Title: Downtown Redding Revitalization
1Downtown Redding Revitalization
- Redding Redevelopment Agency
- May 2006
2Redding, California
3Downtown Redding Mall
- Built Between 1972 and 1976
- 10 Million in HUD Loans and Grants and Lease
Revenue Bonds - Mall and Parking Structure Cover 12.6 Acres
- 70 Percent of Existing Buildings Demolished
- 338,000 Square Feet of GLA
- 65,000 Square Feet of Common Area Under Roof
- 20 Parcels and 16 Owners
- 850 Public Parking Spaces
4Downtown Redding Mall
5Adopted January 2001
6Mall Revitalization Concepts
- Re-Open Former Streets to Through Traffic
- Remove the Roof Structure
- Improve the Facades of all Structures in the Mall
- Provide a Large, Open, Civic Space in or Near the
Mall - Do Not Demolish any Historic Structures in the
Mall - Increase Parking Opportunities Near the Mall
7Preferred Alternative
8Partnership with Shasta College
9Shasta College Health Sciences University Center
10Shasta College Health Sciences University Center
- Two-Story 43,800-Square-Foot Facility
- Nursing and Dental Hygiene Programs and
University Center - 200 Students and Faculty Daily
- 16.7 Million Investment
- Classes to Start in Fall 2007
11Shasta College Health Sciences University Center
12Mall Roof Removal Project
13Mall Roof Removal Project
14Mall Roof Removal Project
15Mall Roof Removal Project
16Redding Hotel Rehabilitation
17Cascade Theatre Renovation
18Streetscape Projects
19Development PartnershipCascade Square
- 4 Million Renovation
- 9 New Retail Storefronts
- City Contribution 500,000
20Riverfront Playhouse
- Relocate Existing Community Theatre to Downtown
- Double Capacity to 184 Seats
- 2 Million Capital Campaign
- Open in 2008
23Storefront Improvement Loan Program
- Low Interest Forgivable Loans
- Up to 7,500 on a 50/50 Match
- Over Last 5 Years, City Has Funded 20 Projects
Downtown -- Spending 105,500 to Leverage Another
340,000 in Improvements.
24Main Street Certification
- California Main Street Program Established 1986
- Currently Housed in State Office of Historic
Preservation - There are 37 Main Street Communities and Redding
will be the 38th - To be announced at the CDA Conference in October
25Downtown 300
- Add 300 New Housing Units in Downtown Over Next
Three to Five Years - Downtown Mall Project by LINC Housing Possible
5-Story, Mixed-Use Project With Ground Floor
Retail, Apartments, and Condominiums. - Theatre Square by Habitat for Humanity Possible
20-Unit, Townhouse Project, With Small Retail
Space and Live-Work Unit Adjacent to Riverfront
26Where Do We Go From Here?
- Continue to Implement the Specific Plan
Recommendations - Implement Downtown 300 Housing Initiative
- Construct Gateways
- Continue Mall Roof Removal and Rebuild Streets
- Develop New Parking
- Construct Park/Plaza