Lecture Part I: Christology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lecture Part I: Christology


Lecture Part I: Christology Jintae Kim, PhD Alliance Theological Seminary Nyack, NY 10960 (845) 353-2020 E-mail: Jintae.kim_at_nyack.edu Website: http://all4jesus.net – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lecture Part I: Christology

Lecture Part I Christology
  • Jintae Kim, PhD
  • Alliance Theological Seminary
  • Nyack, NY 10960
  • (845) 353-2020
  • E-mail Jintae.kim_at_nyack.edu
  • Website http//all4jesus.net

Trinitarian Unity in Salvation
Person Ministry
God the Father Creation and Providence (??? ??)
God the Son Redemption (????)
God the Holy Spirit Application of the Redemptive Work (????? ??)
Divine Self-consciousness of Jesus
  • 1. Problem Not explicit or overt claim, but
    implicit Claims
  • 2. The Son of man passages The Son of man and
    his angels (Matt1341) Authority to forgive sins
    (Mark 25-7) Final judge (Matt 2531-33
    2663-64) The Lord of Sabbath (Mark 227-28)
  • 3. The Son of God passages (John 518, 21 197
  • 4. Unity with God (John 1030 149 2028-29

Other Evidences for Jesus Deity
  • 1. John (11)
  • 2. Hebrews (13, 8, 10 cf. Ps 456 10225-27)
  • 3. Paul (Col 115-16 29 2 Tim 41 Phil 26)
  • 4. The Term Lord (Acts 22-21 2 Pet 315 cf.
    Matt 120 938 1125 Acts 1724 Rev 411)
  • 5. Resurrection

Implication of the Deity of Christ (Erickson, 213)
  • We can have a real knowledge of God.
  • Redemption is available to us.
  • God and humanity have been reunited.
  • Worship of Christ is appropriate.

Biblical Evidence of Humanity of Christ
  • 1. Physical human nature (Luke 252 Matt 42
    John 42, 6 1934). ??? ??.
  • 2. Psychological human nature (John 1133-35
    1323 1511 1713 Matt 2637 Mark 35 1014
    Luke 79 Mark 66 1534) ??? ??.

3 Views on the Meaning of Virgin Birth (Erickson,
Approach from Content
Incarnation (???) Indispensable to the incarnation.
Redemption (????) Indispensable to the sinlessness of Jesus.
Divinity of Christ (??) Not necessary for Christ to be God, but it was necessary epistemologically in order for us to know that he is God.
3 Views on the Meaning of Virgin Birth (Erickson,
Approach from Content
Incarnation (???) ???? ?? ????? ???? ??????.
Redemption (????) ??? ???? ?? ???? ??? ??? ?? ?? ??? ??.
Divinity of Christ (??) ????? ????? ??? ??? ???? ??? ? ??? ??.
Implication of Humanity of Jesus (Erickson,
  • 1. The atoning death of Jesus can truly avail for
  • 2. Jesus can truly sympathize with and intercede
    for us (Heb 415).
  • 3. Jesus manifests the true nature of humanity.
  • 4. Jesus can be our example.
  • 5. Human nature is good.
  • 6. God is not totally transcendent. He is not so
    far removed from the human race.

Biblical Evidence for the Unity of the Person of
Category Content Scripture
Person Always refers to one entity John 114 Gal 44 1Tim 316
Ministry Of One Person 1John 21-2 415 55 Col 113 John 313 662
Hypostatic Union
  • The doctrine of the hypostatic union, first set
    forth officially in the definition of faith
    produced by the Council of Chalcedon (451),
    concerns the union of the two natures of deity
    and humanity in the one hypostasis or person of
    Jesus Christ. In the incarnation of the Son of
    God, a human nature was inseparably united
    forever with the divine nature in the one person
    of Jesus Christ, yet with the two natures
    remaining distinct, wholly, and unchanged,
    without mixture or confusion so that the one
    person, Jesus Christ, is truly God and truly man.

Basic Tenets of the Doctrine of Two Natures in
One Person (Erickson, 237-40)
  • 1. The incarnation was more a gaining of human
    attributes than a giving up of divine attributes.
    ???? ???? ??? ???????? ??? ?????.
  • 2. The union of the two natures meant that they
    did not function independently. ??? ??? ????? ??
    ? ?? ??? ????? ???? ???? ???.

  • 3. The humanity of Christ is a true humanity that
    we must have had. Christ is the true human, while
    we are of depraved human. ???? ??? ??? ???? ??
    ??? ????.
  • 4. The incarnation was not an impossible task
    because it was initiated by God. ???? ???????
    ???? ??? ???.
  • 5. It is also helpful to think of Jesus as a very
    complex person. ???? ?? ?? ?? ???? ?? ??.

The Stages of Christs Work
  • 1. Humiliation ????
  • Incarnation (John 114 Phil 26-8 Gal
  • ? Death ?Descent into Hades (Ps 1610 Eph
    48-10 1Tim 316 1Pet 318-19 44-6)
  • 2. Exaltation ????
  • Resurrection ?Ascension and Session at the
    Right Hand of the Father (John 662 142 165,
    10, 28 2017 Luke 2450-51 Acts 16-11 Eph
    120 48-10 1Tim 316 Heb 13 414 924)
  • ? Second Coming.

The Functions of Christ (Calvin)
  • 1. The Revelatory (Prophetic) Role of Christ ????
    ???? ???? ?? (Matt 1352 2111, 46 Luke 2419
    John 18 614 740 149 Acts 322 cf. Deut
  • 2. The Kingly Role of Christ ??? ???? (Heb 18
    John 13 Col 117, 18 cf. Isa 97)
  • 3. The Reconciling (Priestly) Work of Christ
    ????? ??? ?????? ??? ?? ???? Atonement and

Views on the Atonement
Theory Content
Socinian Theory Example denied vicarious satisfaction (cf. 1Pet 221).
Moral Influence Theory Demonstration of Gods Love denied for necessity of atoning sacrifice Peter Abelard Horace Bushnell.
Governmental Theory Demonstration of Divine Justice Hugo Grotius.
Ransom Theory Victory over the Forces of Sin and Evil (1Cor 620 Matt 2028) Origen, Irenaeus, Gregory of Nissa, Augustine.
Satisfaction Theory Compensation to the Father Anselm
Background Factors of Atonement (Erickson, 257-58)
  • 1. Divine nature Perfect and holy ???? ??
  • 2. Legal status Sin ? Death ?? ?? ??
  • Human condition Total depravity or inability ???
    ?? ??
  • 3. Christ as God-man (Gal 44-5)
  • 4. ?? The OT Sacrificial System (Lev 14 Isa
    536) ??? ????.

  • Such passages as Hebrews 11-3 29-18 99-14
    22-28 teach very plainly that the efficacy of
    Christ work is contingent upon the unique
    constitution of Christ person. It is this
    consideration that gives such strength to the
    necessity, spoken of in 923, to the effect that
    while the patterns of things in the heavenlies
    should be purified with the blood of goats and
    calves, the heavenly things themselves should be
    purified by the blood of none other than the Son.

  • In other words, there is stated to be a necessity
    that can be met by nothing less than the blood of
    Jesus. But the blood of Jesus is blood that has
    the requisite efficacy and virtue only by reason
    of the fact that he who is the Son, the
    effulgency of the Fathers glory and the express
    image of his substance, became himself also
    partaker of flesh and blood and thus was able by
    one sacrifice to perfect all those who are
    sanctified (Murrary 1955 14).

NT Teachings on Atonement
  • Gospels (John 129 317 Luke 2237 Matt 1621
  • Pauline (Rom 325 59 Eph 17 Col 120)

Basic Meaning of Atonement (261-63)
Meaning Explanation Scripture
Sacrifice Atoning sacrifice Heb 911-12, 28
Propitiation Appease the wrath of God- Angry God? Rom 118 415 59 Eph 23-5 1Thes 110
Substitution Christ died for our sins. Gal 313 1Pet 224 1Tim 26 cf. Isa 536
Reconcilia-tion Ended the enmity between God and man. Rom 1115 325 510-11
Basic Meaning of Atonement
Meaning Explanation Scripture
Sacrifice ???? Heb 911-12, 28
Propitiation ???? ??? ??- Angry God? Rom 118 415 59 Eph 23-5 1Thes 110
Substitution ??. ??? ?? ?????? ???. Gal 313 1Pet 224 1Tim 26 cf. Isa 536
Reconcilia-tion ????? ??? ??? ?. Rom 1115 325 510-11
Objections to the Penal Substitution Theory
(Erickson, 263-64)
  • 1. To the concept of the necessity of atonement
    Why doesnt God simply forgive man? ? ???? ???
  • 2. To the concept of substitution Is it fair?
    ????? ???? ? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??????
  • 3. To the concept of propitiation How can the
    loving God be angry? ??? ???? ??? ????
  • 4. To the concept of imputation of Christs
    righteousness ????? ?? ??? ???? ??? ? ???? ?? ???.

Implication of Substitutionary Atonement
(Erickson, 264-65)
  • 1. It confirms the biblical teaching of the total
    depravity of all humans. ??? ????? ????? ??? ???
    ? ??.
  • 2. Gods nature is not one-sided, nor is there
    any tension between its different aspects. He is
    not only righteous and holy, but also loving and
    merciful. ???? ???? ? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??????. ? ?
    ???? ??? ???? ???.

  • 3. There is no other way of salvation but by
    grace. ??? ?? ???? ???.
  • 4. There is security for the believer in ones
    relationship to God. Christs sacrificial death
    is complete and permanent. ???? ??? ??? ? ??? ??
    ?? ??? ?? ?? ???? ??? ??? ??? ? ??.
  • 5. We must never take lightly the salvation we
    have. Although it is free, it is also costly. God
    sacrificed Himself. ??? ?? ??? ?? ???? ?? ?? ????
    ??? ??? ?? ??????. ???? ??? ? ??? ??? ? ??.
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