Title: Figure 5.14.
1Figure 5.14.  A matrix for organizing multiple
childrens targeted behaviors across
developmental and content areas.
Child Benjamin Tara Chante Anna Garre
tt Halle Zachary Lauren José
Literacy Uses rhyming skills Blends
single sounds and syllables Sounds
out words Reads words by sight Sounds
out words Identifies letter names Blends
single sounds and syllables Reads words
by sight
Fine Motor Copies first name Prints
first name Writes using three-finger gr
asp Prints pseudo letters
Social Takes turns with others Greets familiar
peers Plays coop-eratively Participat
es in group activities Shares
or exchanges objects Claims and defends possessi
Communication Uses words to inform
and request Varies voice impart
meaning Responds to topic initiations Uses
sentences to describe past events and
pretend objects/events Uses words inform
and request Uses words inform
and request Uses conversational rules
Math Counts three objects Recognizes printed num
erals Counts at least 20 objects Counts
at least 20 objects Labels
printed numerals up to 10
Adaptive Threads and zips zipper Uses toilet
paper, flushes toilet, washes hands Eats a
variety of food textures Prepares and serves
food Eats a variety food textures Puts
on front-opening garment Prepares and
serves food