Title: Team Name Preliminary Design Review
1Team NamePreliminary Design Review
- University/Institution
- Team Members
- Date
2User Notes
- You can reformat this to fit your design, but be
sure to cover at least the information requested
on the following slides - This template contains all of the information you
are required to convey at the PDR level. If you
have questions, please dont hesitate to contact
me directly - rocksatx_at_gmail.com
3Purpose of PDR
- Confirm that
- Science objectives and required system
performance have been translated into verifiable
requirements - Design-to specification can be met through
proposed design (trade studies) - Project risks have been identified, and
mitigation plans exist - Project management plan is adequate to meet
schedule and budget - Project is at a level to proceed to prototyping
of high risk items
4PDR Presentation Content
- Section 1 Mission Overview
- Mission Overview
- Organizational Chart
- Theory and Concepts
- Concept of Operations
- Expected Results
- Section 2 System Overview
- Subsystem Definitions
- Critical Interfaces (ICDs?)
- System Level Block Diagram
- System/Project Level Requirement Verification
Plan - User Guide Compliance
- Sharing Logistics
5PDR Presentation Contents
- Section 3 Subsystem Design
- Subsystem A (i.e. EPS)
- SSA Block Diagram
- SSA Key Trade Studies (1 2?)
- Subsystem Risk Matrix/Mitigation
- Subsystem B (i.e. STR)
- SSB Block Diagram
- SSB Key Trade Studies (1 2?)
- Subsystem Risk Matrix/Mitigation
- Etc., Etc
6PDR Presentation Contents
- Section 4 Prototyping Plan
- Item A to be Prototyped
- Item B to be Prototyped
- Etc., Etc
- Section 5 Project Management Plan
- Schedule
- Budget
- Work Breakdown Structure
7Mission Overview
8Mission Overview
- Mission statement
- Break mission statement down into your overall
mission requirements - What do you expect to discover or prove?
- Who will this benefit/what will your data be used
9Organizational Chart
- What subsystems do you have?
- Who works on each subsystem?
- Leads?
- Dont forget faculty advisor/sponsor(s)
10Theory and Concepts
- Give a brief overview of the underlying science
concepts and theory - What other research has been performed in the
past? - Results?
11Concept of Operations
- Based on science objectives, diagram of what the
payload will be doing during flight, highlights
areas of interest - Example on following slide
12Example ConOps
13Expected Results
- This is vital in showing you understand the
science concepts - Go over what you expect to find
- Ex. What wavelengths do you expect to see? How
many particles do you expect to measure? How well
do you expect the spin stabilizer to work
(settling time?)? How many counts of radiation?
14System Overview
15Subsystem Overview
PWR Wallops
Telem Wallops
Temp. Sensor Choice A Choice B
EPS/STR Interface
MCU Choice A Choice B Choice C
Arm Control Choice A Choice B
Photomultiplier Choice A Choice B
25 FOV
DEP/STR Interface
PM/STR Interface
Booms Material Choice A Material Choice
B Material Choice C
Probe Provided by LASP
PM/EPS Interface
DEP/EPS Interface
Photomultiplier Provided by LASP
25 FOV
Control Box Choice A Choice B Choice C
16Critical Interfaces
- At the PDR level you should at minimum identify
these interfaces
Interface Name Brief Description Potential Solution
EPS/STR The electrical power system boards will need to mount to the RockSat-X deck to fix them rigidly to the launch vehicle. The connection should be sufficient to survive 20Gs in the thrust axis and 10 Gs in the lateral axes. Buckling is a key failure mode. Heritage shows that stainless steel or aluminum stand-offs work well. Sizes and numbers required will be determined by CDR.
PM/STR The photomultiplier will need to mount to the RockSat-X deck rigidly. The connection should be sufficient to survive 20Gs in the thrust axis and 10 Gs in the lateral axes. Most likely, the PM will hang, and the supports will be in tension. A spring and damper support will need to be developed. The system should decrease the overall amplitude of vibration no less than 50.
DEP/STR The deployment mechanism must rigidly connect to the RockSat-X deck. The actuator has pre-drilled and tapped 8-32 mounts. 8-32 cap head screws will mount the deployment mechanism to the plate. The screws will come through the bottom of the plate to mate with the DEP system.
DEP/EPS The deployment mechanism has a standard, male RS-232 DB-9 connector to interface to a motor controller (male), which is provided with the DEP mechanism. The motor controller will be controlled by EPS. A standard, serial cable with female DB-9 connector on both ends will connect the motor controller to the DEP mechanism. The motor controller to EPS system interface is yet to be determined.
PM/EPS The photomultiplier requires 800V DC and outputs pulses at TTL levels. The PM also requires a ground connection. A TBD 2 pin power connector (insulated) will connect the EPS board to the PM. A separate, TBD connector will transmit the pulse train to the asynchronous line at a TBD Baud rate.
17System Level Block Diagram
Buck Converter
WFF Power Interface
Boost Converter
Motor Controller
Wallops PT Interfaces
Data/ Control
High Voltage
WFF Telem. Interface
Low Voltage
18Requirement Verification
- At the PDR level you should highlight the most
critical (Top3?) system and project level
requirements and how they will be verified prior
to flight.
Requirement Verification Method Description
They deploable boom shall deploy to a height of no more than 12 Demonstration Boom will be expanded to full length in the upright position to verify it doesnt exceed 12
The boom shall extend to the full 12 height in less than 5 seconds from a horizontal position. Analysis The systems dynamical characteristics will be derived from SolidWorks, and available torques will yield minimum response time.
The full system shall fit on a single RockSat-X deck Inspection Visual inspection will verify this requirement
The sytem shall survive the vibration characteristics prescribed by the RockSat-X program. Test The system will be subjected to these vibration loads in June during testing week.
19RockSat-X 2011 Users Guide Compliance
- Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) mass estimate
- Estimate on payload dimensions (will it fit in
the payload space?) - Deployables/booms?
- How many ADC lines?
- Do you understand the format?
- Asynchronous use?
- Do you understand the format?
- Parallel use?
- Do you understand the format?
- Power lines and timer use?
- What do you know so far?
- CG requirement
- Do you understand the requirement
- Are you utilizing high voltage?
20Sharing Logistics
- Who are you sharing with?
- Summary of your partners mission (1 line)
- Plan for collaboration
- How do you communicate?
- How will you share designs (solidworks, any
actual fit checks before next June)? - Structural interface will you be joining with
standoffs or something else (again, be wary of
21Subsystem Design
22EPS Block Diagram
- Show the subsystem block diagram with primary
component choices highlighted.
Data/ Control
23EPS Trade Studies
- Show rationale for you choices in components. You
basically weigh your options against your
requirements and what each component can offer.
Dont forget things like availability, cost, and
prior knowledge.
µController XMega ATMega 32 L
Cost 8 10
Availability 10 10
Clock Speed 10 5
A/D Converters 9 5
Programming Language 8 8
Average 9 7.6
- You should have completed a trade study for each
block, but you only need to present the 2-3 most
important. - Numbers are relatively subjective, but 10 should
represent a perfect fit, 5 will work, but is not
desirable, and 0 does NOT meet expectations. - The component with the highest average should
drive your choice for design.
24EPS Risk Matrix
Consequence EPS.RSK.1 EPS.RSK.3
Consequence EPS.RSK.4 EPS.RSK.2
Possibility Possibility Possibility Possibility
- Risks for the subsystem under discussion should
be documented here. - The horizontal represents the likelihood of a
risk, the vertical is the corresponding
consequence. - Risks placement should help drive mitigation
EPS.RSK.1 Microcontroller fails in-flight, and
the mission objects arent met EPS.RSK.2 A
suitable motor controller cannot be procured to
meet mission objectives EPS.RSK.3 The EPS system
cant survive launch conditions, and the mission
objectives arent met EPS.RSK.4 Flying monkeys
delay the launch by an hour putting a strain on
the power budget
25Prototyping Plan
26Prototyping Plan
- What will you build/test between now and CDR to
mitigate risk?
Concern about mounting the PM to the deck has
been expressed
Prototype this interface and verify the fit with
the PM
Concerns about testing the PM on the ground have
been expressed
Develop a test plan and verify it with LASP
Mounting the probe to the end of the boom will
present a significant challenge
Mount a test probe and verify structural rigidity
The functionality of the microcontoller board
needs to be verified by CDR
Prototype the micro board on a bread board to
verify functionality
27Project Management Plan
- What are the major milestones for your project?
- (i.e. when will things be prototyped?)
- When will you begin procuring hardware?
- Think all the way to the end of the project!
- Rough integration and testing schedule in the
spring - Etc, etc, etc
- Format
- Gant charts
- Excel spreadsheet
- Simple list
- Whatever works for you!
Dont let the schedule sneak up on you!
- Present a very top-level budget (not nut and bolt
level) - A simple Excel spreadsheet will do
- Simply to ensure that at this preliminary stage
you arent over budget - It is suggested that you add in at least a 25
margin at this point
Margin 0.25 Budget 1,300.00 Last Update 9/30/2010 1150
ExampleSat ExampleSat ExampleSat ExampleSat ExampleSat ExampleSat
Item Supplier Estimated, Specific Cost Number Required Toal Cost Notes
Motor Controller DigiKey 150.00 2 300.00 1 for testing
PM LASP 0.00 1 0.00 LASP mentor deserves shirt
Microcontroller DigiKey 18.00 3 54.00 3 board revs
Printed Circuit Boards Advanced Circuits 33.00 3 99.00 3 board revs
Misc. Electronics (R,L,C) DigiKey 80.00 3 240.00 3 board revs
Boom Material onlinemetals.com 40.00 2 80.00 1 test article
Probe LASP 0.00 1 0.00
Testing Materials ??? 200.00 1 200.00 Estimated cost to test system
Total (no margin) 973.00
Total (w/ margin) 1,216.25
- Present a very top-level work break down schedule
- One can look up the tree for large scope goals
- One can look down the tree for dependencies
- Help each subsystem see the path ahead
- Obtain PM from LASP
- EEF Proposal for funding
- Trade Studies
- Schematics
- Schematic Review
- ICDs
- First Revision of Boards
- Trade Studies
- Order Materials
- Work Request Into Shop
- Obtain PM from LASP
- EEF Proposal for funding
- Obtain PM from LASP
- EEF Proposal for funding
- Issues, concerns, any questions