Title: The Futile Search for a New Stability:
1Chapter 26
- The Futile Search for a New Stability
- Europe Between the Wars,
- 1919 - 1939
3An Uncertain Peace The Search for Security
- Weaknesses of the League of Nations
- The French Policy of Coercion (1919 1924)
- Desire for strict enforcement the Treaty of
Versailles - Allied Reparations Commission, April 1921 33
billion - Paid in annual installments of billion gold marks
- Germany unable to pay in 1922
- French occupation of the Ruhr Valley
- German mark fall to 4.2 trillion to 1, end of
November 1923 - The Hopeful Years (1924 1929)
- Dawes Plan, 1924
- Treaty of Locarno, 1925
- Coexistence with Soviet Union
4The Little Entente
5The Great Depression
- Problems in domestic economies
- International financial crisis
- Crash of the American stock market, October 1929
- Affects European markets
- Unemployment
- Social Repercussions
- Powerlessness of Governments
6The Democratic States
- Great Britain
- Labour Party failed to solve problems
- Coalition claimed credit for prosperity
- John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946)
- Keynes says the government should create jobs
- France
- Was the strongest power in Europe
- Could not solved financial problems
- Popular Front
- The United States
- Herbert Hoover, (1929-1933)
- Franklin D. Roosevelt, (1933-1945)
- New Deal
- Public works projects
- World War II ends the depression
7European States and the World Colonial Empires
- Rising tide of unrest in Asia and Africa
- The Middle East
- Division of Ottoman Empire
- Turkey
- Colonel Mustafa Kemal (Atatürk)
- India
- Mohandas Gandhi (1869 1948) and Civil
Disobedience - Africa
- Britain and France awarded German colonies
- Protest movements
8Retreat from Democracy The Authoritarian and
Totalitarian States
- Totalitarianism
- By 1939 only France and Great Britain are
democracies - The modern totalitarian state
- Active commitment of citizens
- Mass propaganda techniques
- High speed communication
- Led by single leader and single party
9Fascist Italy
- Impact of World War I
- Italians angry over failure to receive territory
after World War I - Birth of Fascism
- Benito Mussolini (1883-1945)
- Fascio di Combattimento (League of Combat), 1919
- Growth of the socialist
- Squadristi, armed Fascists
- Fascist movement gains support from
industrialists - March on Rome, 1922
- Mussolini appointed prime minister, October 29,
10Mussolini and the Italian Fascist State
- Fascist Government
- All parties outlawed, 1926 Fascist dictatorship
established - Mussolinis view of a Fascist state
- Young Fascists
- Family is the pillar of the state
- Never achieves the degree of totalitarianism like
Germany or Soviet Union - Lateran Accords, February 1929
11Hitler and Nazi Germany
- Weimar Germany
- No leaders
- Paul von Hindenberg elected president, 1925
- Great Depression
- The Emergence of Adolf Hitler
- Adolf Hitler (1889-1945)
- Vienna
- Lanz von Liebenfels
- Munich
- The Rise of the Nazis
- German Workers Party
- National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP),
1921 - Sturmabteilung (SA), Storm Troops
12Hitler and Nazi Germany (cont)
- The Nazi Seizure of Power
- Munich Beer Hall Putsch, November 1923
- Hitler imprisoned
- Mein Kampf, (My Struggle)
- Lebensraum (living space)
- Reorganization of the party
- New strategies
- Nazi party largest in the Reichstag after 1932
election - Support from right-wing elites
- Becomes chancellor, January 30, 1933
- Reichstag fire, February 27, 1933
- Successes in 1933 election
- Enabling Act, March 23, 1933
- Gleichschaltung, coordination of all institutions
under Nazi control - President Paul von Hindenburg dies, August 2, 1934
13The Nazi State (1933-1939)
- Parliamentary republic dismantled
- Mass demonstrations and spectacles to create
collective fellowship - Constant rivalry gives Hitler power
- Economics and the drop in unemployment
- Heinrich Himmler and the SS
- Churches, schools, and universities brought under
Nazi control - Hitler Jugend (Hitler Youth) and Bund deutscher
Mädel (League of German Maidens) - Influence of Nazi ideas on working women
- Aryan Racial State
- Nuremberg laws, September 1935
- Kristallnacht, November 9-10, 1938
- Restrictions on Jews
14The Soviet Union
- New Economic Policy
- Modified capitalism
- Union of Socialist Republics established, 1922
- Revived economy
- Lenin suffers strokes, (1922-1924)
- Division
- Leon Trotsky
- Joseph Stalin
- General Party Secretary
15The Stalinist Era, (1929-1939)
- First Five Year Plan, 1928
- Emphasis on industry
- Real wages declined
- Use of propaganda
- Rapid collectivization of agriculture
- Famine of 1932-1933 10 million peasants died
- Political Control
- Stalins dictatorship established, 1929
- Political purge, 1936-1938 8 million arrested
16Authoritarianism in Eastern Europe
- Conservative Authoritarian Governments
- Eastern Europe
- Austria, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia
adopted parliamentary systems - Romania and Bulgaria gained new parliamentary
constitutions - Greece became a republic
- Hungary parliamentary in form controlled by
landed aristocrats - Problems
- Little or no tradition of liberalism and
parliamentary form - Rural and agrarian society
- Ethnic conflicts
17Dictatorship in the Iberian Peninsula
- General Miguel Primo de Rivera and the End of
Parliamentary Government (1923) - The Spanish Civil War
- The Popular Front
- General Francisco Franco (1892 1975)
- Foreign intervention
- Franco emerges victorious (March 28, 1939)
- The Franco Regime
- Traditional, conservative, dictatorship
- Portugal
- Antonio Salazar (1889 1970)
18Expansion of Mass Culture and Mass Leisure
- The Roaring Twenties
- Berlin, the entertainment center of Europe
- Josephine Baker (1906-1975)
- Jazz Age
19Radio and Movies Mass forms of Communication
- Radio
- Nellie Melba, June 16, 1920
- BBC, 1926
- Movies
- Quo Vadis Birth of a Nation
- Stars became subjects of adoration
- Marlene Dietrich
- Used for political purposes
- Nazis encourage cheap radios
- Triumph of the Will, 1934
20Mass Leisure
- Sports
- Tourism
- Organized Mass Leisure in Italy and Germany
- Dopolavoro in Italy
- Kraft durch Freude in Germany
21Cultural Intellectual Trends in the Interwar
- Prewar avant-garde culture becomes acceptable
- Political, economic, and social insecurities
- Radical changes in womens styles
- Theodor van de Velde
- Ideal Marriage Its Physiology and Technique
- Nightmares and New Visions Art and Music
- Abstract painting fascination with the absurd
- Dadaism
- Tristan Tzara (1896-1945)
- Surrealism
- Salvador Dali (1904-1989)
- Functionalism in Modern Architecture
- Bauhaus School in Germany
22Cultural Intellectual Trends (cont)
- A Popular Audience
- Kurt Weill, The Threepenny Opera
- Art in Totalitarian Regimes
- Art in service of the state
- A New Style in Music
- Arnold Schönberg (1874 1951)
23Literature Physics Between the Wars
- The Search for the Unconscious
- James Joyce (1882-1941), Ulysses
- Hermann Hesse (1877-1962)
- Impact of Freud
- Carl Jung (1856-1961)
- The Heroic Age of Physics
- Ernest Rutherford (1871-1937), atom could be
split - Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976), uncertainty
24Discussion Questions
- How would you define fascism? How was fascism
different from traditional authoritarianism? - What were the strengths and weaknesses of Weimar
democracy? - Compare and contrast Stalins Soviet Union and
Hitlers Germany. What did the two states have in
common? - What anxieties were reflected in the cultural and
intellectual trends of the interwar period?
25Web Links
- Italian Life under Fascism
- The History Place The Rise of Adolf Hitler
- Life in the USSR under Stalin
- Joseph Stalin Biographical Chronicle
- The World of Kurt Weill
- bauhaus-archiv Museum of Design