1st Semester Vocabulary - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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1st Semester Vocabulary


HOSP/HOST: host, guest, or shelter AM/IM: to love; friendly or good-natured ... meter, metr, metry --- measure. mono-, mon- --- one, single, alone ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: 1st Semester Vocabulary

1st Semester Vocabulary
  • Insert Evil Laugh Here

Primus Septem Dies
  • BELL war PAC/PEAS agree or peace
  • HOSP/HOST host, guest, or shelter AM/IM to
    love friendly or good-natured
  • antebellum existing before a war, especially
    before the American Civil War.
  • bellicose warlike, aggressive, quarrelsome
  • belligerent hot-headed, ready to fight,
  • pacifist a person opposed to war or violence,
    especially someone who refuses to bear arms or to
    fight, on moral or religious grounds.
  • pact an agreement between two or more people or
    groups a treaty or formal agreement between
    nations to deal with a problem or to resolve a
  • appease to make peaceful and quiet to calm,
  • hospice a place or program to help care for the
    terminally ill.
  • hostel an inexpensive, supervised place for
    young travelers to stay overnight.
  • inhospitable 1. not welcoming or generous
    unfriendly. 2. providing no shelter or food.
  • amicable friendly, peaceful
  • inimical hostile, unfriendly, or harmful
  • paramour a lover, often secret, not allowed by
    law or custom.

Secundus Septem Dies
  • allay - To reduce the intensity of relieve To
    calm or pacify set to rest
  • assimilate - 1 take up, as of knowledge or
    beliefs 2 become similar to one's environment
    3 make similar
  • capitulate - 1.To surrender under specified
    conditions come to terms. 2.To give up all
  • debase - To lower in character, quality, or
    value degrade.
  • emulate - To strive to equal or excel, especially
    through imitation
  • exacerbate - To increase the severity, violence,
    or bitterness of aggravate
  • extol - To praise highly exalt.
  • efface to rub or wipe out erase
  • fetter a chain or shackle for the ankles or
    feet something that restricts or restrains
  • glut to fill beyond capacity
  • guild 1. an association of persons of the same
    trade or pursuits 2. to cover with thin gold or
    other shiny material
  • implore to appeal in supplication to beg for
  • disparage to speak of in a slighting way

Tertius Septem Dies
  • CRIM fault, crime, or accusation PROB/PROV
    prove, proof, or honesty, integrity
  • GRAV heavy, weighty, or serious LEV light to
    raise or lighten
  • decriminalize to remove or reduce the criminal
    status of
  • incriminate to show evidence of involvement in
    a crime or a fault
  • recrimination an accusation relation for an
    accusation made against oneself the making of
    such an accusation
  • approbation a formal or official act of
    approving praise, usually given with pleasure
    or enthusiasm.
  • probity absolute honesty and uprightness
  • reprobate a person of thoroughly bad character
  • gravid pregnant or enlarge with something
  • gravitas great or very dignified seriousness
  • gravitate to move or be drawn toward something,
    especially by natural tendency or as if by an
    invisible force.
  • alleviate to lighten, lessen, or relieve,
    especially physical or mental suffering
  • leavening something that lightens and raises
    something that modifies, eases, or animates
  • levity frivolity, lack of appropriate

Quartus Septem Dies
  • allegory the use of characters or events to
    represent ideas or principles in a story, play,
    or picture.
  • avarice immoderate desire for wealth
  • cacophony jarring, discordant sound,
    dissonance the use of harsh sounds
  • catharsis a purifying or figurative cleansing
    of the emotions
  • charlatan a person who makes elaborate,
    fraudulent, and often voluble claims to
  • skill or knowledge a quack or fraud
  • dogma a doctrine or system relating to matters
    such as morality and faith, set forth
    authoritative by a church
  • edifice a building, especially, one of imposing
    appearance or size
  • enigma one that is puzzling or inexplicable
  • epitome a representative or an example of a
    class or type
  • frivolity the quality or condition of being
  • hiatus a gap or an interruption in space, time,
    or continuity break
  • homage special honor or respect shown or
    expressed publicly
  • innuendo an indirect or subtle, usually
    derogatory implication in expression an

Quintus Septem Dies
  • AG do, go lead, drive VEN/VENT to come, come
    between or toward
  • CAP/CEP/CIP take, seize, or capture FIN end or
  • agitate 1. to move something with an
    irregular, rapid, violent action to stir up or
  • prodigal recklessly or wastefully extravagant
  • synagogue the center of worship and communal
    life of a Jewish congregation temple.
  • advent a coming or arrival a coming into use.
  • provenance origin or source.
  • venturesome inclined to seek out risk or
    danger bold, daring, adventurous
  • incipient starting to come into being or to
    become evident
  • perceptible noticeable or able to be felt by the
  • susceptible 1. open to some influence
    responsive, able to be submitted to an action or
  • affinity 1. sympathy attraction 2.
  • definitive 1. authoritative and final 2.
    specifying perfectly or precisely
  • finite having definite limits

Sextus Septem Dies
  • a-, an- --- not, without
  • agr/o, agri --- crop production, field
  • ante --- before
  • bar/o --- pressure, weight
  • bene --- good, well
  • bi, bin --- two, twice
  • -cide --- kill
  • circum --- around
  • cracy, crat --- government, rule, power
  • deca, dec, deka --- ten
  • dem/o, demi --- people
  • dic, dict --- speech, to speak, word

Septimus Septem Dies
  • JAC/JECT throw or hurl TRACT drag or draw
  • DUC to lead SEC/SEQU to follow
  • adjacent 1. near, neighboring 2. sharing a
    common boundary or border
  • conjecture to guess
  • dejected downcast, depressed.
  • detract to decrease the importance, value, or
    effectiveness of something
  • retraction a taking back or withdrawal a denial
    of what one has previously said
  • intractable not easily handled, led, taught, or
  • conducive tending to promote, encourage, or
    assist helpful
  • deduction 1. subtraction 2. the reaching of a
    conclusion by reasoning
  • induce 1. persuade, influence 2. bring about
  • consequential 1. resulting 2.
  • execute 1. to carry out or perform 2. to
    put to death legally or formally
  • obsequious excessively submissive, obedient, or

Octavus Septem Dies
  • allusive - Containing or characterized by
    indirect references.
  • elusive - Difficult to define or describe.
    Tending to elude capture, perception,
    comprehension, or memory
  • ambivalent - characterized by a mixture of
    opposite feelings or attitudes.
  • amiable - Friendly and agreeable in disposition
    good-natured and likable. Cordial sociable
  • benevolent - Characterized by or suggestive of
    doing good. Of, concerned with, or organized for
    the benefit of charity.
  • capricious - Characterized by or subject to whim
    impulsive and unpredictable.
  • chimerical - Created by or as if by a wildly
    fanciful imagination highly improbable. Given to
    unrealistic fantasies fanciful.
  • craven - Characterized by abject fear cowardly.
  • dubious - Fraught with uncertainty or doubt
  • garrulous - Given to excessive and often trivial
    or rambling talk tiresomely talkative.
  • garish - Marred by strident color or excessive
    ornamentation gaudy. Loud and flashy
  • glib - Performed with a natural, offhand ease
    glib conversation. Showing little thought,
    preparation, or concern

Nonus Septem Dies
  • AMBI/AMPHI on both sides, around EP/EPI upon,
    besides, attached to, over, outer, after
  • HYPO/HYP under, beneath, down THERM/THERMO
  • ambiguous 1. doubtful or uncertain especially
    from being obscure or indistinct unclear in
    meaning because of being understandable in more
    than one way.
  • ambient existing or present on all sides.
  • ambivalent 1. holding opposite feelings and
    attitudes at the same time toward someone or
    something. 2. continually wavering between
    opposites or alternate courses of action
  • ephemeral 1. lasting a day only 2. lasting a
    very short time
  • epitome 1. a summary of written work 2. a
    typical, or ideal, work embodiment
  • epithet 1. a descriptive word or phrase
    occurring with or in place of the name of a
    person or thing 2. an insulting or demeaning
    word or phrase
  • hypochondriac a person unduly concerned with
    health and often suffering from delusions of
  • hypocrisy a pretending to be what one is not or
    to feel what one does not really feel.
  • hypothetical 1. involving an assumption made for
    the sake of argument or for further study or
    investigation 2. imagined for purposes of
  • thermal 1. of, relating to, or caused by heat
    2. designed to insulate in order to retain body
  • thermocline the region in a body of water that
    divides the warmer, oxygen-rich surface layer
    from the colder, oxygen-poor deep water.
  • thermonuclear of or relating to the changes in
    the nucleus of atoms with low atomic weight, such
    as hydrogen, that require a very high temperature
    to begin.

Decimus Septem Dies
  • equ, equi --- equal
  • graph, graphy --- writing, written
  • intra-, intro- --- within, inward
  • ject --- to throw
  • junct --- to join
  • magn, magna, magni --- large
  • man, mani, manu --- hand
  • matr, matri, mater --- mother
  • meter, metr, metry --- measure
  • mono-, mon- --- one, single, alone
  • ology, -logy --- study of, science

Undecimus Septem Dies
  • VOR to eat CRED to believe
  • CARN flesh FID faith, faithfulness
  • CARNIVOROUS meat-eating or flesh-eating
  • OMNIVOROUS 1. feeding on both animals and
    plants 2. intensely interest in everything.
  • VORACIOUS 1. having a huge appetite. 2. very
  • CARNAGE great destruction of life slaughter
  • CARNAL having to do with bodily pleasures.
  • CARNIVAL 1. a season of merrymaking just before
    Lent an occasion for festivities and excess 2. a
    traveling group that presents a variety of
  • CREDENCE mental acceptance of something as true
    or real belief.
  • CREDULITY readiness and willingness to believe
    on the basis of little evidence.
  • CREED 1. a statement of the basic beliefs of a
    religious faith. a set of guiding principles or
  • DIFFIDENT 1. Lacking confidence timid.
    cautious or unassertive.
  • FIDUCIARY 1. having to do with a confidence or
    trust. 2. held in trust for another.
  • PERFIDY faithlessness, disloyalty, or treachery.

Duodecimus Septem Dies
  • omni all
  • part, patri, pater father
  • phon/o, phone, phony sound, voice
  • pro before, forward, in place of
  • pseudo false
  • rupt to break, burst
  • scrib, script to write
  • tele, tel, telo distant, end, complete
  • trans across, through
  • uni one

Tertius Decimus Septem Dies
  • CURS to run FLECT/FLEX bend
  • PED foot POST after, behind
  • CONCURRENT happening or operating at the same
  • CURSORY hastily and often carelessly done.
  • DISCURSIVE passing from one topic to another.
  • EXPEDIENT suitable for bringing about a desired
    result, often without regard for what is fair or
  • IMPEDIMENT something that interferes with
    movement or progress.
  • PEDESTRIAN commonplace, ordinary, or
  • FLEXOR a muscle that bends a part of the body,
    such as an arm or a leg.
  • GENUFLECT to kneel on one knee and then rise a
    an act of respect.
  • INFLECTION a change in the pitch, tone, or
    loudness of the voice.
  • POSTERIOR situated toward or on the back rear.
  • POSTHUMOUS 1. published after the death of the
    author. 2. following or happening after ones
  • POSTMORTEM 1. occurring after death. 2.
    following the event

Quartus Decimus Septem Dies
  • MAL bad, evil CATA down
  • ANTE before, in front of PROT/PROTO 1st in
    time 1st formed
  • MALEVOLENT having or showing intense ill will or
  • MALICIOUS desiring to cause pain, injury, or
    distress to another.
  • MALIGN to make harsh and often false or
    misleading statements about.
  • CATACLYSM 1. a violent and massive change of the
    earths surface. 2. a momentous event that
    results in great upheaval and often destruction.
  • CATALYST 1. a substance that speeds up a
    chemical reaction or lets it take place under
    different conditions. 2. someone or something
    that brings about or speeds significant change or
  • CATATONIC 1. relating to or suffering from a
    form of schizophrenia 2. showing an unusual lack
    of movement, activity, or expression.
  • PROTAGONIST the main character in a literary
  • PROTOCOL 1. an original copy or record of a
    document. 2. a code of diplomatic or military
    rules of behavior.
  • PROTOTYPE 1. an original model on which
    something is patterned. 2. a first, full-scale,
    usually working version of a new type or design.
  • ANTECHAMBER an outer room that leads to another
    and is often used as a waiting room.
  • ANTEDATE 1. to date something (such as a check)
    with a date earlier than that of actual writing.
    2. To precede in time.
  • ANTERIOR 1. located before or toward the front
    or head. 2. coming before in time or development

Quintus Decimus Septem Dies
  • ORTHO straight, right, true RECT right, true
  • EU good, well, true DYS bad, difficult,
  • ORTHODOX 1. holding established beliefs,
    especially in religion 2. conforming to
    established rules or traditions conventional.
  • ORTHOPEDICS the correction or prevention of
    deformities of the skeleton
  • ORTHOGRAPHY 1. the spelling of words according
    to standard usage. 2. the part of language study
    concerned with letters and spelling
  • RECTITUDE 1. moral integrity 2. correctness of
  • RECTIFY 1. to set right remedy 2. to correct
    by removing errors revise
  • RECTOR 1. a clergyman in charge of a church or
    parish 2. the head of a university or school.
  • EUPHEMISM 1. the use of an agreeable or
    inoffensive word or expression for one that may
    offend or disgust 2. an expression used in this
  • EUPHORIA a felling of well-being or great
  • EVANGELISM 1. the enthusiastic preaching or
    proclamation of the Christian gospel 2. militant
    or crusading zeal
  • DYSFUNCTIONAL operating or functioning in an
    impaired or abnormal way.
  • DYSPEPTIC 1. relating to or suffering from
    indigestion 2. having an irritable temperament
  • DYSTROPHY any of several disorders involving
    nerves and muscles, especially a hereditary
    disease marked by a progressive wasting of

Sextus Decimus Septem Dies
  • ROG to ask, propose QUIS to seek, obtain
  • PLE to fill METR measure
  • ABROGATE 1. to abolish or annul. 2. to ignore
    or treat as if nonexistent
  • ARROGATE to claim or seize without
  • DEROGATORY expressing a low or poor opinion of
    someone or something.
  • INQUISITION a questioning or examining that is
    often harsh or severe.
  • ACQUISITIVE eager to acquire greedy.
  • REQUISITION a demand or request (such as for
    supplies) made with proper authority.
  • COMPLEMENT 1. something that fills up or makes
    perfect the amount needed to make something
    complete. 2. a counterpart.
  • IMPLEMENT to take steps to fulfill or put into
  • REPLETE fully or abundantly filled or supplied.
  • METRIC 1. relating to or based on the metric
    system. 2. relating to or arranged in meter.
  • ODOMETER an instrument used to measure distance
  • SYMMETRICAL 1. having or exhibiting balanced
    proportions or the beauty that results from such
    balance. 2. corresponding in size, shape, or
    other qualities on opposite sides of a dividing
    line or plane or around a center
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