Title: The%20Little%20Engine%20That%20Could
1The Little Engine That Could
2fine dining carWe ate dinner in the trains fine
dining car.
fine very nice dining car - A room on a train
where meals are served and eaten.
3riddlesTwo boys tried to solve riddles during
riddle a question or problem that is hard to solve
4yardsThe train was switched to a new track at
the train yards.
yards a place for railroad cars
- What do you know about trains?
- What are different parts of a train?
- Where do trains go?
- How do trains help people?
6Genre fiction
- Focus questions read to find out
- Will the Little Blue Engine get over the
mountain? - What did you learn from the Little Blue Engine?
7Read pages 42-45
- What does the little train carry?
- What kind of toy animals does the train carry?
- Use the picture clues and what you know about
clowns to answer Why does the clown look funny?
8Read pages 46-49
- Besides toys, what else does the little train
carry? - What does the train do after it tries to start up
again? - Why do you think the train came to a stop?
9Read pages 50 - 53
- Who tries to help the little train move?
- Why do you think the animals and dolls wanted to
be helpful? - What do the dolls and toys want the Shiny New
Engine to do?
10read ages 54-57
- How do the dolls and toys feel when the Shiny New
Engine refuses to help? - What do you think the people riding on the shiny
new train like about this train? - What does the clown do to stop the Big Strong
11Thats all folks!
- Where was the Little Engine going?
- What was he hauling on his train?
- Who wanted his cargo?
- What happened to the Little Engine?
- Why wouldnt the Shiny New Engine help the little
train over the mountain? - What do you think the second engine will do?
13Read p. 58-61
- Why wont the Big Strong Engine help?
- What does the Big Strong Engine carry?
- Why is this engine the same as the first engine?
- Why does the clown call out Look! Look!?
- How does the Little Blue Engine ask its question?
14Read p. 62-65
- Name some things you learned about the Little
Blue Engine. - Why does the Little Blue Engine feel that she
might not be able to help the little train? - What does she finally decide to do?
15Read p. 66-69
- Why do you think the Little Blue Engine keeps
repeating I think I can. - How fast does the train move at first?
- How do you think the Little Blue Engine is
feeling as it tries to go up the mountain? - What does the Little Blue Engine do when she
reaches the top of the mountain? - How do you think she feels?
16Why do you think this story fits well with the
Unit I Think I can?
- Remember
- Be determined dont give up
- Phils. 413 I can do all things through Christ
who strengthens me.
17Now its your turn to write. Write a
story.Choose one of the following
- Write four or five sentences
- Someday I think I can _________________.
- Write a story about something that you were
determined to learn to do. - Make up a story about a toy that tried to do
something but had to get help.