Title: A Strategic Perspective on
1A Strategic Perspective on
- Define Sports Marketing
- Examine Growth
- Types of Sports Consumers
- Types of Sports Products
- Elements of Strategic Marketing Process
3What is Sports Marketing???
- Brenda is a pool player
- Angela is a league coordinator
- Peter is an event coordinator
- Larry is treasurer of the VNEA
- Jessica is the manufacturer of Falcon Cues
- Jim is the Canadian distributor of pool tables
4Defining Sports Marketing
- Sports marketing is the specific application of
marketing principles and processes to sport
products and to the marketing of non-sports
products through association with sport.
- Brenda is trying to secure sponsorship
- Angela is recruiting players
- Peter is trying to find the best venue for
tournaments - Larry is the sanctioning body of the league
- Jessica wants the pool players to use her pool
cues - Jim Wants to sell pool tables to pool players,
league operators and event coordinators.
6Websters defines sport as
- a source of diversion or a physical activity
engaged in for pleasure. - Entertainment is also defined as something
diverting or engaging!
- Entertainment
- Movies
- Plays
- Theater
- Opera
- Concerts
- Play Script
- Concert Program
- Sports
- Spontaneous
- And
- Uncontrollable
8Determining Emotions
- Game is close and team wins
- Excitement and Joy
- Game is boring and team is loses
- Entertainment benefit is different
9A Marketing Orientation
- Emphasis on satisfying the consumer
- Intelligence generation
- Intelligence dissemination
- Responsiveness
10Growth of the Sports Industry
- The Sports Industry is the eleventh largest of
all U.S. industry groups. 152 Billion (1995) - Growth in Attendance
- Growth in Media Coverage
- Growth in Employment
- Growth in Global Markets
11Structure of the Sports Industry
- Learn by studying the different types of
organizations and their involvement. -
- Local, Recreational, National, Youth,
Intercollegiate, Professional and Sanctioning
12Simplified Model of Consumer-Supplier
- Consumers
- Spectators observe (in person or media)
- -buy single tickets or season tickets
- Corporate/Business blocks of tickets, corporate
box, Bring spectators to event - Purchase rights to televise controls how and
when the event will be viewed by spectators
13Simplified Model of Consumer-Supplier
- The Participant as Consumers
- Becomes active in sport at a variety of
competitive levels. - Unorganized Sport Participants
- Not sanctioned or controlled by external
14Simplified Model of Consumer-Supplier
- The Participant as Consumers
- 2. Organized Sport Participants
- Amateur no compensations
- Professional - compensation
15Simplified Model of Consumer-Supplier
- The Sponsors as Consumers
- Sports Sponsorship
- An exchange of money or product for the right to
associate its name or product with a sporting
16Simplified Model of Consumer-Supplier
- The Sponsors as Consumers
- Sports Sponsorship
- Helps achieve Corporate Objectives.
- Public awareness
- Corporate image
- Community involvement
17Simplified Model of Consumer-Supplier
- The Sponsors as Consumers
- Sports Sponsorship
- Helps achieve Marketing Objectives.
- Reach target market
- Brand positioning
- Increase Sales
18Simplified Model of Consumer-Supplier
- The Sponsors as Consumers
- Sports Sponsorship
- Helps achieve Media Objectives.
- Generate awareness
- Enhance ad campaign
- Generate Publicity
19Simplified Model of Consumer-Supplier
- Products
- Events
- Sporting Goods
- Personal training for sport
- Sport Information
20Simplified Model of Consumer-Supplier
- The Sports Product
- Is a good or service, or any combination of the
two that is designed to provide benefits to a
sports spectator, participant or sponsor.
21Simplified Model of Consumer-Supplier
- Goods/Service
- Goods Tangible/physical
- Tennis ball, skates, etc.
- Service Intangible/non-physical
- Competitive event, lesson
22Simplified Model of Consumer-Supplier
- Types of Sports Products
- Sporting Events
- Athletes
- Arena
- Sporting Goods
- Equipment
- Licensed Merchandise
- Collectables and Memorabilia
23Simplified Model of Consumer-Supplier
- Producers/Intermediaries
- Ownership
- Sanctioning bodies
- Sponsors
- Media
- Agents
- Equipment manufacturers
24Simplified Model of Consumer-Supplier
- Agent Responsibilities
- Determine value of the players service
- Convince a club to pay for the player
- Develop a compensation package
- Protect players rights
- Counsel the player re- career and financial
- Assist player to earn extra income, endorsements
speeches and appearances
25Sports Marketing Exchange Process
- Something of Value
- Money
- Time
- Personal Energy
- Entertainment
- Better quality of life
- Enhanced Image
Exchange Players Sports Spectators Sports
Participants Organizations Sporting events
Sporting good manufacturers Teams