Title: Process Documentation
1Process Documentation
- Dr. Zubeeda Quraishy
- Dept of Informatics
- University of Oslo, Norway
2Process Documentation
- This session provides a practical approach to
managing and preparing the documentation
necessary for implementing any system
3What is Process Documentation?
- The term was first used in 1978 to refer to a
pilot project in Phillippines. - In this project full time social scientists
stayed in project villages and made detailed
observations and documented the process of user
group (farmers) formation and functioning
4Basic Objective of Process Documentation
- To learn from implementation experience and in
the light of this modify the strategy and
ultimately, policy(Mosse,1998) - (RefMosse, David,1998,Process documentation
research and process monitoring, in David Mosse,
John Fennigton and Alan Rew (Eds) Development as
Process Concepts and Methods for working with
Complexity, London Routledge, pp 31-53).
5Process Documentation Research
- Process Documentation Research done in several
countries and different context shows that it is
used more in developing greater capacities for
managing local resources. - In fact PDR is not considered a monitoring
device alone, but rather as a means to develop
local communitys capability to plan and build
institutions to solve the local problems in
areas/sectors where programme expansions are
planned. - Among the different mechanisms used PD is the
most intensive among them.
6 ProcessDefination and Implementation
- Organization Processes should aim to deliver the
objectives of the organization. - Process Definition initiation starts with
understanding the objectives of the organization,
mapping the existing processes and then working
towards closing the gaps that may exist. - For ex, need for a situation analysis before
implementing any systems development or doing
action research (FHIMS in Andhra Pradesh)
7Process Implementation
- A jointly approved Action Plan is defined with
Priorities, Considerations and Constraints
pertaining to the organization. - Processes are designed to meet the organization's
Objectives. Automation tools are incorporated
into the processes wherever appropriate. - Process Training and facilitation form a part of
the mandate.
8Process Implementation
- The Process Implementation follows with detailed
process design, pilot implementation, refinement
and stabilization. - Typically, association with the collaborators
would continue for a period such that all teams
have institutionalized their processes. - The Internal Quality Assessment and evaluation by
external agencies can continue subsequently.
9Why Process Documentation?
- Most of the process-oriented methodologies are
meant to record programmes as they occur and feed
the information back to managers, other
researchers, policy makers to help them in
understanding the working of the project better. - However there are several other purposes, equally
important, for which processes are sought and
they are
10Need for Process Information
- Used by agencies undertaking new and complex
forms as part of expansion of programmes, which
need understanding about stakeholder
participation. - Such information is often needed to validate the
approach / programme and consequent policy
11Use of Process Information
- Such information in the context of inter agency
collaboration(ex. Govt NGO and community) can
help determine the conditions necessary for
effective collaboration and performance. - Process monitoring is used to construct
institutional ethnography. - Process monitoring helps provide a framework for
negotiating meanings, agreements, and validating
approaches and resolving differences between all
the component units of the programme.
12Use of Process Information
- Anyone developing or working towards creating any
software is responsible for managing, creating
and maintaining software process and quality
system related documentation (e.g.,
process/quality policies, procedures, forms,
13Process Documentation IT Sector
- Among many unappealing tasks(attending late night
calls, last minute changes to schedule,
unreasonable customer requests) of IT
professionals one of them is Process
14Importance of Process Documentation
- An important aspect of any process is the
documentation that accompanies it,(such as
logging trouble calls, requesting system changes,
or executing disaster recovery plans). - Many organisations or IT companies develop
excellent processes but fail to document them
adequately. After an initially successful
implementation of the process, many of these
procedures go unused due to lack of
documentation, particularly as new staff members
who are unfamiliar with the process attempt to
use it.
15Why Actively Manage the Processes?
- methodical Process Management can identify
bottlenecks and inefficiencies that are invisible
to the organizationand it can find room for
improvement even in well-refined procedures.
16Proactively managing the processes can help
organisation to
- Eliminate flaws
- Reduce the time spent on a specific tasks
- Decrease costs
- Decrease resources associated with any task
- Improve efficiency
- Improve overall quality
- Increase customer and employee satisfaction
17Proactively managing the processes can help
organisation to
- Very few techniques are available to quantify the
quality and value of Process Documentation.
18Importance of Evaluating the Quality of Process
- In IT sectors and in other organisations where
the use of processes is essential - The purpose of evaluating the quality of content
is important - a.) to show to what degree the material is
suitable for use. - b) to show how important the documentation is to
the support of the process and how important the
process is to the support of the business. - The quality of the content of documentation is
evaluated with 10 common characteristics of
19Characteristics Denoting Quality Attributes of
Process Documentation
- Ownership. This characteristic rates the degree
to which the three key ownership rolesprocess
owner, documentation custodian, and technical
writerare clearly identified, understood, and
supported. For some processes, the same
individual may have all three roles.
20(Contd..) Characteristics Denoting Quality
Attributes of Process Documentation
- Readability This characteristic rates the
clarity and simplicity of the written
documentation . -
- The above characteristic especially looks at
how well the level of the material matches the
skill and experience level of the audience.
21(Contd..) Characteristics ...
- Accuracy. This characteristic rates the technical
accuracy of the material.
22(Contd..) Characteristics .
- Format rates the overall organization of the
material how easy it is to follow how well it
keeps a consistent level of technical depth and
to what degree it documents and describes an
actual process rather than merely duplicating
tables, spreadsheets, and metrics.
23(Contd..) Characteristics ...
- Accessibility rates the ease or difficulty of
accessibility. - Currency rates to what degree the current
version of the documentation is up to date and
the frequency with which it's kept current.
24(Contd..) Characteristics ...
- Ease of update rates the relative ease or
difficulty with which the documentation can be
updated, including revision dates and
distribution of new versions.
25(Contd..) Characteristics.
- Effectiveness rates the overall usability of the
documentation, including the use of appropriate
examples, graphics, color coding, use on multiple
platforms, and compliance with existing standards
(if available). - Accountability rates to what degree the
documentation is being read, understood, and
effectively used all appropriate users are
identified and held accountable for proper use of
the documentation.
26The value of the documentation to the environment
for which it was intended is evaluated using five
common characteristics
- Criticality of the process Describes how
critical is the process described by this
documentation to the success of the organisation
or business of the company. - Frequency of use Describes how frequently the
documentation is used or referenced. - Number of users Describes the approximate number
of personnel who will likely want or need to use
this documentation.
27The value of the documentation to the environment
for which it was intended is evaluated using five
common characteristics
- Variety of users This characteristic describes
the variety of different functional areas or
skill levels of personnel who will likely use
this documentation. - Impact of non-use Describes the level of adverse
impact that's likely to occur if the
documentation is not used properly.
28Different Approaches to Understand Process
- Field-level activities
- Meetings
- Negotiations
- Decision-taken
- Planning
- Implementation of decisions
- Resolution of differences
29Methodology for Documenting the Process
- Use of existing documentary material
- Records
- Structured interviews
- Case studies
- Reconstruction of events
- Field-diaries of project staff
- Video-and audio recordings
- Newspaper clippings
- Software development
- Participant observation of users
- None of the above methods are new in themselves
in the social science methodology, but what is
new is the use to which they are put. (Refer PD
of HISP implemented in India)
30In essence Process documentation means and
- Continuous information gathering over a period of
the programme / project. - Orientation to the present-What is happening
right now. - Monitoring which is action oriented in the sense
that it is directed towards participants who are
in a position to read and take immediate action.
31In essence Process documentation means and
- The monitoring is inductive and open-ended thus
broadening the frame of reference. Thus, the
process information completely breaks away from
the general image of development projects /
programmes as closed, static, predictable and
controllable tech-rational systems(Mosse,199811)
32Process Documentation
- Learn how to design, write and organize your
documentation to best suit your organisation or
work - various documentation structures and access
medium can be used.
33Process Documentation
- How to pay particular attention to managing and
controlling the outcome of your documentation
efforts (the documentation authorities,
distribution, amendments, identification,...). - Ideas that evolve from the documentation and
maintaining its alignment with changing needs
should be paid attention.Â
34Points to note in Developing a Process
- Develop an action plan to manage the creation of
a policy and process documentation system that
effectively prescribes action and expedites
efforts - Design a documentation structure suited to your
business needs and organizational size. - Analyze the potential of process documentation
verses training material.
35Points to note in Developing a Process
- Learn various ways to organize and express your
organisations goals or companys expectations
for example, your company's quality policy
statement (re ISO 9001), operational policies. - (The ISO organization was established by European
countries as a way to certify the quality control
systems of companies across international
boundaries) - Examine the merits of various structures and
styles to compose/access both policy and process
documentation (e.g., procedures and their job
aids). -
- Discover the key criteria to keeping it simple.