Title: Antimicrobial Stewardship Training
1Antimicrobial Stewardship Training
Part 1 Review of
Basic Principles and Selected
Antimicrobials By Keith Teelucksingh, PharmD
Infectious Disease Pharmacist, Kaiser Permanente
Vallejo With contributions by Linh Van,
PharmD Infectious Disease Pharmacist, Kaiser
Permanente Oakland
This course is accepted by the California State
Board of Pharmacy for 2.0 hours of credit.
Provider 127 Accredited by CAPE Coursework
expires 1/1/2011
2Antimicrobial Stewardship Training
- An Antimicrobial Stewardship program is a an
overarching program to change and direct
antimicrobial use at a heath care institution.1 - A series of training programs have been developed
to enhance pharmacists knowledge and expertise
in providing antimicrobial stewardship at Kaiser
Permanente hospitals. - 1 MacDougall C, Polk R. Antimicrobial Stewardship
Programs in Health Care Systems. Clin. Microbiol.
Rev. Vol. 18 Oct 2005, p. 638-656
3Antimicrobial Stewardship Training
- Part 1 Review of Basic Principles and Selected
Antimicrobials - Provides core background information in three
modules - Microbiology Lab review
- Antibiotic review
- Allergy review
?See Notes
4Module 1 (of 3) Microbiology Lab Review
- Goal
- The goal of the Microbiology Lab Review module is
to review and enhance pharmacists basic
understanding of microbiology in the clinical
? See Notes
- Upon completion of this module, the participant
will be able to - Differentiate between gram-positive and
gram-negative bacteria and name pertinent species
from each group. - Be able to interpret blood, urine, tissue and
sputum culture results. - Define contamination and colonization.
- Explain the purpose of urinalysis.
- Be able to name some species of
Coagulase-negative Staphylococcus (CoNS) and
explain the significance of isolating CoNS from
blood cultures.
- Infectious Disease an interaction with a
microbe that causes damage to the host.1 - Pathogen any microorganism that has the
capacity to cause disease.1 - Virulence properties that enable a microorganism
to establish itself on or within a host of a
particular species and enhance its potential to
cause disease.
1. Mandell, Bennett, Dolin Principles and
Practice of Infectious Diseases, 6th Ed.
?See Notes
- Microbiology results will be reported similar to
Organism Staphylococcus aureus Organism Staphylococcus aureus Organism Staphylococcus aureus
Drug MIC Result
Penicillin gt8 R
Ampicillin gt8 R
Oxacillin lt0.25 S
Clindamycin lt1 S
Tetracycline lt1 S
Trimeth/sulfa lt0.5/9.5 S
?See Notes
- Susceptible (S) implies that an infection due to
the isolate may be appropriately treated with the
dosage of antimicrobial agent recommended for
that type of infection. - Only use an antibiotic that is reported as
susceptible. - Intermediate (I) implies that an infection due
to the isolate may be appropriately treated in
body sites where the drugs are physiologically
concentrated or when a high dosage of drug can be
used (i.e., urinary tract).
- Resistant (R) isolates that are not inhibited by
the usually achievable concentrations of the
agent with normal dosage schedules and/or fall in
the range where specific microbial resistance
mechanisms are likely (e.g., ß-lactamases). - Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) the
lowest concentration of the antimicrobial agent
that prevents visible growth after an incubation
period. - Breakpoint discriminatory antimicrobial
concentration used in the interpretation of
results of susceptibility testing to define
isolates as susceptible, intermediate or
resistant. That is, the MIC where a bacteria goes
from S to either I or R.
10Gram Stain
- Provides for rapid identification of presumed
pathogen - Gram Positive () versus Gram negative (-)
- Gives idea of morphology or arrangement of
bacteria - cocci vs. rod
- cluster, pairs, chain
- Aids in selecting appropriate empiric antibiotic
- Can be performed on any body fluid
- Only useful as preliminary guide NOT definitive
?See Notes
11Gram Stain
- Application of series of dyes that affix to the
peptidoglycan in bacterial cell wall - Purple
- Gram Positive
- Pink
- Gram Negative
Bacteria isolated and colored with Gram stain.
Gram-positive cocci, Staphylococcus aureus, from
a lab culture.
Gram-negative bacilli with a capsule, Klebsiella
pneumoniae, from a pneumonia lung abscess
(magnified 1,000).
?See Notes
12Bacterial Morphology
- Shapes
- cocci round
- bacilli rods
- coccobacilli ovoid
- fusiform pointed-end
- Arrangements
- single
- pairs
- clusters
- chains
?See Notes
13Microbiology Common Pathogens
- Gram-Positive Cocci
- Clusters
- Staphylococcus spp.
- Pairs or chains
- Streptococcus spp. including
S. pneumoniae, S. viridans - Enterococcus spp.
- Other species
- Micrococcus spp.
Staphylococcus aureus
?See Notes
14Microbiology Common Pathogens
- Gram-Positive Bacilli (Rods)
- Diphtheroids
- Corynebacterium spp.
- Proprionibacterium acnes
- Large, with spores
- Clostridium spp (anaerobic)
- Bacillus spp
- Branching, beaded, rods
- Nocardia spp.
- Actinomyces spp.
- Other
- Listeria spp.
- Lactobacillus spp. (vaginal flora)
Clostridium difficile
15Common Bacteria and Classifications
Adapted from Jeff Kuper, Pharm.D., BCPS
?See Notes
16Microbiology Common Pathogens
- Gram-Negative Cocci
- Diplococci
- Pairs
- Neisseria meningitidis
- Neisseria gonorrhea
- Other
- Acinetobacter spp. (technically a rod but can
appear as cocci or bacilli)
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Acinetobacter baumannii
17Microbiology Common Pathogens
- Gram-Negative Bacilli (Rods)
- Lactose fermenters
- Enterobacteriaceae (enteric Gm -)
- Serratia spp.
- Proteus spp.
- Enterobacter spp.
- Escherichia coli
- Citrobacter spp.
- Klebsiella spp.
- Nonfermenters
- Acinetobacter baumannii
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
?See Notes
18Microbiology Common Pathogens
- Anaerobes
- Gm
- Clostridium spp. (rods/bacilli)
- Peptostreptococcus (cocci)
- Gm -
- Bacteroides spp. (rods/bacilli)
- e.g. B. fragilis
- Prevotella spp. (rods/bacilli)
Clostridium difficile adhering to microvilli in
the gut
19Microbiology Common Pathogens
- Atypical bacteria
- Mycoplasma pneumoniae
- Legionella pneumophilia
- Chlamydia pneumoniae
- These bacteria are hard to culture on standard
media, hence the name atypical. - Commonly implicated in infections like
community-acquired pneumonia (CAP).
Legionella pneumophilia
20Program Learning
- What type of bacteria is Bacteroides fragilis?
- How does the group of Enterobacteriaciae appear
on gram stain? - Name some atypical bacteria. What types of
infections do atypical bacterial cause?
21Program Learning Answers
- What type of bacteria is Bacteroides fragilis?
An anaerobic gram-negative rod. - How does the group of Enterobacteraciae appear on
gram stain?
Gram-negative and appear
pink. - Name some atypical bacteria. What types of
infections do atypical bacterial cause?
Legionella pneumophilia,
Chlamydia pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae.
These are mostly associated with
community-acquired pneumonia.
- The presence of bacteria on a body surface or
mucous membrance without causing
disease/infection. - Upper respiratory tract (URT) Strep.
viridans, Candida spp - Skin S. epidermidis, Corynebacterium spp., S.
aureus - GI tract E. coli, K. pneumoniae, Candida spp.,
Bacteroides spp. - Urogential Lactobacillus (vaginal flora)
S. epidermidis. CDC.
?See Notes
- The presence of bacteria/organisms in a culture
does not necessarily mean they are pathogenic. - It is up to the clinician to interpret the
culture result and clinically correlate to the
patients signs and symptoms.
?See Notes
- The following are considered sterile sites and
are not prone to colonization - Blood
- Brain
- Muscle
- Synovial fluid
- An organism that is introduced at some point
during the culturing process not related to or
causing an infectious process. - Examples Improperly prepped skin prior to
venipuncture, drawn from dirty IV line, poor
lab technique ? contamination on Petri dish). - Example skin flora (S. epidermidis) being
isolated in blood cultures.
26Blood Cultures
- Definitive means of identifying most likely
pathogens. - Most pathogens will grow within first 1224 hours
of collection (Candida, anaerobes may take
longer). - Incubated for five days by laboratory.
- Should be taken PRIOR to initiation of
antibiotics. - Growth may be inhibited by antibiotics.
?See Notes
27Blood Cultures
- Common contaminants
- Gm cocci Coagulase neg Staph (CoNS)
S. epidermidis, S. hominis, S.capitis, S.
warneri - Gm rods Corynebacterium spp., Micrococcus
spp., Bacillus spp. (not anthracis)
?See Notes
28Adapted from Jeff Kuper, Pharm.D., BCPS
?See Notes
29Blood Cultures
- The following should NEVER be considered
contaminants - Staphylococcus aureus
- Gram rods/bacilli
- Candida spp.
30Blood Cultures
- So whats the significance of isolating a
Coagulase negative Staphylococcus spp. (CoNS)
species from blood cultures?
?See Notes
31Blood Cultures Significance of CoNS
- Assess how many blood cultures are positive vs.
how many were drawn. - There should be a low suspicion for true
infection if only one blood culture from multiple
sets drawn around the same time period are
positive for CoNS - There should be a low suspicion if only one
culture is positive and cultures were drawn from
separate sites (e.g., one from IV line, one from
peripheral site). See next slide for more
32Blood Cultures Significance of CoNS
- What disease state/infection being treated?
- Patients with an indwelling central line,
hemodialysis catheter may be more at risk of
infection. - Patients with foreign material (especially
cardiac), bone/joint infections may have positive
blood cultures for CoNS.
?See Notes
33Blood Cultures Significance of CoNS
- What constitutional symptoms does the patient
have? - Fever, leukocytosis
- What type of patient?
- Immunocompetent
- Immunocompromised
- Chemotherapy/meds
- Disease state (advanced HIV)
- Transplant
- Neutropenic
?See Notes
34Blood Cultures Significance of CoNS
- In general, a solitary peripheral blood culture
positive for CoNS in an immunocompetent patient
should be regarded as a contaminant if - No other blood cultures drawn in a reasonable
time frame are also growing CoNS. - The patient does not have prosthetic material
present or does not have a central line/catheter. - If another source of infection is identified to
account for the patients constitutional
symptoms. - If patient has no signs or symptoms of infection.
35Blood Cultures Significance of CoNS
Just as in any clinical situation where the case
is not straightforward or there are questions
- If ever in doubt, present case to ID physician.
36Urine Culture
- Urine samples are held for 24 hours by
microbiology lab. - Bacterial growth expressed as colony counts,
i.e., gt100,000 colony forming units (CFU). - Should always have a corresponding urinalysis
(UA) performed for microscopy. - If gt2 bacteria are isolated from a urine culture,
the lab will not perform any further work-up on
the specimen.
?See Notes
37Urine Culture
- Why perform a UA?
- The examination of fluid microscopy allows for
some differentiation between infection vs.
colonization vs. contamination. - Infected fluid should have WBC, neutrophils or
other inflammatory markers. - Uninfected fluids generally are devoid of these
markers. - Keep in mind that immunocompromised patients may
not be able to mount a strong enough immune
response to produce these markers.
38Urine Culture Interpreting the UA
- How many WBCs in urine?
- How many epithelial/squamous cells present?
- The lower the number, the cleaner the sample
(i.e., you can probably trust culture result). - The higher the number increases risk of
contamination with colonizing flora (i.e., sample
taken too early in the urine stream) - What amount of leukocyte esterase present?
- Given as trace, small, moderate and large.
- Found in certain WBC, sign of inflammation.
39Tissue Culture
- Preliminary report available at 24 hours,
incubated for 72 hours total. - Lab will quantify growth of organism rare,
light, moderate and heavy. - Tissue sample is plated onto agar plate.
- Quantification of growth on plate gives some idea
of the bacterial burden of a sample.
40Tissue Culture
- These cultures can vary in quality
- Some may be superficial samples (i.e., more prone
to contamination or colonization) others may be
deep tissue samples or cultures from an operation
(i.e., less likely to be contaminated or
colonized). - The presence of cellulitis, pus, exposed bone can
help distinguish true infection from
contamination or colonization. - Read the MD note carefully and get some idea of
what the area looks like, whether the MD thinks
the area looks clinically infected or not.
41Sputum Culture
- Gram stain done initially by lab to assess
quality of specimen. - If gt 10 epithelial cells, sample is not worked
up - Sample not indicative of lower airway secretion.
- May be prone to contamination.
- Patients with pulmonary infection should have
purulent sputum. - Presence of WBC on gram stain.
42Program Learning
- Name some organisms that are commonly found on
the skin. - True or False Coagulase positive Staphylococci
growing from a blood culture should be considered
a contaminant. - Which microbes may take longer to grow out in
blood cultures? - True or False It is common for CSF and synovial
fluid to be colonized with bacteria.
43Program Learning Answers
- Name some organisms that are commonly found on
the skin
S. epidermidis, S.
aureus, Corynebacterium spp. - True or False Coagulase positive Staphylococci
growing from a blood culture should be considered
a contaminant.
False CoNS are usually
contaminants. Staphylococcus aureus is coagulase
and should never be considered a contaminant
when isolated from the blood.
44Program Learning Answers
- Which microbes may take longer to grow out in
blood cultures?
Anaerobes and Candida spp. take
longer to grow out in blood cultures. - True or False It is common for CSF and synovial
fluid to be colonized with bacteria.
CSF and synovial fluid
are considered sterile sites and are not commonly
- Mandell, Bennett Dolin. Principles and Practice
of Infectious Disease. 7th ed. http//cl.kp.org
(accessed Oct. 14, 2009). - Kaiser Permanente Laboratory Manual Information
- Northern California. http//cl.kp.org (accessed
Oct. 14, 2009). - Mermel, L. et al. Clinical Practice Guidelines
for the Diagnosis and Management of Intravascular
catheter-related infection 2009 Update by the
Infectious Diseases Society of America. Clin
Infect Dis. 2009491-45.
This concludes Module 1, the Microbiology Lab
Review. Please proceed to Modules 2 and 3.