Title: IC Johrei session1
1Daily Johrei teaching
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3Every one of us is playing a part in creating the
Paradise on Earth
Trust and let go to flow of Nature
Creating your own destiny with your MAKOTO
Balance, harmony appropriateness
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11Daily Johrei teaching
12What do you define learning is ? What for ? and
how ?
13What can prevent a learner from a learning What
factors can enhance a learners learning?
- Inner self
- Factors affecting inner self
- Environment factors
14Five points to consider for making a curriculum
- Aim and objectives
- Content
- Assessment
- Teaching learning activities
- Resources
15Check-list for your feedbacks to a tutor
- What was the objective? Was it achieved?
- Comment on the delivery i.e. voice, body
language, eye contact etc. - What kind of teaching method was used? Was it
successful? - Comment on any resources used
- Comment on teaching style/method (warm, distant,
formal etc) - How were students involved in the class?
- Did the tutor check that students were learning,
and if so, how? - What was that you particularly liked in
teaching/activities/teacher (knowledge/skills/atti
tude)? - What would you suggest as possibilities for
16- Learning is a changing
- Inside out -
- Teaching is learning twice
When you change, the world will change with you!
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18Mutuality and connectedness Healing oneself by
healing others - Teaching oneself by teaching
others ! -
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20Daily Johrei teaching
21Review of previous weekend
22Creating ideal world Paradise on Earth Role
model Mokichi Okada Achieving these goals by
means of studying and applying key teachings
23Healing and Spirituality for ALL
Mokichi Okada 1882-1955
24Three foundations of Johrei philosophy ART OF
LIVING - Appreciation with gratitude in a daily
life -
Art of Healing (Sensing and appreciating flowing
vital energy of Johrei) Art and
Beauty (Finding and creating Beauties to
experience) Art of Nature (Exploring and
following the truth to trust)
25- Learning is a changing
- Inside out -
- Teaching is learning twice
When you change, the world will change with you!
26Three levels of communication
- Verbal communication
- Para-linguistic communication
- Non-verbal communication
27Three dimensions of facilitating factors for
learners learning
- Inner self
- Factors affecting inner self
- Environment factors
28Check-list for your feedbacks to a tutor
- What was the objective? Was it achieved?
- Comment on the delivery i.e. voice, body
language, eye contact etc. - What kind of teaching method was used? Was it
successful? - Comment on any resources used
- Comment on teaching style/method (warm, distant,
formal etc) - How were students involved in the class?
- Did the tutor check that students were learning,
and if so, how? - What was that you particularly liked in
teaching/activities/teacher (knowledge/skills/atti
tude)? - What would you suggest as possibilities for
29Five rules for realising your wish as an
effective facilitator of the Daily Johrei
foundation course
30Mutuality and connectedness Healing oneself by
healing others - Teaching oneself by teaching
others ! -
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32Tuning in the wisdom
Feel the FLOW of the Light which guides you and
your fellow students
33Start your teaching session!
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35Daily Johrei teaching
36Presentation skills
37Presentation is about packing!
- Key points for packing and unpacking
- Body language Be COMFORTABLE and CONFIDENT
- - If you act confidently, you WILL feel more
confident - - Process Be enthusiastic! Check if it is
audience- centred - - Imagine if you are sitting on their side
check their responses - - Imagination is more important than knowledge-
Albert Einstein - TWO IMPORTANT RULES for handling questions
- (1) Be polite always, and (2) be truthful to the
question - - You do not have to pretend that You know
everything! - - (Devils are in the details!)
38Three levels of communication
- Verbal communication
- Para-linguistic communication
- Non-verbal communication
39Three dimensions of facilitating factors for
learners learning
- Inner self
- Factors affecting inner self
- Environment factors
Trust and let go to flow of Nature
Creating your own destiny with your MAKOTO
Balance, harmony appropriateness
41Facilitation skills
42Facilitation is about empowerment
- Key points for facilitation and empowerment
- Make learners/participant comfortable and
confident with JOY! - Body language Be COMFORTABLE and CONFIDENT
- - If you act confidently, you WILL feel more
confident - - Process Be enthusiastic! Check if it is
audience- centred - - Imagine if you are sitting on their side
check their responses - - Imagination is more important than knowledge -
Albert Einstein
43Tuning in the wisdom
Feel the FLOW of the wisdom which guides you
and your fellow students
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45Mutuality and connectedness Healing oneself by
healing others - Teaching oneself by teaching
others ! -
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47Review of the weekends
48Creating ideal world Paradise on Earth Role
model Mokichi Okada Achieving these goals by
means of studying and applying key teachings
49Three foundations of Johrei philosophy ART OF
LIVING - Appreciation with gratitude in a daily
life -
Art of Healing (Sensing and appreciating flowing
vital energy of Johrei) Art and
Beauty (Finding and creating Beauties to
experience) Art of Nature (Exploring and
following the truth to trust)
Trust and let go to flow of Nature
Creating your own destiny with your MAKOTO
Balance, harmony appropriateness
51- Learning is a changing
- Inside out -
- Teaching is learning twice
When you change, the world will change with you!
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