Title: Computational Semantics
1Computational Semantics
- CS224U 2007
- Christopher Manning
- Borrows slides from Mary Dalrymple, Jason Eisner,
Jim Martin, and especially Aljoscha Burchardt,
Alexander Koller, and Stephan Walters ESSLLI
2004 course.
2Shallow vs. deep semantics
- Weve looked at various notions of lexical
meaning and various kinds of temporal and
discourse relations - But we havent really tried to work out what
sentences mean - But we cant do everything we would like
- Not all tasks can ignore detailed sentence
structure - Unsuitable if machine must act rather than
relying on user to interpret material written by
the author of the document - You get what you pay for
- Cheap, fast, low-level techniques are appropriate
in domains where speed and volume are more
important than accuracy - More computationally expensive, higher-level
techniques are appropriate when high-quality
results are required
3Precise semantics. An early example Chat-80
- Developed between 1979 and 1982 by Fernando
Pereira and David Warren became Pereiras
dissertation - Proof-of-concept natural language interface to
database system - Used in projects e.g. Shoptalk (Cohen et al.
1989), a natural language and graphical interface
for decision support in manufacturing - Even used in an AppliedNLP-2000 conference paper!
Asking about train routes and schedules - Available in cs224n src directory
- Need sicstus prolog /usr/sweet/bin/sicstus
4The CHAT-80 Database
- Facts about countries.
- country(Country,Region,Latitude,Longitude,
- Area (sqmiles), Population,
Capital,Currency) - country(andorra,southern_europe,42,-1,179,
25000,andorra_la_villa,franc_peseta). - country(angola,southern_africa,-12,-18,481351,
5810000,luanda,?). - country(argentina,south_america,-35,66, 1072067,
23920000,buenos_aires,peso). - capital(C,Cap) - country(C,_,_,_,_,_,Cap,_).
5Chat-80 trace (illegibly small)
- Question What is the capital of Australia?
- Parse 0.0sec.
- whq
- 1
- s
- np
- 3sin
- wh(B)
- verb(be,active,presfin,,pos)
- arg
- dir
- np
- 3sin
- np_head
- det(the(sin))
- capital
- pp
- prep(of)
- np
- 3sin
- name(australia)
- Semantics 0.0sec.
- answer(B) -
- capital(australia,B)
- canberra.
6What Counts as Understanding?
- A somewhat difficult philosophical question
- We understand if we can respond appropriately
- throw axe at dwarf
- We understand statement if we can determine its
truth - We understand statement if we can use it to
answer questions similar to above requires
reasoning - Easy John ate pizza. What was eaten by John?
- Understanding is the ability to translate
- English to Chinese? requires deep
understanding? - English to logic? deepest - the definition
well use! - all humans are mortal ?x human(x)
?mortal(x) - We can represent truth in a model
- We assume we have logic-manipulating rules to
tell us how to act, draw conclusions, answer
7(Formal/Compositional) Computational Semantics
- Sentences John smokes.
- Everyone who smokes snores.
- Syntactic Analyses S
- John smokes
- Semantics Construction smoke(j)
- Inference ?x.smoke(x)?snore(x),smoke(j)
- gt snore(j)
8Meaning Representations
- Meaning representations of NL sentences
- First Order Logic (FOL) as formal language
- John smokes.
- gt smoke(j)
- Sylvester loves Tweety.
- gt love(s,t)
- Sylvester loves every bird.
- gt ?x.(bird(x) ? love(s,x))
9FOL Syntax (very briefly)
- FOL Formulae, e.g. ?x.(bird(x) ? love(s,x))
- FOL Language
- Vocabulary (constant symbols and
predicate/relation symbols) - Variables
- Logical Connectives
- Quantifiers
- Brackets, dots.
10Logic Interesting Constants
- We have constants that name some of the
entities and functions - GeorgeWBush - an entity
- red a predicate on entities
- holds of just the red entities red(x) is true if
x is red! - loves a predicate on 2 entities
- loves(GeorgeWBush, LauraBush)
- Question What does loves(LauraBush) denote?
- Constants used to define meanings of words
- Meanings of phrases will be built from the
11In the Background Model Theory
- ?x.(bird(x) ? love(s,x)) is a string again!
- Mathematically precise model representation,
e.g. cat(s), bird(t), love(s,t), granny(g),
own(g,s), own(g,t) - Inspect formula w.r.t. to the model Is it true?
- Inferences can extract information Is anyone not
owned by Granny?
12Compositional Semantics
- Weve discussed what semantic representations
should look like. - But how do we get them from sentences???
- First - parse to get a syntax tree.
- Second - look up the semantics for each word.
- Third - build the semantics for each constituent
- Work from the bottom up
- The syntax tree is a recipe for how to do it
- Principle of Compositionality
- The meaning of a whole is derived from the
meanings of the parts, via composition rules
13A simple grammar of English(in Definite Clause
Grammar, DCG, form as in Prolog)
- sentence --gt noun_phrase, verb_phrase.
- noun_phrase --gt proper_noun.
- noun_phrase --gt determiner, noun.
- verb_phrase --gt verb, noun_phrase.
- Proper_noun --gt John verb --gt ate
- Proper_noun --gt Mary verb --gt kissed
- determiner --gt the noun --gt cake
- determiner--gt a noun --gt lion
14Extending the grammar to check number agreement
between subjects and verbs
- S --gt NP(Num), VP(Num).
- NP(Num) --gt Proper_noun(Num).
- NP(Num) --gt det(Num), noun(Num).
- VP(Num) --gt verb(Num), noun_phrase(_).
- Proper_noun(s) --gt Mary. noun(s) --gt lion.
- det(s) --gt the. noun(p) --gt lions.
- det(p) --gt the. verb(s) --gt eats.
- verb(p) --gt eat.
15A simple DCG grammar with semantics
- sentence(SMeaning) --gt noun_phrase(NPMeaning),
verb_phrase(VPMeaning), combine (NPMeaning,
VPMeaning, SMeaning). - verb_phrase(VPMeaning) --gt verb(Vmeaning),
noun_phrase(NPMeaning), combine (NPMeaning,
VMeaning, VPMeaning). - noun_phrase (NPMeaning) --gt name(NPMeaning).
- name(john) --gt john. verb(?x.jumps(x)) --gt
jumps - name(mary) --gt mary. verb(?y.?x.loves(x,y))
--gtloves - Combine(X, Y, Z) --gt apply(Y, X, Z)
16Syntactic Analyses on trees with lambda
- Basis Context Free Grammar (CFG)
- Grammar Rules
- S ? NP VP
- VP ? TV NP
- TV ? love
- NP ? john Lexical Rules / Lexicon
- NP ? mary
- ...
17Example Syntactic Analyses
18Example Semantic Lexicon
19Example Semantics Construction
20Example Semantics Construction
- The meaning of the sentence is constructed from
- The meaning of the words john, mary, love(?,?)
(lexicon) - Paralleling the syntactic construction (semantic
- How do we know that e.g. the meaning of the VP
loves Mary is constructed as - love(?,mary) and not as
- love(mary,?) ?
- Better How can we specify in which way the bits
and pieces combine?
23Systematicity (ctd.)
- Parts of formulae (and terms), e.g. for the VP
love Mary? - love(?,mary) bad not FOL
- love(x,mary) bad no control over free
variable - Familiar well-formed formulae (sentences)
- ?x.love(x,mary) Everyone loves Mary.
- ?x.love(mary,x) Mary loves someone.
24Using Lambdas (Abstraction)
- Add a new operator to bind free variables
- ?x.love(x,mary) to love Mary
- The new meta-logical symbol ? marks missing
information in the object language (?-)FOL - We abstract over x.
- How do we combine these new formulae and terms?
25Super Glue
- Gluing together formulae/terms with function
application - ?x.love(x,mary) john
- Often written as ?x.love(x,mary)(john)
- How do we get back to the familiar
26Functional Application
- Glueing is known as Functional Application
- FA has the Form Functor(Argument)
- ?x.love(x,mary)(john)
- FA triggers a very simple operation
- Replace the ?-bound variable by the argument.
- ?x.love(x,mary)(john)
- gt love(john,mary)
- Strip off the ?-prefix,
- Remove the argument,
- Replace all occurrences of the ?-bound variable
by the argument. - ?x.love(x,mary)john
- love(x,mary)john
- love(x,mary)
- love(john,mary)
28Semantics Construction with Lambdas
- S John loves Mary
- (?y?x.love(x,y)mary)john
NP John john
VP loves Mary ?y?x.love(x,y)mary
TV loves ?y?x.love(x,y)
NP Mary mary
29Example Beta-Reduction
- (?y?x.love(x,y)mary)john
- ?gt (?x.love(x,mary))john
- ?gt love(john,mary)
30Augmented CFG Rules
- We can also accomplish this just by attaching
semantic formation rules to our syntactic CFG
rules - This should be read as the semantics we attach to
A can be computed from some function applied to
the semantics of As parts. - The functions/operations permitted in the
semantic rules are restricted, falling into two
classes - Pass the semantics of a daughter up unchanged to
the mother - Apply (as a function) the semantics of one of the
daughters of a node to the semantics of the other
31In the Background
- ?-Calculus
- A logical standard technique offering more than
?-abstraction, functional application and
ß-reduction. - Other Logics
- Higher Order Logics
- Intensional Logics
- ...
- For linguistics Richard Montague (early
32Adding more complex NPs
- NP A man gt ?x.man(x)
- S A man loves Mary
- gt love(?x.man(x),mary)
- How to fix this?
33A disappointment
- Our first idea for NPs with determiner didnt
work out - A man gt ?z.man(z)
- A man loves Mary gt love(?z.man(z),mary)
But what was the idea after all? Nothing!
?z.man(z) just isnt the meaning of a man.
If anything, it translates the complete
sentence There is a man
Lets try again, systematically
34A solution
- What we want is
- A man loves Mary gt ?z(man(z) ? love(z,mary))
What we have is man gt ?y.man(y) loves
Mary gt ?x.love(x,mary)
?z(man(z) ? love(z,mary))
How about
?z(man(z) ? love(z,mary))
?z(?y.man(y)(z) ? love(z,mary))
?z(?y.man(y)(z) ? love(z,mary))
?z(?y.man(y)(z) ? ?x.love(x,mary)(z))
?z(?y.man(y)(z) ? ?x.love(x,mary)(z))
Remember We can use variables for any kind of
term. So next
?z(?y.man(y)(z) ? ?x.love(x,mary)(z))
?z(?y.man(y)(z) ? ?x.love(x,mary)(z))
Q(z)) ?x.love(x,mary)
?P(?Q.?z(P(z) ?Q(z)))
lt A
?P(?Q.?z(P(z) ?Q(z))) ?y.man(y)
?z.man(z) ? ?x.love(x,mary)(z)
man(z) ? love(z,mary)
John loves Mary
not systematic!
not reducible!
So John gt ?P.P(john)
36Transitive Verbs
What about transitive verbs (like "love")?
"loves" gt ?y?x.love(x,y) ???
won't do
"Mary" gt ?Q.Q(mary)
"loves Mary" gt ?y?x.love(x,y)_at_?Q.Q(mary)
How about something a little more complicated
"loves" gt ?R?x(R?y.love(x,y))
The only way to understand this is to see it in
37"John loves Mary" again...
38Summing up
- nouns man gt ?x.man(x)
- intransitive verbs smoke gt ?x.smoke(x)
- determiner a gt ?P(?Q.?z(P(z) ?Q(z)))
- proper names mary gt ?P.P(mary)
- transitive verbs love gt ?R?x(R?y.love(x,y)
- What we can do now (and could not do before)
- Complex NPs (with determiners)
- Transitive verbs
- and all in the same way.
- Key ideas
- Extra ?s for NPs
- Variables for predicates
- Apply subject NP to VP
40Quantifier Order
- Groucho Marx celebrates quantifier order
ambiguity - In this country a woman gives birth every 15 min.
Our job is to find that woman and stop her. - ?woman (?15min gives-birth-during(woman, 15min))
- ?15min (?woman gives-birth-during(15min, woman))
- Surprisingly, both are possible in natural
language! - Which is the joke meaning?
- (where its always the same woman)
41How do things get more complex? (The former) GRE
analytic section
- Six sculptures C, D, E, F, G, H are to be
exhibited in rooms 1, 2, and 3 of an art gallery. - Sculptures C and E may not be exhibited in the
same room. - Sculptures D and G must be exhibited in the same
room. - If sculptures E and F are exhibited in the same
room, no other sculpture may be exhibited in that
room. - At least one sculpture must be exhibited in each
room, and no more than three sculptures may be
exhibited in any room. - If sculpture D is exhibited in room 3 and
sculptures E and F are exhibited in room 1, which
of the following may be true? - Sculpture C is exhibited in room 1.
- Sculpture H is exhibited in room 1.
- Sculpture G is exhibited in room 2.
- Sculptures C and H are exhibited in the same
room. - Sculptures G and F are exhibited in the same room.
42Scope Needs to be Resolved!
- At least one sculpture must be exhibited in each
room. - The same sculpture in each room?
- No more than three sculptures may be exhibited in
any room. - Reading 1 For every room, there are no more
than three sculptures exhibited in it. - Reading 2 Only three or less sculptures are
exhibited ( the rest are not shown). - Reading 3 Only a certain set of three or less
sculptures may be exhibited in any room ( for the
other sculptures there are restrictions in
allowable rooms). - Some readings will be ruled out by being
uninformative or by contradicting other
statements - Otherwise we must be content with distributions
over scope-resolved semantic forms
- Some sentences have more than one reading, i.e.
more than one semantic representation. - Standard example "Every man loves a woman"
- Reading 1 the women may be different
- ?x(man(x) -gt ?y(woman(y) ? love(x,y)))
- Reading 2 there is one particular woman
- ?y(woman(y) ? ?x(man(x) -gt love(x,y)))
- What does our system do?
44Logic Interesting Constants
- Generalized Quantifiers
- most a predicate on 2 predicates on entities
- most(pig, big) most pigs are big
- Equivalently, most(?x pig(x), ?x big(x))
- returns true if most of the things satisfying the
first predicate also satisfy the second predicate - similarly for other quantifiers
- all(pig,big) (equivalent to ?x pig(x) ? big(x))
- exists(pig,big) (equivalent to ?x pig(x) AND
big(x)) - can even build complex quantifiers from English
phrases - between 12 and 75 a majority of all but
the smallest 2
- "John and Mary"
- (?X. ?Y.?P((XP) ? (YP)) ?Q.Q(john))?R.R(ma
?P((?Q.Q(john)_at_P) ? (?R.R(mary)_at_P))
?P(P(john) ? P(mary))
"John and Mary walk"
?P(P(john) ? P(mary))_at_ ?x.walk(x)
?x.walk(x)john ? ?x.walk(x)mary
lambda(X,walk(X))john lambda(X,walk(X))mary