Syntax and Semantics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Syntax and Semantics


Syntax and Semantics Lexeme lowest level syntactic unit in the language Token a language category for the lexemes Syntax form or structure of expressions or ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Syntax and Semantics

Syntax and Semantics
  • Lexeme
  • lowest level syntactic unit in the language
  • Token
  • a language category for the lexemes
  • Syntax
  • form or structure of expressions or statements
    for a given language
  • For instance, in Java, the form of a while loop
  • while(ltbool_expr) ltstmtgt
  • Semantics
  • meaning of the expressions
  • Language
  • group of words that can be combined and the rules
    for combining those words
  • Sentence
  • a legal statement in the language

Example (in Java) index 2 count
17 Lexeme Token index
identifier assignment_operator
2 integer_literal
mult_operator count identifier
addition_operator 17
  • Language Recognizer
  • given a sentence, is it in the given language?
  • Language Generator
  • given a language, create legal and meaningful
  • We can build a language recognizer if we already
    have a language generator
  • Grammar
  • a description of a language - can be used for
    generation or, given the grammar, a language
    recognizer (known as a parser) can be created
  • We classify languages into one of four
  • Regular
  • Context-Free
  • Context-Sensitive
  • Recursively Enumerable
  • Here, we are interested in the context-free
  • these include those which can be generated from a
    language generator
  • all natural languages and programming languages
    fall into this category
  • You will study the other languages in more detail
    in 485

BNF (Backus Naur Form)
  • Equivalent to a context-free language
  • BNF is a notation (or a meta-language) used to
    specify the grammar of a language
  • The BNF can then be used for language generation
    or recognition
  • BNF uses rules to map non-terminal symbols
    (tokens) into other non-terminals and terminals
  • We define a BNF Grammar as
  • Galphabet, rules, ltstartgt
  • alphabet consists of those symbols used in the
  • both terminal symbols and non-terminal symbols,
    non-terminal symbols are placed in lt gt
  • rules map from a non-terminal to other elements
    in the alphabet
  • for instance, a rule might say ltAgt ? altBgt bltAgt
  • rules can be recursive as shown above where an
    ltAgt can be applied to generate a terminal (b) and
    another ltAgt
  • ltstartgt is a non-terminal which is the starting
    point for a language generator and must be on at
    least 1 rules left hand side

Examples of Grammar Rules
ltprogramgt -gt begin ltstmt_listgt end Notice the
use of both terminals and non-terminals on the
right side Recursion is used as
necessary ltident_listgt -gt ident ident,
ltident_listgt The symbol means or so that an
ltident_listgt can be a single ident, or an ident,
a comma, and more of an ident_list Other
examples are ltassigngt -gt ltvargt
ltexpressiongt ltif_stmtgt -gt if ltlogical_exprgt then
ltstmtgt if ltlogical_exprgt then ltstmtgt else
Example Grammar
ltprogramgt -gt begin ltstmt_listgt end ltstmt_listgt -gt
ltstmtgt ltstmtgt ltstmt_listgt ltstmtgt -gt ltvargt
ltexprgt ltvargt -gt a b c d ltexprgt -gt ltvargt
ltvargt ltvargt - ltvargt ltvargt
This grammar can be used to generate a program
(granted, a program that will only consist of
assignment statements) or we can use the grammar
to generate a recognizer to recognize if a given
program is syntactically valid in this
language A derivation is a generation, starting
at the ltstartgt symbol (in this case, the start
symbol is ltprogramgt) and applying rules until all
non-terminal symbols have been removed from the
generated sentence. Such a sentence will be a
legal sentence in the language
A derivation from the grammar
ltprogramgt gt begin ltstmt_listgt end gt
begin ltstmtgt ltstmtgt_listgt end gt begin
ltvargt ltexpressiongt ltstmt_listgt end gt
begin A ltexpressiongt ltstmt_listgt end gt
begin A ltvargt ltvargt ltstmt_listgt end
gt begin A B ltvargt ltstmt_listgt end gt
begin A B C ltstmt_listgt end gt begin
A B C ltstmtgt end gt begin A B C
ltvargt ltexpressiongt end gt begin A B C B
ltexpressiongt end gt begin A B C B
ltvargt end gt begin A B C B C end So, the
program begin A B C B
C end is legal
We generate a leftmost derivation, where the next
rule applied is applied to the leftmost non-termin
al symbol (which is why we worked on the first
assignment statement before we generated the
second ltstmtgt)
Parse Trees
  • A hierarchical structure displaying the
    derivation of an expression in some grammar
  • Leaf nodes are terminals, non-leaf nodes are
  • Parser
  • Process which takes a sentence and breaks it into
    its component parts, deriving a parse tree
  • If the parser cannot generate a parse tree, then
    the sentence is not legal
  • If the parser can generate two or more parse
    trees for the same sentence, then the grammar is

Grammar and Parse Tree
ltassigngt ? ltidgt ltexprgt ltidgt ? A B C ltexprgt
? ltidgt ltexprgt ltidgt ltexprgt (ltexprgt)
ltassigngt ltidgt ltexprgt
A ltidgt ltexprgt B
( ltexprgt ) ltidgt
ltexprgt A ltidgt C
Parse tree for the derivation ltassigngt ? ltidgt
ltexprgt ? A ltexprgt ? A ltidgt ltexprgt ? A B
ltexprgt ? A B (ltexprgt) ? A B (ltidgt
ltexprgt) ? A B (A ltexprgt) ? A B (A
ltidgt ) ? A B (A C)
An Ambiguous Grammar
  • ltassigngt ? ltidgt ltexprgt
  • ltidgt ? A B C
  • ltexprgt ? ltexprgt ltexprgt ltexprgt
    ltexprgt (ltexprgt) ltidgt
  • With this grammar, the sentence
  • ltassigngt ? A B A C
  • has two distinct parse trees
  • see next slide
  • The reason this is important is that the second
    parse tree represents an interpretation of the
    expression where has higher precedence than
    which would give us an incorrect answer

Two Parse Trees for A B A C
ltassigngt ltidgt ltexprgt A ltexprgt
ltexprgt ltidgt ltexprgt ltexprgt B
ltidgt ltidgt A
The lower down the operator in the parse tree,
the higher its precedence so on the left, has a
higher precedence than (which is as it should
be) but the tree on the right is incorrect,
essentially being A (B A) C even though
there are no parentheses specified to alter the
An Unambiguous Grammar
  • ltassigngt ? ltidgt ltexprgt
  • ltidgt ? A B C
  • ltexprgt ? ltexprgt lttermgt lttermgt
  • lttermgt ? lttermgt ltfactorgt ltfactorgt
  • ltfactorgt ? (ltexprgt) ltidgt

Here, we force operator precedence by making
a multiplication occur lower in the tree by
deriving it through an additional rule ( ) having
the highest precedence requires the most
derivation to get to it
Assume we wanted to add another operator, unary
(as in -5), how would we add it? What about
adding (exponent)?
Derivation and Parse Tree of the Unambiguous
ltassigngt ltidgt ltexprgt A
ltexprgt lttermgt lttermgt
lttermgt ltfactorgt ltfactorgt ltfactorgt
ltidgt ltidgt ltidgt
ltassigngt ? ltidgt ltexprgt ? A ltexprgt ? A
ltexprgt lttermgt ? A lttermgt lttermgt ? A
ltfactorgt lttermgt ? A ltidgt lttermgt ? A B
lttermgt ? A B lttermgt ltfactorgt ? A B
ltfactorgt ltfactorgt ? A B ltidgt ltfactorgt ?
A B C ltfactorgt ? A B C ltidgt ? A B
  • We maintain operator precedence through
    additional rules whereby higher precedence
    operators appear after the application of more
  • Should we worry about associativity? Notice that
    A B C C A B, should we force them to
    generate the same parse tree?
  • It doesnt seem worthwhile, and yet if A, B and C
    are floats instead of ints, then A B C may
    not equal C A B, so associativity should be
  • How?
  • We will require that all rules in our BNF be left
    recursive for left associativity and right
    recursive for right associativity
  • Left recursive means that a recursive
    non-terminal must appear to the left of any other
  • ltexprgt ? ltexprgt lttermgt is left recursive and
  • ltfactorgt ? ltexprgt ltfactorgt is right recursive

Ambiguous If-Then-Else
  • ltif_stmtgt ? if ltlogical exprgt then ltstmtgt
    if ltlogical exprgt then ltstmtgt else ltstmtgt
  • Since a ltstmtgt could be another ltif_stmtgt we
    could generate
  • if X gt 0 then if Y gt 0 then X0 else XY
  • The problem is that this is ambiguous
  • Is the else the alternative to the first then or
    the second then (that is, which condition does
    the else get attached to?)
  • We could use to remove the ambiguity but it
    is better to create an unambiguous grammar

Unambiguous If-Then-Else
  • ltstmtgt ? ltmatchedgt ltunmatchedgt
  • ltmatchedgt ? if ltlogical exprgt then ltmatchedgt
    else ltmatchedgt any non-if statement
  • ltunmatchedgt ? if ltlogical exprgt then ltstmtgt
    if ltlogical exprgt then ltmatchedgt else

Here, an if-then with a nested if-then-else is
allowed, but an if-then-else where the
then-clause contains an if-then is not allowed
(the then and else clauses must be matched, which
means either another if-then-else, or a non-if
statement In this way, any else clause is always
associated with the most recent then clause Most
languages follow this grammar, or require
explicit delimiters (like )
Extended BNF Grammars
Here, we revise our ltexprgt portion of the grammar
to illustrate how much easier it is to notate the
grammar using EBNF
  • 3 common extensions to BNF
  • - used to denote optional elements (saves
    some space so that we dont have to enumerate
    options as separate possibilities)
  • - used to indicate 0 or more instances
  • ( ) - for a list of choices
  • These extensions are added to a BNF Grammar for
    convenience allowing us to shorten the grammar
  • BNF
  • ltexprgt ? ltexprgt lttermgt
  • ltexprgt - lttermgt
  • lttermgt
  • lttermgt ? lttermgt ltfactorgt
  • lttermgt / ltfactorgt
  • ltfactorgt
  • ltfactorgt ? ltexpgt ltfactorgt
  • ltexpgt
  • ltexpgt ? (ltexprgt) ltidgt
  • EBNF
  • ltexprgt ? ltexprgt ( -) lttermgt
  • lttermgt ? lttermgt ( /) ltfactorgt
  • ltfactorgt ? ltexpgt ltfactorgt
  • ltexpgt ? (ltexprgt) ltidgt

Attribute Grammars
  • It is not possible to describe all aspects of a
    language solely with a BNF Grammar
  • BNF Grammar lacks static semantics (that is,
    rules that the language dictates for a program to
    be syntactically correct)
  • For example
  • Making sure that the number of parameters in a
    function call match the number of parameters in
    the function header
  • Making sure in an assignment statement that the
    left hand side type matches (or is compatible
    with) the value computed by the right hand sides
  • Attribute grammars are added to BNF grammars to
    handle these gaps
  • We will add attributes and predicate functions to
    every BNF grammar rule the attributes will
    store such information as variable type or number
    of parameters and the predicates will test to
    make sure that the attributes match accordingly

Attribute Grammar Features
  • Synthesized attributes
  • information passed up the parse tree
  • Inherited attributes
  • information passed down the parse tree
  • Semantic functions
  • rules or predicates associated with grammar rules
    that compare synthesized attributes to inherited
  • if any predicate fails its test, then we have a
    syntax error
  • Intrinsic attributes
  • leaf node attributes derived when a rule
    generates a terminal
  • for instance, if lttypegt ? int, then the attribute
    for the declared variable receives its intrinsic
    value (whatever value we use to denote that the
    variable is an int)

Example Deriving Identifiers
  • In some languages, identifier names are limited
  • Here, we look at Pascal where an identifier name
    must start with a letter or _, consist of _,
    letters and numbers, and be less than or equal to
    31 characters in length
  • Our BNF rule for deriving an identifier is
  • ltidentifiergt ? _ltidgt ltlettergtltidgt
  • ltidgt ? _ ltlettergt ltdigitgt _ltidgt
    ltlettergtltidgt ltdigitgtltidgt
  • We enhance our grammar with the attribute length
  • ltidentifiergt ? _ltidgt ltlettergtltidgt
  • ltidentifiergt.length 1
  • ltidgt ? _ ltlettergt ltdigitgt _ltidgt
    ltlettergtltidgt ltdigitgtltidgt
  • ltidentifiergt.length ? ltidentifergt.length 1
  • Predicate ltidentifergt.length lt 31

Example Assignment Stmt
  • Our grammar now becomes
  • 1. Syntax rule ltassigngt ? ltvargt ltexprgt
  • Semantic rule ltexprgt.expected_type ?
  • 2. Syntax rule ltexprgt ? ltvargt2 ltvargt3
  • Semantic rule ltexprgt.actual_type ? if
    (ltvargt2.actual_type int) and
    (ltvargt3.actual_type int) then int else real
  • Predicate ltexprgt.actual_type
  • 3. Syntax rule ltexprgt ? ltvargt
  • Semantic rule ltexprgt.actual_type ?
  • Predicate ltexprgt.actual_type
  • 4. Syntax rule ltvargt ? A B C
  • Semantic rule ltvar.actual_type ?
  • Attributes
  • Actual_Type
  • synthesized for ltvargt and ltexprgt, stores the type
  • Expected_Type
  • inherited for ltexprgt based on the ltvargt type
  • LHS_Type
  • synthesized for ltassigngt
  • Env
  • inherited for ltassigngt, ltexprgt, ltvargt carrying
    the reference to the symbol table

ltassigngt ltexprgt ltvargt ltvargt2
ltvargt3 A A B
Assume A is a float and B is an
int ltvargt.actual_type float ltvargt2.actual_ty
pe float ltvargt3.actual_type
int ltexprgt.actual_type float (derived
from var2 and var3 through semantic
rule) ltexprgt.expected_type float
(inherited from ltassigngt which is
inherited from ltvargt) ltexprgt.expected_type
ltexprgt.actual_type, so predicate is
satisifed, no syntax error
ltexprgt.expected_type ? inherited from
parent ltvargt1.actual_type ? lookup
(A) ltvargt2.actual_type ? lookup
(B) ltvargt1.actual_type ? ltvargt2.actual_type
ltexprgt.actual_type ? ltvargt1.actual_type ltexprgt.a
ctual_type ? ltexprgt.expected_type
Dynamic Semantics
  • Describing the meaning of a program or of a
    statement or group of statements
  • Describing the syntax of a language or of a set
    of code is relatively easy, how do we describe
    the meaning behind code?
  • We could express it in English (e.g., through
    comments) but this is too informal and perhaps
    too incomplete/imprecise
  • What if we want to use the semantics to make sure
    that the program does what is intended? This is
    known as verification. We would need more formal
    methods of defining semantics for this, so we
    turn to
  • Operational Semantics
  • how the statement will be executed
  • Axiomatic Semantics
  • what results to expect from the statement
  • Denotational Semantics
  • functional way of mapping the affects of a

Operational Semantics
  • This can be thought of as tracing through a
    program to see what affects an instruction will
  • Implemented as an interpreter or compiler or
  • that is, how will the computer execute this
  • This is simply a mechanistic description of the
    statement and does not necessarily help us
    understand the statement

Example C for-loop for(expr1 expr2 expr3)
stmt Becomes expr1 loop if expr2
0 goto out stmt expr 3 goto loop out
Axiomatic Semantics
  • Used mainly to prove correctness of code
  • Each statement in the language has associated
    assertions what we expect to be true before and
    after the statement executes
  • We list these assertions as pre- and
    post-conditions that specify how the machine
    changes (changes to variables)
  • Given the state of the machine prior to executing
    a statement, we can then determine what must be
    true afterward
  • The basic form of an axiomatic semantic is P
    S Q
  • This is interpreted as
  • if P is true before S, then Q is true after S
  • We must now define how to determine Q given P and

Weakest pre-condition
  • We will start with a given post-condition and
    derive the weakest pre-condition
  • We work backwards mainly because we will start
    with an overall goal in mind for the given
    statement or program
  • We want to derive the weakest pre-condition for a
    given post-condition because this is the least
    restrictive pre-condition that will guarantee
  • Weakest means most general what is the greatest
    range of values for a given variable such that
    the result will be true?
  • For example, consider the assignment statement
  • sum 2x1
  • with post-condition sum gt 1
  • Possible pre-conditions are x gt 10, x gt 50
    and x gt 1000
  • But the weakest pre-condition is x gt 0

Assignment Statement Rule
  • We will use the following notation for an
    assignment statement axiomatic rule
  • Qx?E x E Q
  • This is read as follows
  • If Q is true after the assignment, then Qx?E is
    true prior
  • The notation Qx?E means to replace all instances
    of x in Q with E
  • Examples
  • ab/2-1 a lt 10
  • We replace a in a lt 10 with b / 2 1 and solve
    for b, thus Qx?E is b / 2 1 lt 10 or b lt
  • So we have b lt 22 a b / 2 1 a lt 10
    that is, if b lt 22 prior to the assignment
    statement, then a will be less than 10 afterward
  • x 2 y 3 x gt 25
  • pre-condition is 2 y 3 gt 25 or y gt 14
  • c d e 4 c gt 0
  • pre-condition is d e 4 gt 0 or d e gt 4,
    we might want to list this as d gt 4 / e or e gt
    4 / d, or even d gt 4 / e d ! 0 e ! 0

  • In general, a series of statements S1, S2, S3,
    ..., Sn can be expressed as
  • P S1 Q1 Q1 S2 Q2 Q2 S3 Q3 ...
    Qn Sn Q
  • This can be simplified to P S1, S2, S3, ...,
  • Therefore, we can combine rules to show the
    axiomatic semantics of a block of code
  • Example
  • y 3 x 1 x y 3
  • If our post-condition is x lt 10 then our
    pre-condition between the two statements is y3
    lt 10 or y lt 7 and our pre-condition before the
    first statement is 3 x 1 lt 7 or x lt 2
  • If x lt 2 before the first statement, then x lt 10
    after the second statement

Rule of Consequence
  • In the previous example, we had a sequence of 2
    assignment statements, but this works in general
    with any number of statements of any kind
  • The rule of consequence is shown as follows
  • The rule means that if P implies P and Q implies
    Q and we have already proven that P S Q is
    true, then we can infer P S Q is also true
  • notice that P gt P means that P is a weaker
    condition than P whereas Q gt Q means that Q is
    a stronger condition than Q
  • this allows us to take a proven rule and weaken
    its postcondition and strengthen its precondition

gt means implies
Selection Axiomatic Semantic
  • Given a statement if (B) S1 else S2
  • The semantic rule is B P S1 Q, (!B)
    P S2 Q
  • if Q is our post-condition, then we have two
    pre-conditions, if the if statements condition
    is true (B) then B P, and if the if statements
    condition is false (Not B) then !B P, so we
    must derive P that will allow the same
    post-condition no matter if B or !B is true
  • Example
  • if (x gt 0) y-- else y
  • Suppose the post-condition is y gt 0
  • the pre-condition for the if-clause is y gt 1
  • the pre-condition for the else-clause is y gt -1
  • the condition y gt 1 is subsumed by the
    condition y gt -1 (that is, if y gt 1 is true,
    then y gt -1 must also be true
  • So, we select y gt 1 as our weakest
  • we cannot use y gt -1 because, if x gt 0 and y
    -1, our post-condition is not true

Logical Pretest Loops
  • Our pre-test loop looks like this
  • while (B) S
  • We must derive a pre-condition that is true prior
    to the loop whether it B is true or not, but also
    the pre-condition must remain true if B is true
    and S is executed that is, P must be true prior
    to each loop iteration
  • To derive P, we create I, a loop invariant
  • The invariant will always be true both before and
    after each loop iteration
  • The pre-condition must include I and the
    post-condition must include I and Not B
  • NOTE determine a loop invariant is difficult
    and does not necessarily seem to help us
    understand the loop
  • For these reasons, we will go over an example,
    but not cover this in any more detail

While-Loop Example
  • Our loop is
  • while (y ! x) y
  • Our post-condition is y x
  • the post-condition states that the condition (y
    ! x)is false
  • The pre-condition must include the condition (y!
    x) and the loop invariant
  • what is the invariant? We need to select
    something that will be true both before and after
    each loop iteration
  • notice that y initially will not equal x and then
    we add 1 to x, so that y lt x or y x after each
    loop iteration
  • we cannot have y gt x before the loop because this
    would be an infinite loop and that would result
    in the post-condition never being true since
    the post-condition must be true, y gt x can not be
    true beforehand
  • either y lt x or y x will be true, our
    loop-invariant is y lt x

Two More Loop Examples
while s gt 1 do s s / 2 end s 1 What is the
weakest precondition? (wp) Lets apply the loop
one time if s gt 1 then for s 1 afterward,
we would have s s / 2 s 1 our wp
is s 2 for 2 iterations, we would then
have s s / 2 s 2 so our wp is s
4 for 3 iterations, we would then have s
s / 2 s 4 so our wp is s 8 We can now
derive the invariant as being s is a
non-negative power of 2 or s 2n for n gt 0
The following code computes z x y assuming y
is positive z0 ny while(ngt0)
zx n-- So, our
post-condition is zxy y gt 0
n0 where n0 is NOT B and zxy is P. I, our
loop invariant, is not merely y gt 0 however.
If we analyze each loop iteration for z and n,
we find that zx(y-n) and ngt0
A precondition then is s gt 1 and s 2n but
this is not the weakest, we can make it weaker by
using s gt 1
Program Proofs
  • As you can see by the last example, finding an
    invariant is not necessarily easy
  • the invariant must include the loops terminating
    condition but also be weak enough to describe
    what happens during each loop iteration
  • in using axiomatic semantics for a loop, the
    requirement that the invariant include the
    terminating condition is often ignored
  • in such a case, the axiomatic description is
    known as offering only partial correctness rather
    than total correctness if the terminating
    condition is met
  • By combining these axiomatic rules, we can prove
    the correctness of an entire program
  • consider the example below which swaps two
    variable values
  • our precondition requires that the two variable
    values have in fact been swapped, now we will
    prove it
  • P t x x y y t x B AND y A
  • P t x P1, P1 x y P2, P2 y t x
    B AND y A
  • P2 is x B AND t A
  • P1 is y B AND t A
  • P is y B AND x A
  • and y B AND x A gt x A AND y B

x A AND y B t x x y y t x B AND
y A
The chapter offers a more complete example if you
are interested
Denotational Semantics
  • This form of semantics is a more rigorous method
    of describing the meaning of a program than our
    previous approaches
  • Denotational semantics is based on recursive
    function theory
  • That is, derive a function that defines the
    affects of an instruction
  • Because the function is recursive, this tends to
    be a very difficult topic, probably the hardest
    thing when studying programming languages
  • In essence, the function will map from an
    instance of a mathematical object (the state of
    the machine) onto another mathematic object
  • so this is telling us what happens to the machine
    after applying an instruction (or program)
  • We will look at an example of a recursive
    function and then apply the idea to 3 types of

Simple Examples
  • We define the value of a binary number
  • ltbin_numgt ? 0 1 ltbin_numgt0 ltbin_numgt1
  • that is, a binary number is a 0, a 1, or
    recursively a binary number followed by a 0 or a
    binary number followed by a 1
  • the function must map from a binary number
    derived from the above grammar rule to a
    mathematical object (an integer value)
  • Mbin(ltbin_num)
  • Mbin(0) 0
  • Mbin(1) 1
  • Mbin(ltbin_numgt0)2Mbin(ltbin_numgt)
  • Mbin(ltbin_numgt1)2Mbin(ltbin_numgt) 1
  • Mbin(101) 2Mbin(10) 1 2(2Mbin(1))1
    2211 5

Expressions Me (E, s) if VARMAP(i, s)
undef for some i in E then error else
E, where E is the result of evaluating
evaluating E after setting each variable
i in E to VARMAP(i, s)
Expression E, in state s, is an error if some i
(variable) in E is undefined, otherwise it is
E value of evaluating E by applying each
variable I and operator in E using VARMAP (symbol
table) currently in s
Assignment and Loop
Assignment Statements Ma(x E, s) if
Me(E, s) error then error else s
lti1,v1gt,lti2,v2gt,...,ltin,vngt, where
for j 1, 2, ..., n, vj VARMAP(ij, s)
if ij ltgt x Me(E, s)
if ij x
Here, the state of the machine is an error if
there is an error when evaluating E in s,
otherwise the state of the machine is modified
where x is now equal to E, but all
other variables in s remain the same
If B, when evaluating given the state of the
machine s, is undefined, then we have an error,
otherwise if B evaluates to False, then the state
remains s, otherwise the state becomes the state
when L is executed, so the state of the machine
changes to be whatever the function M(L, s)
returns Since L is some non-specified
statement, we dont know exactly what will happen
Ml(while B do L, s) ? if Mb(B, s) undef
then error else if Mb(B, s) falsethen
s else if Msl(L, s) error
then error else
Ml(while B do L, Msl(L, s))
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