Title: Freya De Vroede Astrid Peeters
1Occupational therapy in Belgium and Spain
- Freya De VroedeAstrid Peeters
- Estibaliz Fernandez Goméz
2- Occupational therapy in Belgium(Brussels)
ergotherapie ? Greek word "ergos" work. - ? Old name arbeidstherapie /
labortherapy, but its outdated
- Hogeschool - Universiteit Brussel Graduate
school University Brussels - Campus terranova
- In the centre of Brussels
- Healthcare
5History of OT
- Development legal recognition of OT in Belgium
from 1945 - After WW2 a structured manner of revalidation of
the wounded people - In 1965 certificate of labor therapy
- Only since 1992 certificate of graduated in
occupational therapy
(Vercruysse), (le Granse, van Hartingsveldt,
Kinébanian, 2012)
6History of OT
- Study of occupational therapy and
professionalization - Since 2003-2004 Bachelor in OT
- Since 2011-2012 connection year to master in OT
in the Flanders - Since 2012-2013 master in OT in the Flanders
(Vercruysse), (le Granse, van Hartingsveldt,
Kinébanian, 2012)
8Study of OT
- Bachelor of 3 years
- 60 credits each year
- First year analysis of the normal human
functioning and discover the job of an OT - Second year analysis of disturbed functioning /
diseases and developping the professional skills - Third year a lot of internships/practice,
indepentley working, literature and practical
thesis and an experience abroad
9OT vs. other disciplines
- OT focus on activities of the daily life
- Overlap ? making good agreements with other
10Courses first year
- Fundamentals of occupational therapy
- Human sciences
- Philosophy and ethics
- Psychology (basic knowledge, adults and children)
- Psychomotoric development
- Biomedical sciences
- Anatomy and fysiology
- Pathology
- Organisation of the health care
- Cleanical reasoning, therapeuthic skills, social
skills - Scientific education
- Evidence Based Practice !!
11Courses second year
- Human sciences
- Philosophy and ethics 2
- Biomedical sciences
- Neuroscience
- Biomechanics (fysiotherapy)
- Specific sciences and skills about target groups
- Fysical en geriatric revalidation
- Psychiatry and gerontopsychiatrie
- Developmental dysfunctions
- Scientific education
- Evidence based practice 2 !!!
12Courses third year
- Philosophy and ethics 3
- Practical skills
- Fysical and geriatric revalidation
- Psychiatric and gerontopsychiatric revalidation
- Development dysfunctions
- Professional development
- Cleanical reasoning
- A LOT OF PRACTICE (internships) with rapportation
- Practical and literature thesis
13Final grades
- Theoretical exams
- Individual and grouptasks
- Practical exams
- Internship grade important
- In Belgium we can work in
- mental health
- geriatrics
- Developmental problems (children)
- physical rehabilitation
- Its easy to find work, especially in geriatrics.
- NEW Independent occupational therapist
16Wide spread of possibilities
- BUT!
- Learning about a lot of different targetgroups in
different situations and how to.. - Observate them
- Give them advice
- Treat them
- Care for them
17Practical experience
18Practical experience Belgium ? Spain
Year Belgium Spain
First year 2 x 3 days of observation 2 days of observation
Second year 3 weeks 4 weeks internship 4 days of observation
Third year 8 weeks 8 weeks 7 weeks internship 4 weeks of internship
Fourth year 8 weeks of internship
HUB practice with children from the
childrensdaycare practice with patiënts from
the daycare center (located in or next to our
19Project abroad
20International development
- At HUB ? It's obligated!
- Our choice TAPAS in Poland
Therapy for All Patiënts in All Situations
- Association of a multi-disciplinar team
- Coming form Spain, Belgium, Finland, Poland and
Denmark. - Organise different projects across different
countries. For example Poland - our chance to have an international experience
- le Granse, M., van Hartingsveldt, M.,
Kinébanian, A. (2012). Grondslagen van de
Ergotherapie. Amsterdam Reed Business. - TAPAS. (sd). Opgeroepen op november 25, 2013, van
http//www.therapy-tapas.org/ - Vercruysse, L. (sd). PPT. Klinisch Redeneren en
Ergo Fundamenten 1a. HUB.
23Occupational therapy in Spain(Burgos)
- Train health professionals who are specialized in
evaluating the skills of people to perform the
activities of daily life and to intervene when
they are at risk for damage.
26History of OT
- Doctor in Medicine Heliodorus Ruiz García
introduced OT studies in Spain in 1960. - In 1959 nurses had moved to France for training
in OT and returned in 1961 being the first
occupational therapists in Spain.
27History of OT
- In 1964 the National School of Occupational
Therapy is created in Madrid. - In 1967 these studies were regulated, whose
duration was set at three years. - Studies of OT are recognized as university
studies since 1990.
29OT in the University of Burgos
- Faculty of Humanities and Education.
- University degree (4 years)
- On campus (full time classroom courses)
- Required 240 credits
30OT in the University of Burgos
- Courses health sciences, social sciences and
therapy. - More theoretical than practical.
- OT is more conducted towards psychology
31General skills
- Professional autonomy and accountability.
- Knowledge of Occupational Therapy.
- Occupational Therapy Process and professional
reasoning. - Professionals, clinics and community relations.
- Communication skills.
32Courses first year
- Basic knowledges about human funcionating and
other resources (60 credits)
- Fundamentals of OT
- Health sciences
- Anatomy, physiology and kinesiology.
- Social sciences
- Phycology
- Scientific knowledge
- Technical english, resources and tools,
documentacion and communication
33Courses second year
Basic knowledges about pathology and treatments
(60 credits)
- Health sciences
- Pathology
- Social sciences
- Sociology, bioethics and law, pedagogy
- OT knowledge
- Work on ADL in self-maintenance tasks, activities
for independence in the built environment and the
34Courses third year
Improving the scientific knowledge, developing
professional skills(60 credits)
- Health sciences
- Pathology,
- Social sciences
- Cognitive diseases
- Scientific knowledge
- Research, methods of investigation.
- OT knowledge
- Ergonomy, OT in physical disiases.
- Optional subjects
- 4 weeks of internship
35Courses fourth year
Independent work, especialization, internship (60
- Health sciences
- Prosthesis and orthesis
- Social sciences
- Group interventions
- Optional subjects
- 8 weeks of internship
- Thesis
37Work opportunities
- Hospital
- Psychiatrist
- Nursing home (olds people home)
- Social work center
- Independent occupational therapist
- APETO(Asociación Profesional Española de Terapia
Ocupacional) - APATO (Asociación Profesional Andaluza de
Terapeutas Ocupacionales ) - ABETO ( Asociación Burgalesa de Estudiantes de
Terapia Ocupacional)
- The creation of professional associations in the
different Autonomous Communities. - The promotion of the group of occupational
therapists and self-help . - Continuous training.
- The legal advice both nationally and
internationally . - Linking with other associations.
40Research articles
- TOG (Revista Terapia Ocupacional Galicia)
- Portal de terapia ocupacional en español.
41Thank you for your attention