Title: Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat
1Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat
- And so did Mrs. Jurdens team, the RED TIGERS!
- We had fun playing Mrs. Husmans class.
2Mrs. Jurdens RED TIGERS
3Anna is ready to go to bat.
4Bailey watches the outfield.
5The Red Tigers scramble to catch the ball.
6Jordan runs to 1st base.
7Anna gets a few tips from Coach Jurden.
8Second Grade is Fun
- We arent just clowning around, we are busy
learning. But Second grade is fun!
9Sarah and Mrs. Jurden
10Jordan is happy about school.
11Bailey is going crazy over learning.
12Christian reads so many books he is seeing stars.
13Malik is having fun in second grade.
14Nailin is ready for some BRIGHT learning.
15Skylar is ready for some fun!
16The Gingerbread Man
- We read about the Gingerbread Man. We got to
chase a gingerbread man around Groves. When we
caught him we got to decroate and eat him.
17Kaleb, Nailin, Ashtyn, Anna, Josh, and Nyasha
decorate their gingerbread man with icing glaze.
18Xander, Kevin, and Gabbie glaze their gingerbread
19Jonathan and Lindsey glaze the gingerbread man
while Bailey watches.
20Jordan, Hannah and Skylar glaze their gingerbread
man. While Mitchel, Abel and Riley watch.
21Josh, Nyasha, Kaleb, Nailin, Anna, and Ashtyn
show off their gingerbread man.
22Doesnt he look yummy?
23YUMMY! Can we eat yet?
24Science Experiments
- We are learning about science through lots of
experiments. Check out our science journals to
read all about it.
25Professor Xander is ready for the facts!
26Professor Lindsey is ready to do an experiment.
27We made paper airplanes, threw them and measured
how far they went.
28Honor Roll
- We are so proud of all our honor roll and
character winning students.
29First six weeks honor roll.
30Jonathan was our star student the second six
weeks for the whole school!
31Miss Nelson is Missing
- When our teacher was absent Miss Viola Swamp
came to sub. - She was mean!
32The mean Miss Viola Swamp was our teacher for the
- Stellaluna is a bat.
- A bat is a mammal.
34We are hanging upside down like bats.
35We are bats too!
36Honor Roll
- We are so proud of all our honor roll and
character winning students.
37Honor Roll
38Honor Roll
- We are so proud of all our honor roll and
character winning students.
39Honor Roll
- We are so proud of all our honor roll and
character winning students.
40Honor Roll
- We are so proud of all our honor roll and
character winning students.