
- Alexander Urban
- 15 December 1998
14Analysis Overview
- I.Cryogenic Issues
- 1.Quiescent cryogen boil-off
- Cabin oxygen goes from 21 to 20.7
- 2.Rapid cryogen boil-off, worst case
- Cabin oxygen goes from 21 to 19.5
- 3.Vacuum vessel overpressure
- Use room temperature pressure relief devices
- 4.Cryogen can overpressure
- Use double neck design with warm pressure relief
15 Analysis Overview
- II.Structural Issues
- 5.Estimated Masses
- Total weight including cart 595 kg
- Total weight w/o cart 490 kg
- 6.g-loading
- 7.Containment analysis
- 8.Structural analysis
- Finite Element analysis will be performed
- 9. Lasers and Gases
- Possible use of class IIIb or less alignment
laser - No noxious gases used in FIFI LS
16Cryogen Boil-off
- 1.Quiescent Cryogenic Boil-Off
- Assumptions
- Cabin volume 866 m3 (30000 ft3)
- Must have O2 ³ 19.5 of cabin air
- 8 hours flight
- Gas generation rate
- 1l LHe produces 0.7 m3 gaseous He at room T, P
- 1l LN2 produces 0.65 m3 gaseous N2 at room T, P
- 36l LHe (main LHe cryostat) estimated hold time
75 h gt 0.48 l/h - 2.8l LHeII (HeII cryostat) pumping time 18 h gt
0.15 l/h - 30l LN2 estimated hold time 29 h gt
1.03 l/h
17 Cryogen Boil-off
- For 8 hour flight, total boil-off is
- (0.48 l/h)(8h) 3.8l LHe gt 2.7 m3 gaseous He
- (0.15 l/h)(8h) 1.2l LHeII gt 0.8 m3 gaseous He
- (1.03 l/h)(8h) 8.2l LN2 gt 5.3 m3 gaseous N2
- Corrected for reduced pressure in cabin (4/3 V0)
- 4.7 m3 He and 7.0 m3 N2
- Impact on cabin oxygen is
- 21 (1 - 11.7/866) 20.7
- This is above the minimum of 19.5 and assumes no
ongoing recirculation
18 Cryogen Boil-off
- 2.Rapid Cryogen Boil-Off After Loss of Vacuum
- Assumption
- 39l LHe and 30l LN2 boil-off instantly
- Gas generation rate
- 39l LHe produces 27.3 m3 gaseous He at room T, P
- 30l LN2 produces 19.5 m3 gaseous N2 at room T, P
- Corrected for reduced pressure in cabin (4/3 V0)
- 36.4 m3 He and 26 m3 N2
- Effect on cabin O2
- 21 (1 - 62.4/866) 19.5
- This fulfills the requirement of 19.5 and
assumes no ongoing recirculation
19 Vacuum Vessel Overpressure
- 3.Vacuum Vessel Overpressure
- Vacuum vessel is not strong enough to contain all
cryogen at room temperature - Warm pressure relief devices on vacuum vessel
- Commercial spring-loaded relief device
- Opens at 0.1 bar (TBD) differential
- pressure
20 Cryogen Vessel Overpressure
- 4.Cryogen Vessel Overpressure
- None of the cryogen vessels are strong enough to
contain all cryogen at room temperature - LN2 Vessel
- Two independent necks
- Bleed valve at one neck
- Two warm pressure relief devices at other neck
opens at 0.1 bar (TBD) and 0.5 (TBD) differential
pressure - No need for cold pressure relief device or double
neck insert - Main LHe Vessel and Auxiliary LHe Vessel
- Use of double neck inserts
21Double Neck Inserts
- Two independent tubes to LHe cryostats
- Total diameter of tubes
- Main LHe Cryostat 2.6 cm
- Auxiliary LHe Cryostat 1.6 cm
- One way valves are at room temperature
- Insert removed during LHe transfer (on ground)
- Red tag procedure guarantees installation of
double neck inserts before flight - During pumping on LHe
- Additional warm pressure relief device in pump
line if necessary
22Double Neck Inserts
23Double Neck Insert
- He Boil-Off
- Maximum boil-off in case of vacuum failure
- Assume
- Heat input of 1W per cm2 of cryostat wetted by
LHe () - Total surface of LHe (LHeII) cryostat is 7500 cm2
(1300 cm2) - gt total heat input is 7500W (1300 W)
- Temperature of outflowing gas 6 K
- Density of He gas at 6 K is 8 kg/m3
- 1W heat input generates 6.210-3 l/s of He gas
- gt total generated volume of He gas is 47 l/s (8
l/s) - () W. Lehmann, G.Zahn, Safety Aspects for LHe
Cryostats and LHeTransport containers, ICEC 7
Procs., 1978,569-579
24Double Neck Insert
- Characterization of Flow
- Assumption Neck is dominant impediment to flow
- Maximum velocity of flow is speed of sound
- Sound speed in He gas at 6 K is 145 m/s
- Assume
- Cross section of neck is 5.3 cm2 (2 cm2)
- Mean velocity of flow is (generated gas)/(cross
section of neck) - (0.047 m3/s)/(5.310-4 m2) 89 m/s (40
m/s) - gt velocity of flow is 60 (28) of sound speed
- Viscosity of He gas at 6 K is 210-6 Pas
- Reynolds number in tube is 9106 (2.6106)
- gt Flow in neck is turbulent
25Double Neck Insert
- Pressure Rise
- Pressure in LHe cryostat is p1 a (a2
p22)1/2 () - p2 ambient pressure 105 Pa
- a (llrv)/(2d)
- Tube drag number l 7.2310-3 (8.610-3)
- Length of neck l 0.23 m
- Mean velocity of flow v 89 m/s (40 m/s)
- Diameter of neck d 2.6 cm (1.6 cm)
- Pressure in LHe cryostat is 1.017105 Pa
(1.007105 Pa) giving a differential pressure of
0.017 bar (0.007 bar) - () According to Willi Bohl,Technische
Strömungslehre, Vogel-Verlag, 1978
26- Functional Hazard Analysis II
- Walfried Raab
- 15 December 1998
27Mass Budget
- 5. Estimated Masses
- Vacuum vessel 259 kg
- Cryostat mount 50 kg
- Electronic boxes 30 kg
- Cart 105 kg
- Optics 20 kg
- Cryogen vessels N2 84 kg
- (including Cryogens) LHe (4K) 45 kg
- LHe (2K) 1.4 kg
- Total weight 595 kg
- Total weight w/o cart 490 kg
28Center of Gravity
- 550 mm from TA flange
- along beam
- 400 mm above beam axis
- 6. g-Loading
- Mass of mounted Instrument (m) 490 kg
- Thickness of FIFI LS-flange (t) 20 mm
- Number of bolts (n) 13
- Bolt circle diameter (Bc) 990 mm
- Bolt diameter (Dbolt) 12 mm
- Number of shear pins 2(4)
- Shear pin diameter (Dpin) 25.4 mm
- Shear pin circle diameter (Dpi) 990 mm
- According to MIL-HDBK5G using the A-Basis for
Aluminum 5083 - Ultimate shear strength (FSu) 11500 N/cm2
- Ultimate tensile strength (Ftu) 18390 N/cm2
- Bearing yield stress allowable (Fbru) 27560
30Nasmyth Flange
31Nasmyth Flange
32 Flange Failure at Pin Inserts
- Flange failure modes at pin inserts are
- a) bearing failure and
- b) flange failure in tension
- Assumptions for both scenarios
- Entire shear load is reacted on two pins
- Highest tension is reacted on 3 and 9 oclock
pins - Relevant emergency loads are 5g upward and 6g
downward - Maximum load is 490 kg (6g) gt 29400 N
- Tension load per pin is 14700 N
33Bearing Failure
- a) Bearing Failure
- Failure mode is yielding of the contact area
between the pin and the flange with deformation
of the flange material - Calculation of bearing failure
- Abr bearing area 2.2 cm x 1.7 cm 3.74 cm2
- fbr tensile stress 14700 N/3.74 cm2 3930
N/cm2 - M.S. (Fbru/fbr) - 1 (27560/3930) - 1 6
34Flange Failure in Tension
SI flange
dowel pin
35 Flange Failure in Tension
- b) Flange Failure in Tension
- Failure mode is rending of the flange material at
the smallest cross section - Calculation of Flange Failure
- ft tensile stress P/A
- P tension load 14700 N
- A area in tension (13.5)(2) cm2 27 cm2
- ft 14700/27 544 N/cm2
- M.S. (Ftu/ft) - 1 (18390/544) - 1 33
36 Bolt Hole Shear Tear-Out
- Two basic types of bolts
- Instrument bolts (2)
- barrel nuts in instrument ribs
- Cradle bolts (11)
- use of caged nuts provided
- by observatory
37 Bolt Hole Shear Tear-Out
- Flange material needs to react to the forward
loading and the moments created by vertical and
lateral loads - Forward load
- Equally divided over all 13 bolts assuming
- 9 g-loading
- Pf forward shear load per bolt
- 490 kg (9g)/13 3390 N
- Moments created by vertical load
- Highest at topmost bolts
- Reacted equally on 2 instrument bolts
- Pv moment due to vertical load per bolt
- Pv 490 kg (6g)(55/40)/2 20200 N
- gt Vertical loading yields much higher bolt load
38 Bolt Hole Shear Tear-Out
- Instrument Bolts
- Barrel nut shear tear-out
- Pv shear load 490 kg (6g)(55/40)/2 20200 N
- Abr shear area Dpinl 3cm5cm 15 cm2
- fbr tensile stress Pv/Abr 20200 N/15 cm2
1350 N/cm2 - M.S. (Fbru/fbr) - 1 (27560/1350) - 1 19.5
39 Bolt Hole Shear Tear-Out
- Instrument Bolts
- Rib failure in tension
- Pv tension load 20200 N
- As tension area (5cm - 3cm) 5cm 10 cm2
- fs tensile stress Pv/As 20200N/10cm2 2020
N/cm2 - M.S. (Fsu/fs) - 1 (11500/2020) - 1 4.7
40Bolt Failure
- Cradle bolts 1/2, provided by observatory
- Instrument bolts M12, provided by team
- steel alloy 10.9 57400 N ultimate strength
- Highest load on single instrument bolt is 20200 N
- M.S. (57400/20200) - 1 1.8
41 Bolt Hole Shear Tear-Out
- Cradle bolts
- Forward load
- Equally divided over all 11 bolts assuming 9
g-loading - Pf forward shear load per bolt 490 kg (9g)/11
4000 N - Moments created by vertical load
- Highest at topmost bolts
- Reacted equally on 2 bolts
- Pv moment due to vertical load per bolt
- Pv 490 kg (6g)(55/60)/2 13500 N
- gt Vertical loading yields much higher bolt load
42 Bolt Hole Shear Tear-Out
- Cradle bolts
- fs tensile stress Pv/As
- Pv shear load 13500 N
- As shear area Dboltpt 1.2 cmp2 cm
7.54 cm2 - Dbolt bolt diameter, t flange thickness
- fs 13500/7.54 1790 N/cm2
- M.S. (Fsu/fs) - 1 (11500/1790) - 1 5.4
43Containment Analysis
- 7. Containment Analysis
- Loose Objects inside the vacuum vessel cannot
attain the gate valve - Most parts are too big to fit through cryostat
window - Vacuum tight polyethylene window
- All screws inside boresight box secured by wires
or equivalent
44Structural Analysis
- 8. Structural Analysis
- Not completed as of 15 December 1998
- Finite element analysis will be made for critical
45Lasers and Gases
- 9. Lasers and Gases
- No noxious Gases used in FIFI LS
- Possible use of class IIIb or less alignment laser
46- Electrical Hazard Analysis
- Leslie Looney
- 15 December 1998
47Electronic System Overview
- Instrument mounted electronics will be packaged
within aluminum enclosures - Cables to/from cryostat will be internal to
enclosure - All high speed signals will be on fiber
- All copper cables will be shielded with overall
braid - All external connectors will be military style
when appropriate - All systems will be properly shielded, fused, and
48Electronic System Overview
- Teflon or Tefzel insulated wire will be used in
custom electronics and interconnects - Battery system will be used to insure proper
shutdown of read-out electronics
49Electronics Overview
50 Warm Read-Out Electronics
- Two aluminum enclosures mounted on instrument
(one for each detector array) - Contains amplifiers, multiplexers, and A/Ds
- All electronics are custom
- No high speed signals on copper cables between SI
rack and PI rack 4 MHz output signal on fiber - Clock (2 MHz on coax from SI rack to SI 10 kHz)
and Sync ( 0.6 kHz) signals from SI rack - End of scan (EOS) signal ( 0.6 kHz) to SI rack
- DC power on Tefzel cable (24 V _at_ 3A 12 V _at_ 3A)
with a battery backup to insure proper shutdown
51Grating Encoder
- Two aluminum enclosures mounted on instrument
(one for each detector array) - Contains grating position electronics and medium
voltage power to control PZTs - All custom electronics
- Power supplied on Tefzel insulated cable
52Guiding Camera and Driver
- COTS CCD camera (and COTS camera driver, TBD) in
aluminum enclosure mounted on instrument - Fiber optic link to dedicated COTS PC computer at
PI rack - BNC coax link to monitor in PI rack/video
distribution system - PC computer will control guiding camera and
receive data output - PC computer linked to VX real-time computer in PI
53Master Clock
- A programmable ( 2 MHz) frequency standard that
is used to derive other clock standards in
instrument - Sends clock signals ( 16 kHz) to the Controller,
Grating Driver, Chopper Driver, and K Mirror
Driver - Sends clock ( 10 kHz) and sync signals ( 0.6
kHz) to both detectors - Mounted in SI rack
- All connections are Teflon insulated shielded
copper cables
54Mechanism Drivers
- Custom electronic drivers for Chopper, K Mirror,
and two Gratings - Commanded by the controller
- Aluminum enclosures in the SI rack
- Teflon insulated, shielded cable used for signal
55Hardware Controller
- Hardware controller in an aluminum enclosure in
SI rack - Commanded by the VX real-time computer
- Controls the Master Clock frequency and sync
signals - Controls the Grating, Chopper, and K Mirror
- COTS VX Real Time computer in VME crate at PI
rack - Primary control computer
- Data from both detectors received via fiber cable
- Performs some data processing
- Commands Controller via shielded copper cables
- Communicates to Windows NT workstation via
Ethernet bus - COTS Windows NT computer in VME crate at PI rack
- Used at SI rack by personnel to monitor SI
- Update of instrument status
- Detector data inquires
- Data from camera guider through the PC
- Sends request to the TA control through the MCCS
- Batteries used to ensure proper shutdown of
sensitive read-out electronics. - Battery size and type TBD
- Batteries will be mounted in SI rack in
containment enclosure
58- Stress Analysis
- Norbert Geis
- 15 December 1998
59 Stress Analysis Cryostat
- Four components need to be analyzed
- Vacuum container
- Nitrogen vessel
- Main Helium vessel
- Auxiliary Helium vessel
- Preliminary Analysis with Structural formula
- First article testing on above components is
planned - No certification of welding
- Witnessed burst-pressure test
- Finite Element Analysis using Pro/Mechanica will
be performed on components which are impractical
to test
60 Vessel Design/Analysis
- Avoid sophisticated analysis and certification of
electron beam welding shop by witnessed burst
test of all vessels to 3 times the maximum
operating (differential) pressure - Maximum operating pressure defined by relief
valves, including margin for tolerance in relief
pressure - Verify design with analytical calculation / FEM
analysis to withstand burst test without
permanent deformation - Operating differential pressure ( margin) for
- vacuum vessel 0.1 (0.05) bar
- nitrogen vessel 1.1 (0.05) bar
- main helium vessel 1.1 (0.05) bar
- auxiliary helium vessel 1.1 (0.05) bar
61Vacuum Container
- Material (TBD) certified 5083 Aluminum (Al Mg
4.5 Mn) - Light weight construction
- Consists of 3 main parts
- Top shell
- Middle part
- Base shell
- Each main part milled
- O-ring seals between main parts
62Vacuum Container
top shell
middle part
base shell
63 Vacuum Container Analysis
- Top shell Dimensions
- length l 860 mm
- loaded area
- A 1376 cm2
- pressure 1 bar
64 Vacuum Container Analysis
- Highest stress occurs at top shell
- Stress analysis on cross bar
- f tensile stress M/W
- M bending moment ql2/8
- q Ap/l 16 kp/cm
- M (16)(86)2/8 kpcm 147920 Ncm
- W moment of resistivity I/c 26 cm3
- I Moment of inertia c distance from neutral
axis - f 147920/26 5690 N/cm2
- M.S. (17430/5690) - 1 2
- All formulas from Formeln der Technik, Heinrich
Netz, G. Westermann, 1960
65Nitrogen Vessel
- Material 5083 Aluminum (AlMg4.5Mn)
- Eccentric cylindrical shape
- Main body milled
- Top plates electron beam welded to main body
- Dimensions
- Outer diameter 830 mm
- Inner diameter 348 mm
- Height 109 mm
- Volume 30 l
66 Nitrogen Cryostat
67Nitrogen Vessel
- Structural analysis is applied to weakest cross
bar - Dimensions
- length l 210 mm
- width b 140 mm
- assumed pressure p 3.5 bar
68Nitrogen Vessel
- f tensile stress M/W
- M bending moment ql2/8
- q Ap/l 49 kp/cm
- M (49)(21)2/8 kpcm 27000 Ncm
- W moment of resistivity 3.6 cm3
- f 27000/3.6 7500 N/cm2
- M.S. (18390/7500) - 1 1.5
69Main Helium Vessel
- Material 5083 Aluminum (AlMg4.5Mn)
- Dome shaped to enhance pressure stability
- made on lathe from single block
- Base plate electron beam welded to dome
- Dimensions
- Diameter 560 mm
- Max. Height 227 mm
- Volume 36 l
70 Main Helium Vessel
71Main Helium Vessel
- Dome Shape
- Wall thickness t 0.5 mm
- Constructed with two overlapping radii
- Structural Analysis applied to three critical
Points - A Point at base plate
- B Intersection of the
- radii R1 and R2
- C Point on radius R1
p 3.5 bar
72Main Helium Vessel
- Two independent directions of stress on surface
- meridian stress
- horizontal stress
- For each of the points A,B,C the higher stress is
considered - Point A fm gt fh
- Point B fm lt fh
- Point C fm fh
73Main Helium Vessel
- Stress at point A
- fA meridian tensile stress pR0/2t
- fA (3.5)(28)/2(0.5) kp/cm2 980 N/cm2
- M.S. ( Ftu/fA) - 1 (18390/980) - 1 17.8
- Stress at point B
- fB horizontal tensile stress pR1(2-R1/R2)/2t
- fB (3.5)(86)(2-86/16) /2(0.5) kp/cm2
10150 N/cm2 - M.S. ( Ftu/fB) - 1 (18390/ 10150) - 1 0.8
- Stress at point C
- fC meridian tensile stress pR1/2t
- fC (3.5)(86)/2(0.5) kp/cm2 3010 N/cm2
- M.S. ( Ftu/fC) - 1 (18390 /3010) - 1 5.1
74Main Helium Vessel
- Circular Base Plate
- Dimensions
- Radius R0 280 mm
- Height h 30 mm
- fbp tensile stress 1.24 pR02/h2
- fbp 1.24(3.5)(28)2/(3)2 kp/cm2 3780 N/cm2
- M.S. (Ftu/ftp) - 1 (18390/3780) - 1 3.9
75 Auxiliary Helium Vessel
- Material 5083 Aluminum (AlMg4.5Mn)
- Closed cylinder
- Top and base plate electron beam welded to
cylindrical walls - Dimensions
- Vessel radius R 146 mm
- Vessel height H 213 mm
- Volume 1.8 l
76 Auxiliary Helium Vessel
p 3.5 bar
77 Auxiliary Helium Vessel
- Circular Top Plate
- Top plate thickness ttp 12 mm
- ftp tensile stress of top plate 1.24 pR2/ttp2
- ftp 1.24(3.5)(7.3)2/(1.2)2 kp/cm2 1606 N/cm2
- M.S. (Ftu/ftp)-1 (18390/1606) - 1 10.5
- Circular Base Plate
- Base plate thickness tbp 20 mm
- fbp tensile stress of base plate 1.24
pR2/tbp2 - fbp 1.24(3.5)(7.3)2/(2)2 kp/cm2 578 N/cm2
- M.S. (Ftu/ftp) - 1 (18390 /578) - 1 30.8
78 Auxiliary Helium Vessel
- Cylindrical Walls
- Cylinder wall thickness tcyl 2 mm
- fcyl tensile stress in vessel wall pR/tcyl
- fcyl (3.5)(7.3)/0.2 1278 N/cm2
- M.S. (Ftu/fcyl) - 1 (18390 /1278) - 1 13.4
79 Composite Material Tabs
- Made from GFRP/CFRP (TBD)
- Provide thermal isolation and precise positioning
for cryogen vessels - Three types of tabs
- LN2-tabs between Vacuum Vessel and LN2 plate
- LHe-tabs between LN2 plate and LHe plate
- LHeII- tabs between LHe plate and LHeII plate
- Number of tabs 4 of each type
- Failure of tabs would impair instrument
performance and lead to increased cryogen
boil-off - Load is highest on LN2-tabs
- Structural Formula Analysis shown here as an
80 Example LN2-Tabs
LN2 tab
LHe tab
LHe II tab
81Example LN2-Tabs
- Tab shear failure
- Failure mode is shear of the tab along width
- 9g forward load is applied on two tabs
- Dimensions
- Width w 9.5 cm
- Effective height or distance between bolt holes h
4.2 cm - Thickness t 0.2 cm
- fs shear stress per tab ½(M/W)
- M bending moment 150 kg (9g)4.2 cm 56700
Ncm - W moment of resistivity tw2/6
(0.2)(9.5)2/6 3 cm3 - fs (1/2)(56700/3) 9450 N/cm2
- M.S. (Fsu/fs) -1 (27560/9450) - 1 1.9
82Example LN2-Tabs
- Tab buckling
- Failure mode is buckling of the tab
- 6g downward load is applied on four tabs
- Ultimate buckling stress allowable
- Fbu ultimate buckling stress kE(t/l)2
- k buckling factor 8.9 (According to DIN
4114) - E elastic modulus of fiberglass at 4 K
7.5105 N/cm2 - Fbu (8.9)(7.5105)(0.2/9.5)2 2950 N/cm2
83Example LN2-Tabs
- Buckling stress
- Tab cross section A 1.9 cm2
- F force per tab 150 kg (6g)/4 2250 N
- f buckling stress F/A 1180 N/cm2
- M.S. (Fbu/fb) - 1 (2950/1180) -1 1.5
84Hard Stops
- Fiber tabs from non-certified material
- Hard stops at each fiber tab
- Made from 5083 Aluminum (AlMg4.5Mn)
- Hard stops treated as nominal support system
- Failure of tabs under limit loads considered
non-critical - Stops are recessed into work surfaces to take up
shear forces - Finite Element Analysis of hard stops will be
performed - Analysis with structural formulas shown here
- Failure modes considered
- Shear tear under 9g forward load
- Failure in tension under 9g forward load
- Shear tear under 6g downward load
- Failure in tension under 6g downward load
85 Hard Stops
LN2 plate
LHe plate
86Hard Stops Analysis
- Analysis for 9g forward load
- Assume
- Main LHe container and auxiliary LHe container
accelerating at 9g for a distance of Lr 0.5 mm - Mass of object mobj 56 kg
- v speed at hard stop (29gLr)1/2 0.3 m/s
- T kinetic energy ½mobjv2 260 Ncm
87Hard Stops Analysis
- Shear Analysis (9g forward)
- Dimensions of hard stop
- bstop width 2.4 cm
- wstop thickness 3.5 cm gt Shear area Astop
8.4 cm2 - hstop height 1 cm
- Assume
- Shear load is equally divided on two hard stops
- GAl Shear modulus of Aluminum 0.385E
2,772,000 N/cm2 - Fstop force on stops (1/nstop)(2TobjAstopGA
l/hstop)1/2 55000 N - fshear shear stress Fstop/Astop 6550 N/cm2
- M.S. (Fsu/fshear) - 1 (11500/6550) - 1 0.7
88Hard Stops Analysis
- Failure in Tension (9g forward)
- fbend bending stress Mstop/Wstop
- Mstop bending moment Fstophstop 55000 Ncm
- Wstop moment of resistivity bw2/6
- Wstop (2.4)(3.5)2/6 4.9 cm3
- fbend 55000/4.9 11220 N/cm2
- M.S. (Ftu/fbending) - 1 (18390/11220) - 1
89Hard Stops Analysis
- Analysis for 6g downward load
- Assume
- Main LHe container and auxiliary LHe container
accelerating at 6g for a distance of Lr 1 mm - Mass of object mobj 56 kg
- v speed at hard stop (26gLr)1/2 0.35 m/s
- T kinetic energy ½mobjv2 343 Ncm
90Hard Stops Analysis
- Shear Analysis (6g downward)
- Dimensions of hard stop
- bstop width 2 cm
- wstop thickness 1.5 cm gt Shear area
Astop 3 cm2 - hstop height 0.4 cm
- Assume
- Shear load is equally divided on eight hard stops
- GAl Shear modulus of Aluminum 0.385E
2,772,000 N/cm2 - Fstop force on Stops (1/nstop)(2TobjAstopGA
l/hstop)1/2 15000 N - fshear shear stress Fstop/Astop 4975 N/cm2
- M.S. (Fsu/fshear) - 1 (11500/4975) - 1 1.3
91Hard Stops Analysis
- Failure in Tension (6g downward)
- fbend bending stress Mstop/Wstop
- Mstop bending moment Fstophstop 6000 Ncm
- Wstop moment of resistivity bw2/6
- Wstop (2)(1.5)2/6 0.75 cm3
- fbend 6000/0.75 8000 N/cm2
- M.S. (Ftu/fbending) - 1 (18390/8000) - 1 1.3
92- Miscellaneous Items
- Dirk Rosenthal
- 15 December 1998
93Cryostat mount
- Light weight construction made of 5083 Aluminum
(AlMg4.5Mn) - No welding
- All components joined by rivets, bolts and pins
- Just mechanical support
- Pressure seal provided by stainless steel bellows
- Finite Element Analysis will be performed
94Cryostat mount
95Cryostat mount
96 Pressure Coupling Device
- Provides pressure seal between FIFI LS and gate
valve - Double O-ring sealed snout
- Stainless steel bellows
- Aluminum tube to protect bellows from mechanical
97 Pressure Coupling Device
98 Boresight box
- Splits off visible from IR light
- Optically aligns FIFI LS to Telescope axis
- Contains
- Dichroic filter
- Optical mirror
- Adjustment mechanisms
- Optical lens ( pressure window)
- Pressure inside is stratospheric pressure
- Pump port required
- Sealed off before take-off
99 Boresight box
polyethylene window
pressure coupling device
dichroic filter
100 Electronic Enclosures
- Six electronic enclosures mounted to instrument
- Working on appropriate mounting techniques
- Will use certified materials
- Finite element analysis of stresses at critical
areas for g-loading will be performed
101Electronic Enclosures
102 Electronic Enclosures (cont.)
103SI Cart
- Used to transport FIFI LS into airplane and to
lift onto (already installed) cryostat mount
(cradle) - Four rotatable and securable wheels with brakes
- Hand-operated lifting mechanism
- Four lever arms
- Threaded control rods
- In transport configuration FIFI LS bolted to cart
- Low center of gravity gt stable configuration
- Technical data
- Mass 105 kg
- Wheel track 750 mm
- Overall center of gravity above ground 970 mm
104SI Cart
105SI Cart
106- FIFI LS Operations
- Dirk Rosenthal
- 15 December 1998
107FIFI LS Operations
- Document will be produced to govern instrument
set-up and maintenance - Steps for routine, ongoing inspections
- Precool safety check-list
- Installation and removal procedures
- On-board cryogen refill procedures
- In-flight operations
- Procedure for access to SI/SI-Rack during flight
- Warm-up process
108Operations Preparation
- Arrival at destination
- Check shipping crates for coarse damage
- Open-up cryostat
- Visual inspection of entire system
- Inspect cryostat window
- Check for frayed cables, loose hardware, etc.
- Check for missing system components
- Check GFRP/CFRP supports
- Inspect batteries
- Re-assemble cryostat
109Operations Cool down
- Check for water in cryogen cans
- Remove if necessary
- Pump out vacuum space
- Use roughing pump to reach coarse vacuum
- Use turbo pumps to reach end vacuum
- Leak check vacuum vessel and cryogen cans on 1st
cool-down of each flight series - Transfer LN2 into LN2 cryostat
- Transfer LN2 into LHe cryostat
- Refill both cans when empty
- Remove N2 from LHe cryostat
- Transfer LHe in LHe cryostat
- Refill LHe and LN2 cans as needed
110 Operations System checks
- Check out electronics
- Verify detector health
- Verify functionality of mechanisms
- Perform laboratory calibration measurements
111Operations SIL
- Attach system to simulator
- Use SI cart to bring cryostat to mounting plate
- Installation procedure as on airplane
- PI rack and SI rack needed (SI rack close to
flange) - Perform alignment and functionality tests on
simulator - Remove system from simulator
- Disconnect cables, fiber links, pump lines
- Transfer cryostat to SI cart
112Operations TA
- Install cradle to Nasmyth flange
- Cradle can be lifted/positioned manually
- Fasten nuts bolts
- Install FIFI LS on cradle and flange
- Use installation SI cart to lift and position
instrument on cradle - Push into docking position and insert tighten
screws - Connect all cables and fiber optics links
- Perform verification tests with MCCS
- Transfer LN2 and LHe as necessary
- Bring LN2 and LHe storage dewars on plane
- Fill cans to capacity
- Perform daily inspection of system for anything
unusual or noteworthy
113Operations In-flight
- Access to instrument during routine operations
- Turn filter wheel
- Done by turning knobs
- Reaching over safety rail probably OK
- Caged telescope probably OK, but not desired
- Troubleshooting (diagnostics)
- Sometimes requires access inside safety rail
- Examples
- Swapping electronic boards (inside)
- Reseating components (inside)
- Cycling power (outside)
- Probing voltages (some of both)
- Need to establish guidelines for whats allowed
114 Operations End of flight series
- Disconnect all cables and fiber optic links at
end of observing run - Remove system from telescope
- Remove FIFI LS from cradle and flange with cart
- Remove cradle from Nasmyth flange
- Return system back to lab
- Perform any post run checks if necessary
- Allow system to warm up
- Place one way valves on both fill ports to
prevent water condensation into cryogen cans - Place into shipment crates
115- Documentation
- Albrecht Poglitsch
- 15 December 1998
- List of required documents
- Drawing list
- Material Certification Records
- Control Documents
117Documentation List
- List of documents to produce
- Operations Control Documents
- Continued Airworthiness Document
- Electronics Documentation
- Hydrostatic Test Plan
- EMC/EMI Test Plan
- Final Conformity Test Plan
- Drawings Package
- Stress Analysis Report
- Functional Hazard Analysis
- Instrument Maintenance Manual
118Documentation, Drawings
- Certification Logbooks
- Layout
- 100 Introduction and General Instrument
Specifications - 200 Documentation, master index
- 300 Mechanical Specifications
- 400 Electrical Specifications
- 500 Functional Hazard Analysis
- 600 Instrument Installations and Operations
- 700 Continued Airworthiness and Maintenance Plan
- 800 Stress Analysis
- 900 Correspondence with the FAA IPT
119Drawing Docs Continued
- 1000 Correspondence with FAA DERs
- 1100 Correspondence with FAA DARs
- 1200 Drawing log and actual drawings
- 1400 Conformity paperwork
- 1500 Test plans
- Drawing numbering guidelines
- F-(OP)-(zzz)-S
- F implies FIFI LS
- O implies major category
- P and Q are sub categories
- zzz is the drawing number
- S implies the drawing size (numeral)
120Drawing Docs Continued
- Subcategories of A
- 1 Assemblies, block diagrams
- 2 Cryostat
- 3 Mount
- 4 Electronic Boxes
- 5 Calibration Box
- 6 Cart
- 7 Electronic Drawings
- 8 Control documents
121Drawing Docs Continued
- Example F-235-003-3 could translate as
- 2 Cryostat
- 3 Helium Temperature Component
- 5 Grating Drive
- 003 Drawing 003
- 3 Drawing size DIN A3
- Duplicate set of drawings kept at MPE at all times
- Design documentation in certification logbooks
- Certification papers on file (material and
hardware) - Correspondence on file (project, DERs, DARs)
123Control Documents
- Operations control documents
- Regular operation
- Failure handling
- Continued airworthiness documents