Title: ERIC Default Search Screen
1ERIC Default Search Screen
2Search Thesaurus for Term 1
3Click on Subject Heading to explore its meaning
and related terms
4Search Subject Heading 1
5Search Thesaurus for Term 2
6Choose appropriate Subject Heading
7Search Subject Heading 2
8Search Thesaurus for Term 3
9Choose appropriate Subject Heading
10Search Subject Heading 3
11View your search history at any time during your
database session Click on the Search History tab
12View Search History is available throughout your
search session.
13Combine subject headings and search using and
14View results by clicking on the icon under
15Display results
16Set search limits here
17Set to Journal Articles
18Set limit to English language
19Click OK to set limits
20Search Limits
- Limits will be set on the last search completed
and on any new searches done. - You can change limits at any time.
- You can combine subject headings in multiple ways.
21Look for SFX!
22SFX/Find It links to Library holdings
23If we dont own it, there is a smart link to
ILLiad/Interlibrary Loan
24Capture persistent link and/or citation check
format for accuracy