Title: European League of Institutes of the Arts
1European League of Institutes of the Arts
2Raison dEtre
- Information
- Platform
- Advocacy
3ELIAs Members
- Higher Arts Education institutions
- Cultural organisations and networks
- Other art related bodies
- Types of membership
- Full Member
- Associate Member
- Non-European Member
4ELIAs Structure
Member institutions
General Assembly Representation all members
Representative Board 8 - 21 members
(representation all)
Executive Group 5 - 9 members
Executive Office
Member institutions
5ELIAs Website
6ELIAs Main Activities
- Biennial Conference
- Teachers Academy
- Leadership Symposium
- Research and Development projects
7Biennial Conference
Major international forum for debate and
exchange of ideas and best practice in higher
arts education
8Teachers Academy
- Contribute to professional staff
- development for
- professors
- teachers
- researchers
- in the higher arts education institutions in
- an international setting
9Leadership Symposium
- Engage senior level managers and decision-makers
in key themes and current debates in cultural
management and leadership in arts education - Confront issues in ways that promote new
perspectives, solutions and strategic alliances
10Current Research and Developnment (RD)
- More than 60 arts institutions
- from almost all EU, EEA, and candidate countries
- covering all art disciplines
- October 2004 October 2007
- IA partners mostly ELIA members
- Aleksander Zelwerowicz State Theatre Academy
Warsaw - is the co-ordinator of the IA Thematic network
- Chair Tomasz Kubikowski
- ELIA is lead partner
12- With a little Help from My Friends
- Living exercise
- Circle of professional critical friends
- Laboratory for innovation on OUR terms
- Panels of experts
- Mutual learning workshops
134 thematic strands 4 working groups
- 1. Quality assurance/enhancement QA
- Strand leader - John Butler
- 2. Qualification frameworks (Tuning) QF
- Strand leader Kieran Corcoran
- 3. Tradition of the New TN
- Strand leader - Snejina Tankovska
- 4. Linking professional practice PP
- Strand leader - Maarten Regouin
14Strong Creative Disciplines in Europe Tallinn 27
29 April 2007
- Joint conference Architecture, Arts, Music
thematic networks - Promote and develop interdisciplinary best
practice - Influence European policy with a view to the
Bologna process - Identify new roles for institutions in the
creative disciplines in the knowledge society - Preparation Position Paper for Ministerial
Bologna Conference, London May 2007
16Research and Developnment (RD)
- Publications
- research in and through the arts
- New Practices, New Pedagogies
17Publications - research
Comparative Overview
Conference Report
The Research Interviews
New Practices New Pedagogies
- Make a free personalised profile
- Promote your school
- Guide through higher arts education institutions
- Maintain your own profile
- Search according to country or discipline
20European League of Institutes of the Arts