Title: Let's consider Prince's Maria Sharapova promotion from a '
1PR and its contextsPart 1PR, marketing, and
2What do I mean by contexts?
- PR overlaps with, and subsumes, many other
functions and industries - Media/journalism
- Marketing
- Politics and public affairs
- Yet PR is distinct from these
- A piece of the marketing pie
- Yet also its own adjoining cake
3Todays topic PR and marketing
- Lets put on our marketing hats
- If you work in product marketinge.g., as Crest
brand manager at Procter Gamble - then to YOU, PR is one of many available tools in
your marketing tool box - alongside of, and often overlapping with,
- Advertising
- Sales promotion
- Direct marketing
- Personal selling
4What is marketing?
- How would YOU define it?
- Heres how the AMA (American Marketing
Association) defines marketing - The process of planning and executing the
conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution
of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges
that satisfy individual and organizational
5Notice, then
- Marketing is ultimately about consumers
- While this is true of SOME aspects of PR, the
consumer is not the only focus of PR - PR talks to various publics, many of whom are not
consumers - Employees, stockholders, fellow community
members, financial community, government - And the media themselves!
6How else is PR different from marketing?
- Most marketing communications (esp. advertising)
are delivered through the media - But PR uses other (non-mediated) ways to
communicate - Speeches
- Events
- In-person communication
- As marketing becomes more sophisticated, it is
more customer-relationship oriented - And here marketing starts to overlap with PR more
than it used to - So lets consider the 4 Ps
8We can move from the AMAs definition of
- The process of planning and executing the
conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution
of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges
that satisfy individual and organizational
objectives - to something a little easier to work with the
4 Ps
9The 4 Ps(a/k/a the marketing mix
10The 4 Ps (marketing mix)
Product -Features -Research development -Packagi
ng -Brand
11The 4 Ps (marketing mix)
Product -Features -Research development -Packagi
ng -Brand
Price -Amt. charged -Price image -Price
12The 4 Ps (marketing mix)
Product -Features -Research development -Packagi
ng -Brand
Price -Amt. charged -Price image -Price
Place (distribution) -Channel (where
sold) -Markets covered -Transportation
13The 4 Ps (marketing mix)
Product -Features -Research development -Packagi
ng -Brand
Price -Amt. charged -Price image -Price
Promotion -Advertising -Personal selling -Sales
promotion -Event marketing -Marketing PR -Direct
marketing -Internet -other interactive media
Place (distribution) -Channel (where
sold) -Markets covered -Transportation
14Whats true of all elements of the promotion P?
- They concern the coordination of all information
and persuasion channels - to sell goods and services
- or promote an idea
- or an organization
- In short, the Promotion P contains all the
communication functions of marketing
15So, PR, seen through this lens (that of a
- is just one element of the marketing mixs
promotion P(To a PR professional, PR is an
entire worldbut were only looking through the
marketing lens today!)
16Lets consider Princes Maria Sharapova promotion
from a 4 Ps perspective
- Article in Gazette is example of?
- How might other promotion elements be executed?
- Advertising
- Sales promotion
- Direct marketing
- Personal selling
- Event marketing
- Internet marketing
17And another thing
- We cant talk about marketing today (in 21st
century) - without talking about IMC
- Integrated marketing communications
18IMC in a nutshell
- All the elements of the promotion P working
together - Common communication elements
- Common themes
- Common tones
- Common goals
19Why IMC now?
- For years,
- Most marketing spent on traditional media
advertising - Strict separation of media advertising from other
marketing efforts (PR, sales promotion, etc.)
20But starting in the 1980s
- Companies begin seeing need for coordination of
marketing elements - Some asked their ad agencies to oversee other
functions - Others used OTHER agencies for DM, PR, etc.
- Agencies responded by diversifying acquiring
21Most successful marketers now recognize
importance of
- Creating coordinated, unified front consistency
of message image - Economy of coordination
- Synergy of communication
- elements support each other
- complement each other
- build on each others strengths
22IMC takes big-picture approach
- Adds value to comprehensive plan
- Oversees all promotional efforts
- Various communication functions actually work
with each other! - Consistency of message image
- Centralized messaging function
- Communicate with one voice, one look, one image
23With IMC in mind, how might you re-design the
Prince/Sharapova promotion P?
- Advertising
- Sales promotion
- Direct marketing
- Personal selling
- Event marketing
- Internet marketing
24Advantages to IMC approach (client perspective)
- Avoid duplication of effort (and wasting )
- Take advantage of synergy
- Develop more efficient marketing communication
programs - Recognizes increasing use of new technologies
- Responds to media fragmentation
25Also driving the IMC movementthe marketing
- Shift of marketing away from media advertising
- Why did this happen?
- Fragmentation of media markets
- Proliferation of media and media sources
- Retailers gaining power ? manufacturers losing
26Not to mention
- Database marketing evolution ?
- direct marketing, telemarketing, and direct mail
- Client demand for greater ad-agency
accountability - (prove that my advertising is working!)
- Growth of Internet
27Also important relationship marketing
- This is where long-held priorities of PR have
contributed most visibly to the IMC revolution - Importance of relationships
- Marketers finally recognize that
- its not good enough to make one exchange (sale,
donation) - you need to develop and cultivate long-term
relationships - More cost-effective to retain old customers than
acquire new ones
28The 4 Ps (marketing mix)
Product -Features -Research development -Packagi
ng -Brand
Price -Amt. charged -Price image -Price
Promotion -Advertising -Personal selling -Sales
promotion -Event marketing -Marketing PR -Direct
marketing -Internet -other interactive media
Place (distribution) -Channel (where
sold) -Markets covered -Transportation
29How is PR different from advertising?
- In the marketing professions, advertising has a
specific, detailed definition - Any paid form of non-personal communication,
intended to be persuasive, about an organization,
product, service, or idea, delivered by an
identified sponsor to a target audience,
primarily through mass media.
30Lets break it down advertising is
- Any paid form of
- non-personal communication,
- intended to be persuasive,
- about an organization, product, service, or idea
- delivered by an identified sponsor
- to a target audience
- primarily through mass media.
31Using this definition, how is advertising
different from PR?
- Advertising paid form of communication
- PR not always paid
- Advertising non-personal
- PR often can be personal
- Advertising delivered via mass media
- PR sometimes via media, sometimes not
- Includes events, speeches, in-person contact,
32How, then, is PR different from marketing?
- From marketers perspective, marketing is a huge
collection of activities - Promotion is one of 4 subcategories
- And PR merely one element of the promotion
category - Thus, to a marketer, PR is much, much smaller
than marketing
33But to most PR professionals
- PR is not (only) one little component of the big
marketing world - Rather, PR is itself a huge collection or
category of activities - one of which is marketing
- but many others of which are distinct from
34Perhaps the clearest distinction (PR vs.
- Audience!
- Marketing speaks to consumers
- Public relations speaks to a wide variety of
publics - Consumers (yes!)
- Media
- Employees
- Stockholders
- Government
- Community members
35PR marketing-oriented or otherwise?
- In the 4Ps chart, PR is very specifically
marketing-oriented - Focuses on communication with customers/consumers
- Outside of a marketing/IMC perspective, PR has
other publics, other applications
36Your media kits
- Which function(s) can you identify?
- Which publics are being addressed?