Title: PreAP Chemistry
1Pre-AP Chemistry
- Summer Assignment 2007
- You will have a test over this material the
Friday after we return to school.
2Metric Units The standards which are used to
define the SI units (Systeme International) which
we will use are
3Scientific Notation - an alternate way of writing
numbers, usually used with very large or very
small numbers
- Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Scientific notation consists of TWO
- Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â (1)Â Â Â a mantissa which is a
positive or negative number between 1 and 10Â
(not including 10) all of the numbers within
this range can be a mantissa, and the mantissa
may be a whole number or a mixed number. - Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
- Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â (2)Â a characteristic which is a
whole number exponent to which the base 10 is
raised. (given the number 103 This can also be
written as 1.03 x 10 2)
4Correct scientific notation WILL ALWAYS HAVE BOTH
PARTS (a mantissa and a characteristic) EVEN IF
- To convert a normal number to scientific
notation, move the decimal either to the left or
to the right until you have a mantissa whose
absolute value is between 1 and 10Â - Count the number of places the decimal had to be
moved and this is the characteristic.Â
- To decide whether the characteristic is positive
or negative, look at the original number--if it
is smaller than 1, the characteristic will be
negative if it is larger than 1, the
characteristic will be positive. - REMEMBER THAT A POSITIVE CHARACTERISTIC MEANS
5Try converting these to scientific notation
- 1. 17600
- 2. 4.76
- 3. 0.00135        Â
- 4. - 0.1544
- 5. 10.2
- 6. 301.0
- 7. -67.30
- 8. -0.000130
- Answers
- 1.76 x 104
- 4.76 x 100
- 1.35 x 10-3
- -1.544 x 10-1
- 1.02 x 101
- 3.01 x 102
- -6.73 x 101
- -1.3 x 10-4
6- To convert from a scientific notation to regular
notation number
- A positive characteristic indicates the movement
of the decimal place as many places to the right
as are indicated.
- A negative characteristic indicates a movement of
the decimal place the indicated number to the
left and filling in the open spaces with zeroes.
7Try it the opposite way
- 1. 4.96 X 102
- 2. 7.01 X 100
- 3. 5.50 X 104
- 4. 5.61 X 10-3
- 5. -9.3 X 103
- 6. 4.92 X 102
- 7. -8.37 X 101
- 8. - 4.23 X 10-1
- Answers
- 496
- 7.01
- 55,000
- .00561
- -.0093
- 492
- -83.7
- -.423
8Multiplying and Dividing Scientific Notation
SICENTIFIC CALCULATOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Numbers expressed in Scientific Notation can be
multiplied and divided, if using a calculator
always use parenthesis.
- When Multiplying, the mantissas should be
multiplied and the exponents should be added. If
the result is incorrect scientific notation then
you should correct it. - When dividing, the mantissa should be divided and
the exponents should be subtracted, if the
resulting answer is in incorrect scientific
notation then it must be corrected. - Examples Multiply the following numbers and
express the answer in correct scientific
- ___6_x_101_________ 1. ( 2 X 104 ) (3 X 10-3)
- ___4_x_10-2________ 2. ( 8 X 10-5 )divided by (
2 X 10-3)
9Try These
- Examples Multiply the following numbers and
express the answer in correct scientific
- ___6_x_101_________ 1. ( 2 X 104 ) (3 X 10-3)
- _____________________ 2. ( 5 X 10-3 ) times ( 4
X 10-4)
- _____________________ 3. ( 6 X 104 ) X ( -7 X
- _____________________ 4. ( -4.5 X 10-2 ) ( 2 X
- Perform the following divisions of scientific
- ____4_x_10-2___________1. ( 8 X 10-5 )divided by
( 2 X 10-3)
- ______________________2. divide ( 4 X 103 ) by (
8 X 10-3)
- ______________________3. (6 X 10-7) / (3 X
- _____________________ 4. Divide 4.5 X 104 by
9.0 X 10-12
- _____________ 5. Divide (2 X 103)(4 X 10-2) by
(6 X 10-9)(4 X 105)
- Multiplying Scientific Notation
- 6 x 101
- 2.0 x 10-6
- -4.2 x 100
- -9 x 10 -9
- Dividing Scientific Notation
- 4 x 10-2
- 5 x 10-1
- 2 x 101
- 5.0 x 1015
- 3.33 x 104
11The Metric scale you have learned about follows
the first letters KHD b dcm
- You might have even made up a pneumonic for this
- King Henry Died by drinking chocolate milk
- The sequence you must learn for chemistry is a
little larger
12Expanded sequence
- Tera (T) 1 x 1012
- Giga(G) 1 x 109
- Mega(M) 1 x 106
- Kilo(K) 1 x 103
- Base 1
- deci(d) 1 x 10-1
- centi (c) 1 x 10-2
- milli(m) 1 x 10-3
- micro (µ) 1 x 10-6
- nano(n) 1 x 10-9
- pico(p) 1 10-12
13Metric Abbreviations
- What is the metric abbreviation for each of the
- Â
- Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â _____Â Â (a)Â one-millionth of a
gram                     _____  (b) one
thousand grams
- Â
- Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ____Â Â Â Â (c)Â Â one billion
liters                              _____ Â
(d)Â Â one-thousandth of a meter
- Â
- Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ____Â Â Â Â (e)Â one-hundredth of a
liter                    _____  (f)  one
million grams
- Â
- What is the metric abbreviation for each of the
- Â
- Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â _____Â Â (a)Â 1 X 103
grams                                 _____ Â
(b)Â 1 X 10-12 Â meters
- Â
- Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â _____Â Â (c)Â Â Â 1 X 106
liters                                 _____ Â
(d)Â Â 1/10 of a gram
- Â
- Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â _____Â Â (e)Â Â Â 1000
meters                                 _____ Â
(f)Â Â Â 1/1 000 000 000 of a liter)
- Answers
- a) µg b) Kg c) GL d) mm e) cL f)
- a) Kg b) pm c) ML d) dg e) Km f)
14Metric to Metric
- You must be able to convert from one metric
measurement to another.
- That might mean you memorize the stair-steps of
the sequence and count the steps and move your
decimal places accordingly either right or left
depending on the movement
- Tera (T) 1 x 10-12
- Giga(G) 1 x 10-9
- Mega(M) 1 x 10-6
- Kilo(K) 1 x 10-3
- Base 1
- deci(d) 1 x 101
- centi (c) 1 x 102
- milli(m) 1 x 103
- micro (µ) 1 x 106
- nano(n) 1 x 109
- pico(p) 1 x 1012
15Try these problems using the stair step method.
- Example 1-26 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Convert 378.4 cm to meters
- Â
- Â
- Â
- Â
- Â
- Â
- Example 1-27Â Â Â Â Â Â Convert 4.32 X 10-4 g to
- Â
- Â
- Â
- Â
- Â
- Â
- Example 1-28 Â Â Â Â Â How many picoliters are there
in 4.56 X 10-7 liters?
- Â
- Â
- Â
- Â
16Try these next problems
- Â Â Convert 5.43 GL to dL.
- Â Â Â
- Â
- Â
- Â Â Â Â Convert 6.99 X 108 pg to cg.
- Â
- Â
- Â
- Â Â Â How many micrometers are there in 45.2
- Metric to Metric conversions
- 3.784 m
- 432 µg or 4.32x102µg
- 4.56 x 105pL
- 88,100 m
- More Metric to Metric conversions
- 5.43 x 1010 dL
- 6.99 X 1015 cg
- 4.52 x 1010 µm