Title: The Deity of Christ Part 2: The Biblical Teaching
1The Deity of ChristPart 2 The Biblical Teaching
Jesus shares the honors that are due to God.
3- Everyone is to honor the Son, just as they honor
the Father (John 523). - All Gods angels worship Jesus Christ, the Son
(Hebrews 16). - Christians call on the name of the Lord Jesus
Christ (1 Cor. 12) in other words, they pray
to him.
Jesus shares the attributes of Gods nature.
5- The fullness of Gods being dwells in Jesus in
bodily form (Colossians 29). - The Son of God existed before all creation and is
eternal (John 11-2 Colossians 117). - Christ is omnipresent spirit (Matthew 1820
6Jesus is both man and God
- As a human being, Jesus grew (Luke 240, 52).
- As a human being, Jesus did not know the day or
hour (Mark 1332). - As a human being, Jesus was tempted (Hebrews
- As God, Jesus is unchanging (Heb. 110-12 138).
- As God, Jesus knows everything, even our hearts
(John 2117). - As God, Jesus could not sin (John 519).
Jesus shares the names of God.
8- Jesus has the name above every name (Eph. 121
Phil. 29-11). - Jesus is God (John 11 2028 Acts 2028 Titus
213 2 Peter 11). - Jesus is the Lordthat is, Jehovah (Rom. 109-13
1 Pet. 313-15).
9- Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords
(Revelation 1714 1916). - Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega, the first and
the last, the beginning and the end (Revelation
17-8, 17b-18 28 2212-13).
Jesus shares in doing the deeds that God does.
11- The Son made all things and sustains the universe
in existence (John 11-3 Col. 116-17 Heb. 12,
10-12). - Jesus forgives peoples sins (Mark 91-9
Colossians 313). - Jesus sends the Spirit and his gifts (John 1526
Eph. 48-11).
12- The Son gives eternal life to whomever he wants
(John 521-26). - Christ is, with the Father, the source of all
spiritual blessings (Eph. 12-3 1 Tim. 12 Rev.
14). - Jesus will administer the Final Judgment (John
522-23 2 Cor. 510 2 Tim. 41).
Jesus shares the seat of Gods own throne.
14- Jesus shares Gods very throne (Hebrews 13, 13
Rev. 221, 3). - Jesus claimed to be equal to God (Mark 1461-64
John 517-18). - Jesus rules over everything forever (Matthew
2818 Luke 133 Ephesians 121-23).
15Remember Gods HANDS
- HonorsJesus receives Gods honors
- AttributesJesus has Gods attributes
- NamesJesus has Gods names
- DeedsJesus does Gods deeds
- SeatJesus sits on Gods throne
16This presentation is a summary of the book
Putting Jesus in His Place A Case for the Deity
of Christ, by Robert Bowman and Ed Komoszewski
17For more information on defending the Christian
faith, please visit the following web
sitewww.4Truth.netNorth American Mission Board