Title: Guidance on the Requirements of HACCP Documentation
1HACCP Documentation
the Food Safety System
By Global Manager Group
2What is HACCP?
- HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) is
a systematic way to identify, evaluate, and
control food safety hazards. - Hazards are biological, chemical, or physical
agents likely to cause illness or injury if they
are not controlled. - HACCP prevents food safety hazards rather than
reacts to food safety hazards.
3The Seven Principles of HACCP
- Conduct Hazard Analysis
- Identify the Critical Control Points
- Establish Critical Limits
- Monitor Critical Control Points
- Establish Corrective Action
- Establish Verification Procedures
- Record Keeping Procedures
4Benefits of HACCP Certification
- Improves the safety and Quality of your product
- Conformance to Legal and Regulatory Requirements
- Systematic approach to meet the requirement for
food safety. - Hazard analysis to evaluate threats to food
safety. - Can help identify process improvements reduced
customer complaints - Reduces the need for, and the cost of end product
testing - Facilitates better understanding of food
packaging safety issues throughout the
5Required Documentation for HACCP
- The principle focuses on the documentation needed
to show that all activities have been performed
according to approved procedures. HACCP
Documentation provides clear instruction on the
approved processes so that each person knows how
to perform the process in the approved manner.
HACCP Documentation includes - HACCP Manual
- Procedures
- Sample Forms and Templates
- Standard Operating Procedures
- Process Approach
- Audit Checklist
6HACCP Manual
The HACCP Manual is to level documents for Food
Safety Management System. It is used to present
an overview of the processes your organization
has implemented to meet the requirements of the
HACCP as per codex guideline. HACCP Manual should
be a full description of the product or family of
products within the scope of the plan. Each
section reference the relevant procedures used to
address the requirements.
HACCP procedures documents are written
particularization every method that your company
must follow to satisfy the necessities of the
HACCP standard. These are clearly written, simple
to follow directions for your management, food
safety leader, food safety team and everyone, who
works to follow within the day to day operation
of your Food Safety Management System.
8Sample Forms and Templates
Sample forms, records etc. are supporting
documents used by the company to record
information for different procedures followed.
They link the activities written in the procedure
to the records kept in the department. This
documentation serves to demonstrate that the Food
Safety Management System is operating efficiently
to produce the product in accordance with
specified requirements of the HACCP. They should
be legible, easily retrievable and available when
asked for by the auditor. On all the forms
establish proper document control on them.
9Standard Operating Procedures
Standard Operating Procedures contain the minimum
elements that can assist you when developing your
food safety program. HACCP-based SOPs include the
following principles Corrective actions
Monitoring procedures Verification procedures
Record keeping procedures
10Process Approach
It covers guideline for processes, flow chart and
process model useful for process mapping. It
covers process flow chart and activities of all
the main and critical processes with input
-output matrix for organization. It helps any
organization in process mapping as well as
preparing process documents for own organization.
In Input and output matrix list of documents
input and output as well as interlink age of
documents with other departments are given. It
also includes the risk and process wise
11HACCP Audit Checklist
The HACCP audit checklist is a good tool for the
auditor to make audit question to make effective
HACCP internal audit for their organization. It
covers sample audit questions based on HACCP
standard. It helps the auditor to make own audit
checklist for quick and perfect auditing to
ensure all the HACCP requirements are fulfilled.
12HACCP Documentation Kit
Global Manager Group provides HACCP Documentation
kit that having sample documents required for
HACCP Certification. It contains all documents
that covers all such requirements standard. The
HACCP manual to HACCP audit checklist are
provided in editable format that serves as the
primary source of documentation.
13Global Manager Group
Global Manager Group is the first company that
introduces Online Consultancy by offering
International System Certification Documentation
and Auditor Training Packages available on
website _at_ www.Globalmanagergroup.com
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