Title: Air Pollution Control Part A Cyclone Basic Principles
1Air Pollution Control Part ACyclone Basic
- Yaacov Mamane
- Visiting Scientist, CNR
- Rome, Italy
2What is a Cyclone?
3Cyclone Performance for various Application
4 Standard Cyclone
General guidelines H lt S W lt (D-De)/2 LbLc gt
3D Cone angle 7o 8o De/D 0.40.5,
(LbLc)/De 8, S/De 1
5Conventional Cyclone
6- Stokes Law
- Gravitational forces are balanced by drag and
buoyancy forces. - This will lead to stokes law - settling velocity
of particles.
7When Fd Fg the settling velocity is given as
Where g gravity acceleration d particle
diameter rp particle density m - air viscosity
For example Vt (1 mm) 0.006 cm/s
8For a particle moving at high speed Vc in a
circle, the centrifugal acceleration is given by
VcVc/r. The centrifugal force is similar to the
gravity forces
But Fc gtgt Fg The equivalent settling
velocity of the centrifugal forces is taken from
Stokes Law and is given by the following Equation
9Example For a particle of 1 mm moving in a 0.3
diameter circle at 18.3 m/s
vt 0.68 cm/s
While Vt stokes is only 0.006 cm/s!!!
10Settling Chamber
Particle is entering a chamber at height h an
horizontal speed V and settling velocity Vt, may
fall inside the chamber. Time (Tl) to cross the
chamber is L / V . Time (Th) to fall inside the
chamber is h / Vt, thus we could define a
collection efficiency h Tl / Th L Vt / H V
11The Collection Efficiency of a settling chamber
used to collect large particles is given by the
simple expression
- L Vt / H V or
- L g d2 rp / H V 18 m
- But V Q / WH where Q is the flow through
the settling chamber, and thus - h L g d2 rp / H V 18 m L W g d2 rp / Q 18 m
- L W g d2 rp / Q 18 m
- This collection efficiency may be applied to a
Cyclone where - H and L of the chamber are equivalent to
- W and NpD0 of a cyclone
12h L Vt / H V for a cyclone may be written as
Since a cyclone is an elongated settling chamber
4W Do 2r
For centrifugal forces
13After rearranging the parameters the equation is
now given by
And for a turbulent flow it is then expressed by
the general term
Example Calculate efficiency for a cyclone to
collect 1 mm particles of density 1. Cyclone
width 15 cm, Vc 18.3 m/s and N 5. The
efficiency is h 0.023 And for a particle of 10
mm diameter h is larger than 1.
14Let define a parameter of importance in
particulate control, d cut , used to describe the
properties of the cyclone,
Where Dcut - cut diameter in mm m - is
viscosity N - number of rotations Vc -
tangential velocity rp - particle density W -
entrance width of the cyclone
15Pressure Drop
Number of gas inlet velocity head
Static pressure drop
Power requirement
K 16 for normal tangential inlet 7.5 for
one with an inlet vane
16Lapple Theory (laminar flow)
Number of effective turns
Gas residence time
Terminal velocity
Smallest collected diameter
1750 cut size
The collection efficiency of any size dpj
? ()
Overall efficiency
Particle size ratio dp/dpc
18Licht Theory (turbulent flow)
(D in m)
Parallel/ Battery
Air Pollution Control Equipment, Theodore
Buonicore, CRC Press, 1988
20(No Transcript)
Handbook of Air Pollution Control Engineering
Technology, Mycock, McKenna and Theodore, Lewis
Publishers, 1995.
22Advantages Disadvantages
- Advantages
- Low capital cost
- Ability to operate at high temperatures
- Low maintenance requirements because there are no
moving parts - Disadvantages
- Low efficiencies for fine particles
- High operating costs (due to pressure drop)
Cyclones used for removing wood dust