Title: Drawing A Red Shift
1Drawing ARed Shift
- True or False
- Most of the electromagnetic spectrum consists of
visible light. - Explain your answer
3Types of Spectra
4Continuous Spectra
Above is a typical continuous spectrum. It is
actually made up of individual linesf or each
distinct wavelength, but the lines are so close
together that they blend into one continuous
spectrum. A good example of a continuous
spectrum is a rainbow.
5Emission Spectra
This is a typical emission spectrum. The lines
represent distinct wavelengths of light that are
strongly emitted by this object. These lines can
be used to determine lots of information about
the objectlike what it is made of, how far away
it is, or its temperature.
6Absorption Spectra
This is a typical absorption spectrum. Notice,
it looks like a continuous spectrum, but it has
holes in it. These are called absorption lines
and they are places where the continuous spectrum
that was emitted has been absorbed by something.
It could be something around the object absorbing
this energy or it could be something between us
and the object doing it. Either way, the
wavelengths of energy that are absorbed can give
us clues about the object or objects that are
absorbing this energy.
7Electromagnetic waves
- Need a medium to travel through
- Can travel through a vaccum
8So, what is a red shift?
- Red shifts and blue shifts are just the Doppler
effect with electromagnetic radiation (light)
instead of sound.
Weve all experienced this kind of situation.
9The Doppler effect is characteristic of
- Light waves
- Water waves
- Sound waves
- All of these
- None of these
10The Doppler effect occurs when the source of the
wave moves
- Away from you
- Toward you
- Both of these
- None of these
11Spectroscope Activity
- Working with your shoulder partner, we are going
to look at a continuous, emission line, and
absorption spectrum - We are going to draw each of these and then draw
these red shifted and blue shifted
12Writing Assignment
- Key Words Use each word at least once.
- Red shift
- Blue shift
- Spectrum or spectra
- Wavelength or wavelengths
- Light
- Doppler Shift
- Moving closer
- Moving away
- Red shifts and blue shifts
- Bring this back completed next time.
- Be sure to pay attention to the way the lines can
change color when they shift.
14Ticket Out
- Using the spectrum below, draw it redshifted and
blue shifted.