Title: Bram Peeters
1 Forskingsnet konference 2005 Middelfart -
Danmark November 2, 2005
- SURFnet a hybrid network
- Lightpath networking
- Global networking (GLIF/GOLEs)
- NetherLight
- Automation on SURFnet
- Key themes review
- The National Research Network in the Netherlands
- 170 connected organizations, 750.000 users
- Infrastructure services
- innovation paid for by government
- cost effective exploitation for higher education
and research gt SURFnet6
- Based on SURFnet-owned managed dark fiber - all
the way to the customers premises - Native IPv4, IPv6 and Light Path Provisioning -
over a single transmission infrastructure - IP Network nodes reduced from 20 routed locations
to 2 routed locations - A hybrid optical and packet switching
Paving the way to a ubiquitous and scalable
Services Grid
5SURFnet6 - DWDM on dark fiber
6SURFnet6 IP network implementation
SURFnet6 Core Routers
Avici SSR
External IP connectivity
Avici SSR
Avici SSR
Avici SSR
10 GE
Nortel OM 5000
10 GE
Nortel OME 6500
Nortel OM 5000
Nortel OME 6500
SURFnet6 Common Photonic Layer
Nortel OM 5000
Nortel Passport 8600
10 Gigabit Ethernet Customer
Nortel OME 6500
1 GE
1 Gigabit Ethernet Customer
10 GE
SURFnet infrastructure
7SURFnet6 Lightpath service
- Lightpaths
- End-to-end transmission path - with fixed
characteristics - L0/1 connections
- Virtual lambda!
- Divert high-bandwidth streams from routed core
- Enable creation of Optical Private Networks (OPN)
- Turn the network into an integral part of
scientific instruments - Service
- Reliable
- User provisioning - on a managed network
- Automation
- Rely on control plane technology for the
mechanics - Add extra intelligence at the service layer
9Application specific OPNs
University dept
High Energy Physics Network
Healthcare OPN
Research Network
Bio-informatics Network
eVLBI Network
Telescope site
10LHC high-level network architecture
11GEANT2 European lightpaths
12Global Lambda Integrated FacilityWorld Map
August 2005
Visualization courtesy of Bob Patterson,
NCSA/University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. D
ata compilation by Maxine Brown, University of
Illinois at Chicago. Earth texture from NASA.
13SURFnet6 Light Path Implementation
Nortel HDXc
European Light Paths
Nortel transport box
Nortel transport box
Intercontinental Light Paths
SURFnet6 Common Photonic Layer
Nortel transport box
Nortel transport box
Customer equipment
Customer equipment
End user
End-to-End Light Path
SURFnet infrastructure
End user
14What is GLIF
- Global Lambda Integrated Facility
- Virtual international organization promoting
paradigm of lambda networking - Collaborative initiative among worldwide NRENs,
consortia and institutions - World-scale Lambda based Laboratory to facilitate
application and middleware development
15GLIF organisation
- Open community
- Participants, not members
- GLIF glues together the networks and resources
of its participants - Jointly make lambdas available for use by
scientists and projects - Work together to develop, test and implement new
lambda networking technologies, middleware and
applications - Exchange information to learn from each other's
experiences - Bring together leading networking engineers and
users worldwide
16GOLE Glif Open Lightpath Exchange
- GLIF Lambdas and GOLEs
- GOLE GLIF Open Lightpath Exchange
- Peering point for lightpaths
- Global model MANLAN, NetherLight, UKLight,
Starlight, NORDUnet, HK-light, - Open? anyone can bring lambdas
- Lambda owner controls port
- GOLE owner makes cross connects happen
- Limitations only in technology
- Looking for automation
- Reduces effort, speeds up global service delivery
- Enables new applications
17NetherLight Lightpath connections to the
3rd quarter 2005
18NetherLight technical
- Centered around Nortels Optical Cross Connect
HDXc - Up to 640 Gbit/s cross connect capability - i.e.
up to 64 x 10G lambdas! - Generic Framing Procedure (GFP-F)
- Partitionable on port basis for management
(operator vs. control plane) - Currently still manual
19Automation of Lightpaths - using DRAC (Nortels
Dynamic Resource Allocation Controller)
UNI - Simple interface
Control plane
Nortel OME 6500
Nortel OME 6500
Nortel OME 6500
Nortel OME 6500
1 GE
Customer equipment
1 GE
Customer equipment
Service End-to-End Light Path
SURFnet infrastructure
20DRAC Basic Architecture
- Interfaces
- DRAC UNI (web-service/XML)
- DRAC Provisioning Client (GUI)
- DRAC Administration Center
- configuration, provisioning, monitoring
- AAA external (SURFnets A-Select)
- DRAC Server Components
- DRAC Network Resource Broker
- Bandwidth management
- Routing intelligence (intra/inter domain)
- DRAC Nodal Resource Manager
- Network element abstraction and mediation
21Interacting with the service
- Querying DRAC - before a service is established
- Usable client ports
- Indication of available bandwidth - calendar with
extra functions! - Scheduling a connection
- Query ? availability of specific connection
- cost and other parameters returned
- Reserve ? confirmation reference, and guarantee
of parameters - Establish ? service is provisioned when establish
time has come - Verifying a service
- Status request of a reservation (existing,
parameters) - Status request of an existing connection (up,
down) - Performance monitoring
- Ethernet level for edge-edge connection
- STS level for interdomain connection
22Managing the service
- Access management
- Groups
- Policy (resource access limitations for groups)
- Connections
- Schedule, change, cancel connection
- Monitoring
- State of DRAC-controlled network
- DRAC service only gt filtering
- not a replacement for the network management
system!! - Planning view
- Per link (internal gt network dimensioning)
- Per port, connections
- Accounting
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24Key Themes
- SURFnet6 as a hybrid network
- Lightpath as a global service
- From the campus around the world
- GOLEs as peering points enabling GLIF
- Lightpath automation
- Static today (OPNs) rapidly automating on
SURFnet - Work with Grid community on dynamic and
inter-domain aspects, and see how far we can go
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