Title: Gingerbread Man
1Gingerbread Man
2A baker took some gingerbread dough and shaped a
man from head to toe
3When it was baked the cookie fled, here is what
the cookie said
4Run! Run! As fast as you canyou cant catch me
Im the Gingerbread Man!
5The cookie man ran past a cowwho said, I want
to eat you now!
6The cookie man just laughed and fled. Here is
what the cookie said
7Run! Run! As fast as you can! You cant catch me
Im the Gingerbread Man!
8A farmer saw the man go by. He chased him low he
chased him high. The cookie man just shook his
head, here is what the cookie said.
9Run! Run! As fast as you can! You cant catch me
Im the Gingerbread Man!
10He finally reached the river wide, A fox asked,
would you like a ride?
11The cookie sat on the foxs head, Here is what
the sly fox said
12You cant run! Thats my plan!Im going to eat
you, Gingerbread man
13You cant run! Thats my plan and he ate that
Gingerbread Man