THE - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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* * The Bible Predicts There will be 144,000 giving the pure Everlasting Gospel of grace to the world When Jesus comes into the surrendered heart, deity with its ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: THE

Revelation 146,7
  • And I saw another angel fly in the midst of
    heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach
    unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every
    nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,
  • The gospel has been contaminated. These three
    angels, at the end of time, have the pure
    unadulterated gospel and reveal how it is being
  • The final outpouring of Pentecostal power cannot
    be established on a contaminated gospel.
  • What constitutes the Pure Gospel?

Great Controversy 454
  • These truths, as presented in Revelation 14, in
    connection with the "everlasting gospel," will
    distinguish the church of Christ at the time of
    his appearing. For as the result of the threefold
    message it is announced, "Here are they that keep
    the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus."
    And this message is the last to be given before
    the coming of the Lord.
  • The ones who give this message are identified in
    Rev. 1412 as the saints.

The Everlasting Gospel
  • John 129 The next day John seeth Jesus coming
    unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God,
    which taketh away the sin of the world.

Old Testament \ Sanctuary
  • Gen. 227 And Isaac spake unto Abraham his
    father, and said, My father and he said, Here
    am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and
    the wood but where is the lamb for a burnt
  • 228 And Abraham said, My son, God will
    provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering

The Lamb
  • Why couldnt God accept the offering of Isaac as
    the lamb?
  • THE REAL LAMB is to take away the sin of the
  • THE REAL LAMB must have more than the value of
    all sinners that ever lived to be able to save
    all sinners.
  • Likewise the Everlasting Gospel is based on the
    true Lamb of God only.
  • John the Baptist said that Jesus was THE LAMB

Does Jesus Qualify?
  • Micah 52 But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah,
    though thou be little among the thousands of
    Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto
    me that is to be ruler in Israel whose goings
    forth have been from of old, from everlasting.
  • He must be born in Bethlehem.
  • How far back does everlasting, His pre-existence

John 11
  • 11 In (the) beginning was the Word, and the
    Word was with God, and the Word was God.
  • 12 The same was in the beginning with God.
  • 13 All things were made by him and without
    him was not any thing made that was made.
  • 14 In him was life (eternal)

  • 113 Who hath delivered us from the power of
    darkness, and hath translated us into the
    kingdom of his dear Son
  • 114 In whom we have redemption through his
    blood, even the forgiveness of sins

  • 115 Who is the image of the invisible God, the
    firstborn of every creature
  • John 149 he that hath seen me hath seen the
    Father (Like identical twins)
  • 116 For by him were all things created, that
    are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and
    invisible, whether they be thrones, or
    dominions, or principalities, or powers all
    things were created by him, and for him

  • Exodus 2320 Behold, I send an Angel before
    thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee
    into the place which I have prepared.
  • Malak ANGLE (1110) Messenger (98)
  • Agent Spiritual Intelligence
  • Verse 21 Beware of him, and obey his voice,
    provoke him not for he will not pardon your
    transgressions for my name is in him.

The Fathers Name Is In Him
  • Isa. 96 For unto us a child is born, unto us a
    son is given and the government shall be upon
    his shoulder and his name shall be called
    Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God,
  • The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
  • Jesus shares the names of His Father

  • And the angel answered and said unto her, The
    Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of
    the Highest (the Father) shall overshadow thee
    therefore also that holy thing which shall be
    born of thee shall be called the Son of God.
  • Jesus, who existed from ever in heaven, was
    reduced to a divine sperm.
  • The Holy Spirit implanted the divine sperm in the
    womb of Mary
  • The Son of Mary was the Son of God
  • Divinity was in the sperm, thus divinity was in
    the Son, in every cell. Human by the
    mother.divine by the Father Thus a dual nature.

  • This divinity in Jesus was the divinity that
    created the Universe
  • This divinity has the power to remove all sin
    from man and restore the original characteristics
    and to resurrect and immortalize every sinner.
  • The Incarnation human to die divine to save
  • This is the message of the Everlasting Gospel!
  • Jesus only saves

Acts 412
  • Neither is there salvation in any other for
    there is none other name under heaven given among
    men, whereby we must be saved.

First Things First
  • Without the Gospel all else is meaningless
  • All else is the result of the Gospel
  • The Devil is trying to divert and pervert the
    plan of salvation.
  • Thus the Three Angels Messages, the last gospel
    appeal and warning, given to the world , have
    been given to help all men stay on track as they
    prepare for the hereafter.
  • The first angels message comes in three phases.

The Three Phases of the First Angels Message
  • 1. The Everlasting Gospel to all the world
  • 2. The hour of His Judgment has come
  • 3. Worship Him that made heaven, earth and sea

  • Tremendous spiritual power accompanied the gospel
    in the beginning.
  • Even greater power will be evident when the
    gospel comes to a close with the grand finale as
    the plan of salvation terminates.
  • To mention the everlasting gospel as a part of
    the last call to man, connected with the MARK OF
    THE BEAST, indicates that the gospel has been
  • The purity had been faulted and is being
    re-instated for the pure Pentecostal finale.
  • Pure Pentecostal power is not possible via a
    contaminated gospel.

How to Determine What Constitutes the Pure
Everlasting Gospel
  • Christianity is the New Covenant \ The New
    Testament of the Bible
  • The New Covenant, Testament, was forever sealed
    and ratified by the death and the blood of Jesus
    when He died on the cross.
  • Watch closely, here is how you see the
  • Nothing is to be added or taken away from
    Christianity after the death of Jesus on that
    Friday at 3 A.M.

Note What Was Sealed inThe New Covenant
  • 1. Baptism by emersion
  • 2. Tithe Approved by Jesus
  • 3. The Ten Commandments
  • 4. The Sabbath - From sunset to sunset
  • 5. Pray to the Father via the name of Jesus
  • 6. Death is a sleep
  • 7. Sanctuary \ Jesus as High Priest
  • 8. Creation Story
  • 9. Judgment is at end of the world

Note What Has Been Added To Christianity After
The Covenant Had Been Ratified
  • FIRST We are saved by grace period
  • Therefore
  • 1. Purgatory and the suffering in Purgatory to
    remove sin was not sealed in the New Covenant
    controlled by Priest
  • 2. Praying to the dead saints for help is not
    sealed into the New Covenant
  • 3. Mariology her role co-redemptive - not
    Biblical - confuses the Sanctuary doctrine.
    Jesus as High Priest Acts 412
  • 4. Immortality of the soul before Jesus comes is
    not Biblical
  • 5. A present ever burning hell for the unsaved is
    not Biblical
  • 6. Sunday sacredness dogma came several hundred
    years to late to be sealed into the New Covenant.

Added to Christianity after the New Covenant was
  • 7. The Mass
  • 8. Indulgences
  • 9. Priest with forgiveness of sins
  • 10. Judgment at death heaven or hell
    immediately- instead of at end of world when
    Jesus comes
  • 11. No prayer beads \ no Hail Marys
  • None of the above belong in The New Covenant,
    The Everlasting Gospel. They all were introduced
    after the Cross, after the Covenant was sealed.
  • These teachings have adulterated and polluted the
    gospel, by taking the saving power of Jesus only,
    away from the people.

The Everlasting Gospel
  • The Everlasting Gospel mentioned in Revelation
    146 is the pure unadulterated gospel as it is
    what brings on the final Pentecostal power, and
    God will not use a contaminated gospel to
    manifest his power through.
  • Thus we want to show you how the gospel has been
    contaminated by the antichrist power and
    re-establishes the pure Gospel for God to use to
    conclude the plan of salvation.
  • The Three Angels Messages purifies Christianity
    from two thousand years of contamination and
    presents the unadulterated gospel in such a way
    that man would be willing to die to embrace it.
    And they will.

Revelation 146,7
  • And I saw another angel fly in the midst of
    heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach
    unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every
    nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people.
  • The Everlasting Gospel must be brought back to
    its purity to prepare a people for the
    everlasting kingdom.
  • The Three Angels Messages constitutes the last
    warning message before the end of the world

The Message of the first angel
  • And I saw another angel fly in the midst of
    heaven, having (1.) the everlasting gospel to
    preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and
    (2.) to every nation, and kindred, and tongue,
    and people,
  • 147 Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and
    give glory to him (3.)for the hour of his
    judgment is (has) come and (4.) worship him that
    made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the
    fountains of waters.
  • The Proclaimers A world wide organized Church
    proclaiming this four fold message.

  • 1. A world wide message
  • 2. Warns that the Judgment has started
  • 3. Rev.14 7 Worship Him that made heaven and
    earth and the sea and the fountains of waters.
  • These words are a direct quote from the 4th
    Commandment. Ex.2011 The Lord made heaven and
    earth, and the sea
  • That Commandment also says, Remember the Sabbath
    day, to keep it holy
  • If you quote from a specific Commandment, all the
    Commandment must be valid also.

  • Draws us back to the Creator who gave us pure
    gospel, and the Sabbath that Jesus kept is
    embedded in the 10 Commandments therefore is
    sealed in the New Covenant.
  • Hebrews 810 For this is the covenant that I
    will make with the house of Israel after those
    days, saith the Lord I will put my laws into
    their mind, and write them in their hearts and I
    will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a

HEBREWS 916,17
  • For where a testament is, there must also of
    necessity be the death of the testator.
  • For a testament is of force after men are
    dead otherwise it is of no strength at all while
    the testator liveth.
  • As soon as Jesus died the New Covenant, sealed by
    His death and blood, went into effect.
  • Once the Covenant is sealed nothing can be added
    or taken away from it.

  • With its purity reveals the power for conversion
    that will convert thousands in a day.
  • This is absolutely essential as the gospel is to
    go to all the world quickly for the final harvest
    in these last days.
  • A contaminated gospel has no saving power

Examples of the pure Gospel
  • Special days
  • Acts 241 Baptized about 3000 on the day of
  • Acts 44 A week later there were about five
    thousand men
  • Acts 247 Praising God, and having favour with
    all the people. And the Lord added to the church
    daily such as should be saved.
  • There were over 8000 new members and no church
  • Likewise in the near future thousands converted
    every day and there will be no church buildings

The Power of the GospelVia Peter
  • Acts 514 16 And believers were the more added
    to the Lord, multitudes both of men and women.
  • 515 Insomuch that they brought forth the
    sick into the streets, and laid them on beds
    and couches, that at the least the shadow of
    Peter passing by might overshadow some of them.
    (healed by a shadow)
  • 516 There came also a multitude out of the
    cities round about unto Jerusalem, bringing sick
    folks, and them which were vexed with unclean
    spirits and they were healed every one.

The Power of the GospelVia Paul
  • Acts 1911 And God wrought special miracles by
    the hands of Paul
  • 1912 So that from his body were brought unto
    the sick, handkerchiefs or aprons, and the
    diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits
    went out of them.
  • Miracles via handkerchiefs or aprons
  • Diseases departed
  • Evil spirits went out

The Everlasting Gospel
  • When the Everlasting Gospel is returned to its
    rightful place in our lives, and proclaimed, God
    will work miraculously through us as He did
    through Peter and Paul.
  • It is very evident that the gospel is stalemated,
    without much power, at the present time, but when
    it is restored to its proper place, thousands
    will be converted in a day as it was in the days
    of the disciples.

The Bible Predicts
  • There will be 144,000 giving the pure Everlasting
    Gospel of grace to the world
  • When Jesus comes into the surrendered heart,
    deity with its power is there. Awesome results
  • The preparation of the saints to do this final
    propagation with power is what is holding up the
    finalization of the plan of salvation.
  • It will come will we allow it to come in our

The Second Phase of the First Angels Message
  • Daniel 726 Judgment was to be after the 1260
    year prophecy (1798)
  • The 2300 year prophecy reveals when the judgment
    was to start. (1844)
  • The judgment hour message is in conjunction with
    or a part of the Everlasting Gospel and reveals a
    time element urgency.
  • The judgment hour message is absolutely vital to
    understand, for when Jesus comes everyones
    judgment is already over.

Revelation 2211,12
  • 2211 He that is unjust, let him be unjust
    still and he which is filthy, let him be filthy
    still and he that is righteous, let him be
    righteous still and he that is holy, let him be
    holy still.
  • 2212 And, behold, I come quickly and my
    reward is with me, to give every man according
    as his work shall be.
  • It is very evident that the judgment is over
    before Jesus comes

  • The Laodicea Message of Revelation 3, revealing
    the open and shut door, re-emphasizes the
    Sanctuary Judgment procedure.
  • Thus it is understandable that our names could
    come up in the Judgment almost at any time. Are
    we ready for that? Does this effect our attitude
    and how we live?

Cleansing Heavenly Sanctuary
  • 1. When Jesus comes He brings with him all the
    sins that have been transferred to the Heavenly
    Sanctuary for the history of our Planet.
  • It is The Final Day of Atonement (A special
  • Type and antitype (Lev.16)
  • Satan is summoned - Scapegoat

Third Phase of The First Angel
  • Worship him that made heaven and the earth and
    the sea
  • Him that made ---- Jesus was the Creator
  • Made the heaven, the earth and the sea Rev.
  • Made heaven and earth and sea Ex. 2011
  • This is a direct quote from the 4th Commandment,
    the Sabbath
  • This quote validates the Sabbath beyond a
    question in First Angels ,Message.
  • What is the Sabbath? A memorial of Creation,
    Therefore, the first Angels message, upholding
    the Law of God refutes evolution.
  • Therefore it is a sin to be an evolutionist as an
    evolutionist denies the creation story in the
    Bible, that is embedded in the Ten Commandments,
    namely the Sabbath Commandment.
  • To reject to the Sabbath Commandment, the
    memorial of creation, is to reject the Creator,
    Jesus Christ.

The First Angels Message
  • 1. Restores the purity to the Everlasting Gospel
  • 2. Emphasizing that we are so near to the end
    that the judgment has already started
  • 3. Restores the Sabbath and refutes Evolution
  • 4. The First Angels Message revolutionizes
  • 5. The final reformation is written all over the
    Three Angels Messages
  • 6. The Three Angels Messages will bring revival
    and reformation and prepare a people for the
    sealing message, and conversion to the

No Forgiveness

Second Coming of Jesus End of the world
Close of Probationary Time
Seven Last Plagues
Satan Personates Christ
Sunday Law (U.S.A.)
The Seventh Plague
Fallen Churches
Latter Rain
False Revival
Commplete Victory
Bishops are homosexuals ... Church members same
sex marriages teach Law nailed to the cross ...
reject God's Sabbath and the story of
creation accept the theory of evolution
Their revival does not reject these false
teachings ....Thus it is a false revival
(No Transcript)
  • The second phase of
  • The Everlasting Gospel
  • You cant make it without it.
  • Absolutely essential
  • This phase prepares you for the seal.
  • You cant give it unless you live it

Old Testament \ Sanctuary
  • Gen. 227 And Isaac spake unto Abraham his
    father, and said, My father and he said, Here
    am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and
    the wood but where is the lamb for a burnt
  • 228 And Abraham said, My son, God will
    provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering
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