Title: Campus Resources and Getting Acquainted
1Campus Resources andGetting Acquainted
- Brown Bag Lunch Series
- Fall 2005
NIU Asian American Center
2Asian American Center429 Garden RdPhone
3Asian American Center
- Fireside Chats
- Leadership Series
- Cultural programming
- Social events
- Computer lab with internet access
- Meeting rooms AV equipment
- Late night study hours during finals
4ESL CenterReavis Hall Room 306BPhone
815-753-6637 www.niu.edu/esl
5ESL Center
- One-on-One tutoring
- Conversation groups
- American Academic Culture and Survival
English courses - Assistance with grammar, writing assignments and
6Huskie Bus LinePhone 815-758-6900
7Huskie Bus Line
- Campus Routes 1, 3, 3a, 5, Circle
right, Circle left - DeKalb Route 7 Walmart, Theater Free with
NIU ID! - Late Night Service Call 753-2222
10 pm 530 am, DeKalb City
Limits - Geneva Shuttle Friday Sunday Tickets 4 at
the HSC Box Office
8Student EmploymentSwen Parson 245Phone
9Information Technology Services (ITS)Swen
Parson 120Help desk Phone 815-753-8100www.its.n
- Computer Labs Location Hours
- Downloads other software
- Web Services
- Personal Computer Support
- Copier Services Huskie Prints
- Internet Dial-up, Cable, Wireless
11University LibrariesPhone 815-753-1995libadmin_at_
niu.edu www.niulib.niu.edu
12University Libraries
- Online Catalog
- Interlibrary Loan
- Online Journals
- Locations Founders main library Faraday Hall
science Davis Hall maps - Founders Hours 730 am 200 am
13University Health ServicesPhone
14University Health Services
- Monday-Friday 8 am 430 pm Saturdays 9 am
1 pm - By appointment and walk-in for emergencies
- Meningitis Vaccination
- Pharmacy
- Health Enhancement www.niu.edu/he
15Counseling and Student Development Center
Campus Life Building - Room 200 (815) 753 1206
16Counseling Student Development Center
- Psychological counseling, group therapy, and
crisis intervention - Coaching for academic success
- Workshops and presentations
- Dialogue on Race
- Massage Chair other resources
17Office of the Ombudsman Holmes Student Center
6th Floor(815) 753-1414 ombuds_at_niu.edu
18Office of the Ombudsman
- Conflict resolution, including
- Roommate issues
- Academic issues Grade appeal procedures
- Cultural differences
- Discrimination
- Harassment
- Supervisor/employee relations
- Workplace issues
- Landlord/lease issues
- ..............And many others
- Develop options
- Provide information and advice
19Career Services Campus Life Building - Room
220(815) 753 1641CareerServices_at_niu.edu
20Career Services
- Individual career counseling and exploration
- Resume and cover letter preparation
- Credential services for educators
- Workshops on interviewing, networking, job search
strategies and business dining etiquette - Internship Job Fairs
- Online postings for internships and post-graduate
employment - On-campus job interviews
- Career Resource Center
21Recreational ServicesStudent Recreation
CenterPhone 815-753-1311www.stuaff.niu.edu/rs
22Recreation Services
- Alternate Location Chick Evans Field House
- Track, Cardio and Free weight room
- Group Fitness
- Swimming Pool Open Swim Hours
- Sports Clubs
- Outing Center Equipment Rental
- Personal Trainer
- Nutritional Counseling - Free
- Links to all campus related websites A-Z index
- NIU Calendar
- Blackboard
- NIU course finder
- Webconnect
24Discussion Questionsand