Karl Marx

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Karl Marx


Born 1818- Middle Class German Jew (family converted to avoid persecution) ... and described how he saw small cottages, small scale production and each family ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Karl Marx

Karl Marx
  • The Man
  • Dialectical Materialism
  • Alienation
  • Surplus Value
  • The Contradictions of Capitalism

Marx- The Man
  • Born 1818- Middle Class German Jew (family
    converted to avoid persecution)
  • Attended the University of Bonn and Received his
    Doctor of Philosophy in 1841
  • Young Hegelians
  • 1843 Marries Childhood Sweetheart-Jenny
  • 1848- The Communist Manifesto
  • 1852- The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte
  • 1852- Begins work on Das Kapital
  • 1863- Founding of the first International (fails
    in 1876)
  • 1867- First part of Das Kapital published.
  • 1881- His wife and daughter die
  • 1883 Dies in his armchair. Only a few note his

Marxs Materialism
  • Materialism- social change and social relations
    are the result primarily of changes in material
    conditions. Ideas change because material
    conditions change.
  • Marxs version- changes in the forces of
    production (means of production, relations
    between those involved in production processes)
    form the basis for social change.

Understanding Change from Marxs Perspective
  • Economic classes form the basic anatomy of
    society, ideas, ideologies, values, political
    structures and so forth).
  • Changes in the forces of production
    (technologies) erode the basis of the old system
    of economic relationship and classes and open new
  • Example- Feudalism to Capitalism

Understanding Modes of Production
  • Mode of Production- Two elements
  • 1) Forces of production- physical arrangement of
    economic activity
  • 2)Social relations of production- indispensable
    human attachments that people must form to carry
    out this economic activity.
  • Mode of production is the superstructure on which
    legal and political life and forms of
    consciousness rest.
  • Changes in the mode of production produce changes
    in the relations of production.

Dialectical Materialism
  • Dialectics is the method of reasoning which aims
    to understand things concretely in all their
    movement, change and interconnection, with their
    opposite and contradictory sides in unity.
  • Social influences never simply flow in one
    direction. One factor may have an effect on
    another, but it is just as likely that the latter
    will have a simultaneous effect on the former.
  • Assumes that social life has inherent stresses or
    contradictions that develop because every social
    development carries with it the seeds of its own
    destruction. Ie. Greatest asset is also greatest
  • Dialectical models contain elements of both
    linear and cyclical theories.
  • The dialectic is a process, but not a cyclical
    one. Small changes pile up as the system adapts.

Dialectics Continued
  • Components of the social world blend into one
    another- there isnt a clear demarcation between
    phenomena in the world.
  • Dialectical thinkers take a relational view of
    the social world. They focus on the relations
    within and among various aspects of the social

Marxs Development of Dialectical Materialism
  • Adopted the dialectical model from Hegel-
    attempted to capture the reality of dynamic
    change in the world by urging that we examine
    things as they are and as they have the potential
    to become in the future.
  • Individuals and societies have the potential to
    develop and realize themselves under appropriate
  • Marx took the dialectic out of philosophy and
    brought it into the material world. Through
    recounting the conditions of human development
    under capitalism, he felt he could logically
    project the dynamic changes that would ensue,
    bringing people to a fuller realization of their
    free and creative potentialities.
  • Dialecticians are future oriented and inherently

Dialectical Materialism and the Development of
Conflict Theory
  • Conflict between two or more opposing economic
    interests characterizes social life. This leads
    to social and political conflicts.
  • Conflict is a normal condition of social life and
    should be analyzed and studied.
  • change and conflict are inseparable.
  • social institutions are all dependent on the mode
    of economic production . Variations in economic
    production will alter other institutions.
  • Marxs Example of Change over Time- Five Stages
    1) Tribal ownership, primitive communism 2)
    ancient communal and state ownership accompanied
    by slavery 3) feudalism 4) capitalism 5)

Dialectical Materialism and Political Sociology
  • In Marxs Dialectical Materialism- social values
    are not separable from social facts.
  • For dialectical thinkers values cannot be kept
    out of studies of the social world. It is
    undesirable to produce a dispassionate, inhuman
    sociology that has little to offer to people in
    search of answers to the problems they confront.
  • In Das Kapital, Marx refers to capitalists as
    werewolves and vampires who suck the blood out of
    the worker.

Dialectics and Historical Circumstances
  • Dialecticians are interested not only in the
    relationships of social phenomena in the
    contemporary world, but also in the relationship
    of those contemporary realities to both past and
    future social phenomena.
  • Men make their own history, but they do not make
    it just as they please they do not make it under
    circumstances chosen by themselves, but under
    circumstances directly encountered from the past.
    The tradition of all the dead generations weighs
    like a nightmare on the brain of the living.
    Marx 1852

Dialectical Materialism- Capitalism and Change
  • The contradictions of capitalism- Marx argued
    that change would occur because of the
    dislocations or contradictions between productive
    forces and the social relations of production.
  • In a capitalist society, people will move from
    intermediate groups to either join the
    proletariat, the working class or the bourgeoisie
    (owners of the means of production).
  • A series of events leads to the ultimate
    proletariat revolution 1) need for production
    2) the expansion of the division of labor 3) the
    development of private property 4) increasing
    social inequality 5) class struggle 6) creation
    of political structures to represent each classs
    interests 7) revolution.

Is this Theory Deterministic?
  • NO- There are many potential outcomes.
  • People play a crucial role as active agents in
    the realization of a potential.
  • Marx did not see revolution as in inevitable
    outcome, but rather a desirable potential that
    would require agency to be realized.
  • Circumstances make men just as much as men make
    circumstance Marx and Engels, 1845

Marx on Human Potential
  • All that is solid melts into air, all that is
    holy is profaned, and man is at last compelled to
    face with sober senses, his real conditions of
    life and his relations with his kind. Marx 1848
  • Through change the realization of human potential
    may be realized.
  • Species beings- human potential as a group,
    less than an individual phenomenon.
  • Role of Capitalism- both positive and negative

The World About Which Marx Is Writing
  • Early Industrialization 1820

Industrialization and Urbanization
  • Begins in the U.S. around 1820.
  • U.S. fully industrializes in the Post-Civil War
  • Industrialization and urbanization are
    complementary phenomenon.

Industrialization and Rapid Population Growth
  • In 1695, the population of Britain was estimated
    to be 5.5 million. By 1801, the year of the first
    census, it was 9.3 million and by 1841, 15.9
    million. This represents a 60 growth rate in
    just 40 years

Understanding the Shift- Trade and the Growing
Middle Class
  • Between 1600 and 1800 expanding world trade in
    wood and textiles was undermining Feudal
    sharecropping systems.
  • New opportunities for wealth for small
    businesspeople expanded the middle class and
    shifted political relations of power.

The Peasants/Serfs
  • Rural peasants witnessed the erosion of land
    grant rights as their labor in textile production
    became more valuable than their labor in
    agricultural production. As peasants were
    evicted from rural areas, they migrated to urban
    centers offering work in textile production.

New Social Relations are Created
  • A growing middle class, industrialists and
    workers are new social roles. Aristocratic
    systems based on paternal responsibility in
    exchange for loyalty are becoming obsolete.
  • Individual rights and social mobility are
    emerging in ideologies.

Life Prior to the Industrial Revolution
  • Before factories as we would identify them, all
    manufacture of products like textiles was done at
    home and on a small scale. Work was confined to a
    cottage with everybody doing their bit. Work done
    at home - hence the "domestic" in the title - was
    slow and laborious. Daniel Defoe, of "Robinson
    Crusoe" fame -wrote about his journey through
    Yorkshire in about 1720 and described how he saw
    small cottages, small scale production and each
    family working for itself. However, not
    everything was done under one roof. Defoe noted
    that in Norfolk those employed in spinning worked
    elsewhere to those employed in weaving.

Making Clothes
  • The process in the making of wool for clothes was
    as follows
  • cleaning of the wool after it had been sheared
    from the sheep.
  • carding of the wool - this was brushing it to
    separate the fibers. If a comb was used, this
    would be to get the fibers parallel.
  • The cleaned and carded wool would then be spun by
    spinsters. This was frequently done by young
    girls. If these girls had not got married at a
    young age, it was believed that they would remain
    unmarried all their life - hence the term
    spinster today. The finished product of the
    spinsters was called yarn.
  • the yarn would then be woven by a skilled weaver
    using a handloom.
  • The finished product would then be sold to a

  • The picture shows a typical domestic system home.
    The single room is dominated by a spinning wheel
    which is being worked by a young lady - the
    spinster. Food is being cooked in the same room.
    A ladder on the left of the picture will take the
    workers to their bedrooms once work for the day
    is finished and a window allows for light and
    ventilation. The amount of yarn produced in such
    a situation is clearly minimal

Textile Production and Industrialization
  • The new urban labor force went to work in textile
    production. Over time other industries began to
    industrialize and expand.

Advances in Industry
  • The textile industry is one of the first to
    industrialize with a series of inventions.
  • Flying shuttle (John Kay, 1733)
  • Water frame (Richard Arkwright, 1769)
  • Spinning Jenny (Richard Hargreaves, 1770)
  • Spinning Mule (Samuel Crompton, 1779)
  • Cotton Gin (Eli Whitney, 1793)

Textile- Cotton Production 1890-1900
Life in the Industrial City
  • The majority lived in cheap, crowded housing.
    Many lacked the facilities to wash or bathe
  • Waste of all sorts from the homes was thrown into
    the courtyard and so-called night-men would
    collect this at night and dispose of it.
    Sanitation and hygiene barely existed and
    throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth
    centuries the great fear was a cholera, typhus or
    typhoid epidemic.

  • 2) Alexis de Tocqueville was a French aristocrat
    who visited Manchester in 1835.A sort of black
    smoke covers the city. Under this half-daylight
    300,000 human beings are ceaselessly at work. The
    homes of the poor are scattered haphazard around
    the factories. From this filthy sewer pure gold
    flows. In Manchester civilised man is turned back
    almost into a savage.

  • James Kay-Shuttleworth, wrote an account of
    Manchester in 1832.Frequently, the inspectors
    found two or more families crowded into one small
    house and often one family lived in a damp cellar
    where twelve or sixteen persons were crowded.
    Children are ill-fed, dirty, ill-clothed, exposed
    to cold and neglect and in consequence, more
    than one-half of the off-spring die before they
    have completed their fifth year.

Sanitation Problems
  • Toilets would have been nothing more than
    cesspits. When these were filled they had to be
    emptied and what was collected was loaded onto a
    cart before being dumped in a local river. This
    work was also done by the night-men. Local laws
    stated that their work had to be done at night as
    the stench created by emptying the cesspits was
    too great to be tolerated during the day.
  • A block of 40 houses would have possibly 6
    toilets for all persons. It is estimated that on
    average 9 people lived in one house, which would
    mean that 6 toilets served 360 people! Another
    problem was that it was the responsibility of the
    landlord of the house to pay to have cesspits
    emptied and they were never too enthusiastic to
    do this. One cesspit cost 1 to empty. As the
    average rent was 2 shillings a week, this equaled
    5 weeks rent. No-one in local authority enforced
    the law and as a result, courtyards could
    literally flood with sewage.

  • Elizabeth Gaskell, Mary Barton A Tale of
    Manchester Life (1848) Berry Street was
    unpaved and down the middle a gutter forced its
    way, every now and then forming pools in the
    holes with which the street abounded. Never was
    the old Edinburgh cry of "Gardez l'eau!' more
    necessary than in the street. As they passed,
    women from their doors tossed household slops of
    every description into the gutter they ran into
    the next pool, which over-flowed and stagnated.
    You went down one step from this foul area into
    the cellar in which a family of human beings
    lived. It was very dark inside. The window-panes
    many of them were broken and stuffed with rags,
    which was reason enough for the dusky light that
    pervaded the place at mid-day. After the account
    I have given of the state of the street, no one
    can be surprised that on going into the cellar
    inhabited by Davenport, the smell was so foetid
    as almost to knock the two men down. Quickly
    recovering themselves, as those inured to such
    things do, they began to penetrate the thick
    darkness of the place, and to see three or four
    little children rolling on the damp, nay wet
    brick floor, through which the stagnant, filthy
    moisture of the street oozed up the fireplace
    was empty and black the wife sat on the
    husband's lair, and cried in the dark loneliness.

Lack of Fresh Water
  • The streets where the poor lived were poorly
    kept. A doctor in Manchester wrote about the
  • "Whole streets, unpaved and without drains or
    main sewers, are worn into deep ruts and holes in
    which water constantly stagnates, and are so
    covered with refuse and excrement as to be
    impassable from depth of mud and intolerable
  • Fresh water supplies were also very difficult to
    get in the poor areas. With no running water
    supplies, the best people could hope for was to
    leave a bucket out and collect rainwater. Some
    areas were lucky enough to have access to a well
    with a pump but there was always the chance that
    the well water could have been contaminated with
    sewage from a leaking cesspit.
  • Those who lived near a river could use river
    water. However, this is where night-men emptied
    their carts full of sewage and where general
    rubbish was dumped. Any water collected would
    have been diluted sewage.

Infectious Disease
  • In 1665 when the plague hit London as many as
    3,000 people per day were killed.
  • Cholera- struck worlds cities in four
    devastating pandemics between 1830 and 1896.
    Spread through contaminated water. In St. Louis
    in 1849, 10 of the population perished. In Meca
    in 1847, 15,000 died, another 30,000 died in
    1865. In London in 1847, 53,000 died.

Sanitation and Disease
  • Cholera is the result of sewage was being allowed
    to come into contact with drinking water and
    contaminating it.
  • The greatest killer in the cities was
    tuberculosis (TB).
  • TB affected those who had been poorly fed and
    were under nourished. It also affected those who
    lived in dirty and damp homes. TB can be spread
    by a person breathing in the exhaled sputum of
    someone who already has the disease. Working
    conditions meant the disease spread liberally.
  • Though accurate records are difficult to acquire,
    it is believed that TB killed one-third of all
    those who died in Britain between 1800 and 1850.

Living Conditions
  • Angus Reach, The Morning Chronicle (1849)The
    lowest, most filthy, most unhealthy, and most
    wicked locality in Manchester is called Angel
    Meadow. It lies off the Oldham Road, is full of
    cellars and is inhabited by prostitutes, their
    bullies, thieves, cadgers, vagrants, tramps, and,
    in the very worst sites of filth, and darkness.
    My guide was sub-inspector of police - an
    excellent conductor in one respect, but
    disadvantageous in another, seeing that his
    presence spread panic wherever he went. Many of
    the people that night visited had, doubtless,
    ample cause to be nervous touching the presence
    of one of the guardians of the law.

  • There were no Irish in the houses we visited.
    They live in more wretched places still - the
    cellars. We descended to one. The place was dark,
    except for the glare of the small fire. You could
    not stand without stooping in the room, which
    might be about twelve feet by eight. There were
    at least a dozen men, women, and children, on
    stools or squatted on the stone floor round the
    fire, and the heat and smells were oppressive.
    This not being a lodging cellar, the police had
    no control over the number of its inmates, who
    slept huddled on the stones, or on masses of
    rags, shavings and straw, which were littered
    about. Half the people who lived in the den,
    had not yet returned, being still out hawking
    lucifers, matches and besoms. They were all Irish
    from Westport, in the county of Mayo. After
    leaving, a woman followed me into the street to
    know if I had come from Westport and was greatly
    disappointed at being answered in the negative.

  • Edwin Chadwick, The Sanitary Conditions of the
    Labouring Population (1842)It is an appalling
    fact that, of all who are born of the labouring
    classes in Manchester, more than 57 die before
    they attain five years of age that is, before
    they can be engaged in factory labour, or in any
    other labour whatsoever.

Disease and Social Status
  • The Poor and Marginalized are Blamed for Disease
    and carry the stigma of contagion.
  • Diseases like Cholera were linked to immorality
  • Jews have lower rates of the plague and are often
    blamed for outbreaks.

Social Power Among Workers
  • Class, Race and Gender divide workers and shape
    their experiences.
  • The Plight of Women Miners provides an example.
  • The Plight of Child Labor provides an example.

The Plight of Women
  • Women and children at first worked alongside men
    in the coal mines, although there were
    differences in jobs they did. Before 1842, there
    were no protection laws, nor limits for the age
    of child labor.

Miner- late 1800s.
  • Teams of women were employed to use a windlass to
    lift coal and workers. Men refused to do such

  • Hauling a tub of coal by means of a rope and
    chain. The chain usually passed underneath the
    body between the legs.

Testimonies from South Wales Mines
  • Six year old girl"I have been down six weeks
    and make 10 to 14 rakes a day I carry a full 56
    lbs. of coal in a wooden bucket. I work with
    sister Jesse and mother. It is dark the time we
  • Jane Peacock Watson."I have wrought in the
    bowels of the earth 33 years. I have been married
    23 years and had nine children, six are alive and
    three died of typhus a few years since. Have had
    two dead born. Horse-work ruins the women it
    crushes their haunches, bends their ankles and
    makes them old women at 40. "
  • Maria Gooder"I hurry for a man with my sister
    Anne who is going 18. He is good to us. I don't
    like being in the pit. I am tired and afraid. I
    go at 430 after having porridge for breakfast. I
    start hurrying at 5. We have dinner at noon. We
    have dry bread and nothing else. There is water
    in the pit but we don't sup it. "

  • Mary and Rachell Enock, ages 11 and 12 years."We
    are door-keepers in the four foot level. We leave
    the house before six each morning and are in the
    level until seven o'clock and sometimes later. We
    get 2p a day and our light costs us 2 1/2 p. a
    week. Rachel was in a day school and she can read
    a little. She was run over by a tram a while ago
    and was home ill a long time, but she has got
    over it."
  • Isabel Wilson, 38 years old."I have been married
    19 years and have had 10 bairns children...My
    last child was born on Saturday morning, and I
    was at work on the Friday night... None of the
    children read, as the work is so regular..When I
    go below my lassie 10 years of age keeps

Child Labor
  • The youngest children in the textile factories
    were usually employed as scavengers and piecers.
    Scavengers had to pick up the loose cotton from
    under the machinery. This was extremely dangerous
    as the children were expected to carry out the
    task while the machine was still working.

The 12 Hour Work Day
  • 12 Hour Work days were not uncommon. A bill to
    restrict the work day to 10 hours a day for those
    under the age of 18 was proposed in 1832. It
  • Children who were late for work were severely
    punished. If children arrived late for work they
    would also have money deducted from their wages.
    Time-keeping was a problem for those families who
    could not afford to buy a clock. In some
    factories workers were not allowed to carry a
    watch. The children suspected that this rule was
    an attempt to trick them out of some of their

Late for Work
  • Excerpt from the Life of William Hutton (1812)-In
    the Christmas holidays of 1731 snow was followed
    by a sharp frost. A thaw came on in the afternoon
    of the 27th, but in the night the ground was
    again caught by a frost, which glazed the
    streets. I did not awake, the next morning, till
    daylight seemed to appear. I rose in tears, for
    fear of punishment, and went to my father's
    bedside, to ask the time. He believed six I
    darted out in agonies, and from the bottom of
    Full Street, to the top of Silk mill Lane, not
    200 yards, I fell nine times! Observing no lights
    in the mill, I knew it was an early hour, and the
    reflection of the snow had deceived me.
    Returning, the town clock struck two.

  • Elizabeth Bentley (1832) -I worked from five in
    the morning till nine at night. I lived two miles
    from the mill. We had no clock. If I had been too
    late at the mill, I would have been quartered. I
    mean that if I had been a quarter of an hour too
    late, a half an hour would have been taken off. I
    only got a penny an hour, and they would have
    taken a halfpenny.

  • Frank Forrest (1850)- In reality there were no
    regular hours, masters and managers did with us
    as they liked. The clocks in the factories were
    often put forward in the morning and back at
    night. Though this was known amongst the hands,
    we were afraid to speak, and a workman then was
    afraid to carry a watch.

  • worked at Mr. Braid's Mill at Duntruin. We worked
    as long as we could see. I could not say at what
    hour we stopped. There was no clock in the mill.
    There was nobody but the master and the master's
    son had a watch and so we did not know the time.
    The operatives were not permitted to have a
    watch. There was one man who had a watch but it
    was taken from him because he told the men the

Labor Unions- The Eight Hour Work Day
  • 1840s Union movements to a 10 hour day begin.
  • 1889- Trade Unionists demand Eight hours for
    work, eight hours for rest, Eight hours for what
    we will.
  • In 1872, a hundred thousand workers in New York
    City struck and won the eight-hour day, mostly
    for building trades workers. It was in this
    rising ferment for the eight-hour day that May
    Day was born.
  • May 1, 1884 at the convention of the
    three-year-old Federation of Organized Trades and
    Labor Unions of the United States and Canada_the
    forerunner of the American Federation of Labor
    George Edmonston, founder of the Brotherhood of
    Carpenters and Joiners, introduced a resolution
    designed to crystallize labor's support for the
    eight-hour day
  • "Resolved ... that eight hours shall constitute a
    legal day's labor from and after May 1, 1886, and
    that we recommend to labor organizations
    throughout this district that they so direct
    their laws so as to conform to this resolution by
    the time named."

Children for Sale- Workhouse Children
  • Account of Workhouse Children
  • Many parents were unwilling to allow their
    children to work in these new textile factories.
    To overcome this labour shortage factory owners
    had to find other ways of obtaining workers. One
    solution to the problem was to buy children from
    orphanages and workhouses. The children became
    known as pauper apprentices. This involved the
    children signing contracts that virtually made
    them the property of the factory owner.

  • Pauper apprentices were cheaper to house than
    adult workers. It cost Samuel Greg who owned the
    large Quarry Bank Mill at Styal, a 100 to build
    a cottage for a family, whereas his apprentice
    house, that cost 300, provided living
    accommodation for over 90 children. The same
    approach was taken by the owners of silk mills.
    George Courtauld who owned a silk mill in
    Braintree, Essex, took children from workhouses
    in London. Although offered children of all ages
    he usually took them from "within the age of 10
    and 13". Courtauld insisted that each child
    arrived "with a complete change of common
    clothing". A contract was signed with the
    workhouse that stated that Courtauld would be
    paid 5 for each child taken. Another 5 was paid
    after the child's first year.

  • The children also signed a contract with
    Courtauld that bound them to the mill until the
    age of 21. This helped to reduce Courtauld's
    labour costs. Whereas adult males at Courtauld's
    mills earned 7s. 2d., children under 11 received
    only 1s. 5d. a week. Owners of large textile
    mills purchased large numbers of children from
    workhouses in all the large towns and cities. By
    the late 1790s about a third of the workers in
    the cotton industry were pauper apprentices.
    Child workers were especially predominant in
    large factories in rural areas. For example, in
    1797, of the 310 wortkers employed by Birch
    Robinson Co in the village of Backbarrow, 210
    were parish apprentices. However, in the major
    textile towns, such as Manchester and Oldham,
    parish apprenticeships was fairly uncommon.

Drawing of Workhouse Children
Commentary on the Workhouse
  • In 1805 when Samuel Davy was seven years of age
    he was sent from the workhouse in Southwark in
    London to Mr. Watson's Mill at Penny Dam near
    Preston. Later his brother was also sent to work
    in a mill. The parents did not know where Samuel
    and his brother were. The loss of her children,
    so preyed on the mind of Samuel's mother that it
    brought on insanity, and she died in a state of
    madness. (Letter, 1828)

Workhouse Reminiscence 1849
  • My father was a glass blower. When I was eight
    years old my father died and our family had to go
    to the Bristol Workhouse. My brother was sent
    from Bristol workhouse in the same way as many
    other children were - cart-loads at a time. My
    mother did not know where he was for two years.
    He was taken off in the dead of night without her
    knowledge, and the parish officers would never
    tell her where he was. It was the mother of
    Joseph Russell who first found out where the
    children were, and told my mother. We set off
    together, my mother and I, we walked the whole
    way from Bristol to Cressbrook Mill in
    Derbyshire. We were many days on the road. Mrs.
    Newton fondled over my mother when we arrived. My
    mother had brought her a present of little glass
    ornaments. She got these ornaments from some of
    the workmen, thinking they would be a very nice
    present to carry to the mistress at Cressbrook,
    for her kindness to my brother. My brother told
    me that Mrs. Newton's fondling was all a blind
    but I was so young and foolish, and so glad to
    see him again that I did not heed what he said,
    and could not be persuaded to leave him. They
    would not let me stay unless I would take the
    shilling binding money. I took the shilling and I
    was very proud of it. They took me into the
    counting house and showed me a piece of paper
    with a red sealed horse on which they told me to
    touch, and then to make a cross, which I did.
    This meant I had to stay at Cressbrook Mill till
    I was twenty one.

Reminiscence -1828
  • In the summer of 1799 a rumour circulated that
    there was going to be an agreement between the
    church wardens and the overseers of St. Pancras
    Workhouse and the owner of a great cotton mill,
    near Nottingham. The children were told that when
    they arrived at the cotton mill, they would be
    transformed into ladies and gentlemen that they
    would be fed on roast beef and plum pudding, be
    allowed to ride their masters' horses, and have
    silver watches, and plenty of cash in their
    pockets. In August 1799, eighty boys and girls,
    who were seven years old, or were considered to
    be that age, became parish apprentices till they
    had acquired the age of twenty-one.

  • Our regular time was from five in the morning
    till nine or ten at night and on Saturday, till
    eleven, and often twelve o'clock at night, and
    then we were sent to clean the machinery on the
    Sunday. No time was allowed for breakfast and no
    sitting for dinner and no time for tea. We went
    to the mill at five o'clock and worked till about
    eight or nine when they brought us our breakfast,
    which consisted of water-porridge, with oatcake
    in it and onions to flavour it. Dinner consisted
    of Derbyshire oatcakes cut into four pieces, and
    ranged into two stacks. One was buttered and the
    other treacled. By the side of the oatcake were
    cans of milk. We drank the milk and with the
    oatcake in our hand, we went back to work without
    sitting down.

Workhouse Reminiscence
  • I began work at Cook's of Dewsbury when I was
    eight years old. We had to eat our food in the
    mill. It was frequently covered by flues from the
    wool and in that case they had to be blown off
    with the mouth, and picked off with the fingers,
    before it could be eaten. 1832
  • Our common food was oatcake. It was thick and
    coarse. This oatcake was put into cans. Boiled
    milk and water was poured into it. This was our
    breakfast and supper. Our dinner was potato pie
    with boiled bacon it, a bit here and a bit there,
    so thick with fat we could scarce eat it, though
    we were hungry enough to eat anything. Tea we
    never saw, nor butter. We had cheese and brown
    bread once a year. We were only allowed three
    meals a day though we got up at five in the
    morning and worked till nine at night. 1849

Workhouse Reminiscence
  • The young strangers were conducted into a
    spacious room with long, narrow tables, and
    wooden benches. They were ordered to sit down at
    these tables - the boys and girls apart. The
    supper set before them consisted of
    milk-porridge, of a very blue complexion! The
    bread was partly made of rye, very black, and so
    soft, they could scarcely swallow it, as it stuck
    to their teeth. Where is our roast beef and
    plum-pudding, he said to himself. The
    apprentices from the mill arrived. The boys had
    nothing on but a shirt and trousers. Their coarse
    shirts were entirely open at the neck, and their
    hair looked as if a comb had seldom, if ever,
    been applied! The girls, like the boys, destitute
    of shoes and stockings. On their first entrance,
    some of the old apprentices took a view of the
    strangers but the great bulk first looked for
    their supper, which consisted of new potatoes,
    distributed at a hatch door, that opened into the
    common room from the kitchen.

  • There was no cloth laid on the tables, to which
    the newcomers had been accustomed in the
    workhouse - no plates, nor knives, nor forks. At
    a signal given, the apprentices rushed to this
    door, and each, as he made way, received his
    portion, and withdrew to his place at the table.
    Blincoe was startled, seeing the boys pull out
    the fore-part of their shirts, and holding it up
    with both hands, received the hot boiled potatoes
    allotted for their supper. The girls, less
    indecently, held up their dirty, greasy aprons,
    that were saturated with grease and dirt, and
    having received their allowance, scampered off as
    hard as they could, to their respective places,
    where, with a keen appetite, each apprentice
    devoured her allowance, and seemed anxiously to
    look about for more. Next, the hungry crew ran to
    the tables of the newcomers, and voraciously
    devoured every crust of bread and every drop of
    porridge they had left.

Workhouse Boys
Institutional Support for Abuse
  • Children who worked long hours in the textile
    mills became very tired and found it difficult to
    maintain the speed required by the overlookers.
    Children were usually hit with a strap to make
    them work faster. In some factories children were
    dipped head first into the water cistern if they
    became drowsy. Children were also punished for
    arriving late for work and for talking to the
    other children. Parish apprentices who ran away
    from the factory was in danger of being sent to
    prison. Children who were considered potential
    runaways were placed in irons.

  • The master carder's name was Thomas Birks but he
    never went by any other name than Tom the Devil.
    He was a very bad man - he was encouraged by the
    master in ill-treating all the hands, but
    particularly the children. I have often seen him
    pull up the clothes of big girls, seventeen or
    eighteen years of age, and throw them across his
    knee, and then flog them with his hand in the
    sight of both men and boys. Everybody was
    frightened of him. He would not even let us
    speak. He once fell poorly, and very glad we
    were. We wished he might die. There was an
    overlooker called William Hughes, who was put in
    his place whilst he was ill. He came up to me and
    asked me what my drawing frame was stopped for. I
    said I did not know because it was not me who had
    stopped it. A little boy that was on the other
    side had stopped it, but he was too frightened to
    say it was him. Hughes starting beating me with a
    stick, and when he had done I told him I would
    let my mother know. He then went out and fetched
    the master in to me. The master started beating
    me with a stick over the head till it was full of
    lumps and bled. My head was so bad that I could
    not sleep for a long time, and I never been a
    sound sleeper since.

  • There was a young woman, Sarah Goodling, who was
    poorly and so she stopped her machine. James
    Birch, the overlooker knocked her to the floor.
    She got up as well as she could. He knocked her
    down again. Then she was carried to the
    apprentice house. Her bed-fellow found her dead
    in bed. There was another called Mary. She
    knocked her food can down on the floor. The
    master, Mr. Newton, kicked her where he should
    not do, and it caused her to wear away till she
    died. There was another, Caroline Thompson. They
    beat her till she went out of her mind. We were
    always locked up out of mill hours, for fear any
    of us should run away. One day the door was left
    open. Charlotte Smith, said she would be
    ringleader, if the rest would follow. She went
    out but no one followed her. The master found out
    about this and sent for her. There was a carving
    knife which he took and grasping her hair he cut
    if off close to the head. They were in the habit
    of cutting off the hair of all who were caught
    speaking to any of the lads. This head shaving
    was a dreadful punishment. We were more afraid of
    it than of any other, for girls are proud of
    their hair.

The Costs of Child Labor
  • Physical Deformity Seemed to result for child
  • QuestionWhat are the effects of this on the
    children.Dr. Samuel Smith Up to twelve or
    thirteen years of age, the bones are so soft that
    they will bend in any direction. The foot is
    formed of an arch of bones of a wedge-like shape.
    These arches have to sustain the whole weight of
    the body. I am now frequently in the habit of
    seeing cases in which this arch has given way.
    Long continued standing has also a very injurious
    effect upon the ankles. But the principle effects
    which I have seen produced in this way have been
    upon the knees. By long continued standing the
    knees become so weak that they turn inwards,
    producing that deformity which is called
    "knock-knees" and I have sometimes seen it so
    striking, that the individual has actually lost
    twelve inches of his height by it.

  • In the spring of 1840, I began to feel some
    painful symptoms in my right wrist, arising from
    the general weakness of my joints, brought on in
    the factories. The swelling and pain increased.
    The wrist eventually measured twelve inches round
    and I was worn down to a mere skeleton. I entered
    St. Thomas's Hospital and on 18th July, I
    underwent the operation. The hand being taken off
    a little below the elbow. On dissection, the
    bones of the forearm presented a very curious
    appearance - something similar to an empty
    honeycombe, the marrow having totally

Social Critique
  • For Marx, the history of mankind had a double
    aspect It was a history of increasing control of
    man over nature at the same time as it was a
    history of the increasing alienation of man.
  • Alienation may be described as a condition in
    which men are dominated by forces of their own
    creation, which confront them as alien powers.

Alienation and Capitalism
  • To Marx, all major institutional spheres in
    capitalist society, such as religion, the state,
    and political economy, were marked by a condition
    of alienation.
  • Moreover, these various aspects of alienation
    were interdependent.
  • "Objectification is the practice of alienation.
    Just as man, so long as he is engrossed in
    religion, can only objectify his essence by an
    alien and fantastic being so under the sway of
    egoistic need, he can only affirm himself and
    produce objects in practice by subordinating his
    products and his own activity to the domination
    of an alien entity, and by attributing to them
    the significance of an alien entity, namely
  • Money as a fetish. It is through the medium of
    money that alienation is transmitted.

The Four Aspects of Alienation
  • The Object Produced
  • The Process of Production
  • Himself/Herself
  • The Community of Fellows

The Object Produced
  • 1) The Object produced- "The object produced by
    labor, its product, now stands opposed to it as
    an alien being, as a power independent of the
    producer. . . .The more the worker expends
    himself in work the more powerful becomes the
    world of objects which he creates in face of
    himself, the poorer he becomes in his inner life,
    and the less he belongs to himself.
  • The object produced is used to satisfy basic
    needs, but the worker lacks detailed knowledge
    and control over the product.

The Process of Production
  • 2) The process of production- "However,
    alienation appears not merely in the result but
    also in the process of production, within
    productive activity itself. . . . If the product
    of labor is alienation, production itself must be
    active alienation. . . . The alienation of the
    object of labor merely summarizes the alienation
    in the work activity itself.
  • Productive activity belongs to the capitalist,
    the process is no longer satisfying in and of
    itself. Instead it is tied into the generation
    of profit.

Himself/Herself- Species Being
  • 3) Him/herself- Being alienated from the objects
    of his labor and from the process of production,
    man is also alienated from himself--he cannot
    fully develop the many sides of his personality.
    "Work is external to the worker. . . . It is not
    part of his nature consequently he does not
    fulfill himself in his work but denies himself. .
    . . The worker therefore feels himself at home
    only during his leisure time, whereas at work he
    feels homeless."31 "In work the worker does not
    belong to himself but to another person."32 "This
    is the relationship of the worker to his own
    activity as something alien, not belonging to him
    activity as suffering (passivity), strength as
    powerlessness, creation as emasculation, the
    personal physical and mental energy of the
    worker, his personal life. . . . as an activity
    which is directed against himself, independent of
    him and not belonging to him.
  • One is alienated from his/her human potential.
    We become less human through our work and more
    like animals. (who only do things to satisfy
    basic needs).

Community of Fellows
  • 4) Community of Fellows- "Man is alienated from
    other men. When man confronts himself he also
    confronts other men. What is true of man's
    relationship to his work, to the product of his
    work and to himself, is also true of his
    relationship to other men. . . . Each man is
    alienated from others . . . each of the others is
    likewise alienated from human life.
  • Rather than working together, workers are pitted
    in competition against one another.

Emancipation- Praxis
  • Human emancipation only occurs when individuals
    become species beings, or realize their
  • Praxis- concrete action informed by theory
  • His ideal society does not rule over people and
    is nothing beyond the concrete relations between

The Structure of Capitalist Society
  • How did Marx view social structure?
  • He saw social structure as being composed of a
    large number of continuing social relationships.
  • These structures are not static, but change.

  • Are products of labor intended for both use and
  • People produce what they need to survive.
  • Commodities are the reified result of labor.

The Fetishism of Commodities
  • Labor gives commodities their value. The
    fetishism of commodities involves the process by
    which actors fail to recognize that it is their
    labor that gives commodities their value.
  • A commodity is therefore a mysterious thing,
    simply because in it the social character of
    mens labor appears to them as an objective
    character stamped upon the product of that labor
    because the relations of the producers to the sum
    total of their own labor is presented to them as
    a social relation, existing not between
    themselves, but between the products of their
    labor. Marx, 1867

  • Use value- objects produced for use by oneself or
    others in the immediate environment. With use
    value, objects are the products of human labor
    and cannot achieve an independent existence
    because they are controlled by the actors.
  • Exchange Value- the value of something in an
    exchange. The value something takes one when
    exchanged in an open market.
  • Surplus Value- the difference between what the
    worker is paid and what the worker produces

The Demands of Capital
  • Capital- the objectified embodiment of past labor
    (dead labor). Its value can only be brought to
    life when living labor is applied to it.
  • Capital is dead labour which, vampire like,
    lives only by sucking living labour, and lives
    the more, the more labour it sucks (Capital, p.
  • Capital requires ever increasing demands on the
    workers time (machines arent making money when
    they are down).
  • Human needs and hardships are secondary to the
    demands of capital to expand.
  • -shift to continuous production provides and
    example of this tendency.

The Fundamental Contradictions of Capitalism
  • The relationship between the bourgeoisie and the
    proletariat is inherently divisive. Exploitation
    is balanced against a growing working class that
    will eventually become intolerant.
  • Capitalism requires ever increasing profit
    margins, but the tendency is for the rate of
    profit to decline.
  • The capitalists quest for ever-increasing rates
    of surplus value is the secret behind increasing
    demands on workers in the face of rising profits.
  • Paradoxically, unemployment and unfilled jobs go
    hand in hand.
  • The scale of production must constantly expand.
    (Searching for new sources of surplus), with the
    expansion of capital comes a ballooning of its

  • Count off to 6.
  • Each Group is assigned one term
  • 1 Marxs Four types of Alienation
  • 2 Dialectical Materialism
  • 3 Fundamental Contradictions of Capitalism
  • 4 The means of production
  • 5 Use and Exchange Value
  • 6 Surplus Value (using Kvisto)

Exercise Cont.
  • Using text and lecture notes. Define your term.
    Think of how Marx exemplifies this idea.
  • View Charlie Chaplins Modern Times
  • Find examples of your term in this film
  • Report your definition of the term and examples
    to the class
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