Title: My Teaching Portfolio
1My Teaching Portfolio
2 NAEYC Standards
3Standard 1 Promoting Child Development and
Artifact 1 _______________ Reflection Reflect
on the artifact. Remember to write this in
paragraph format. This is where you explain the
importance of this artifact. You do not have to
refer to the standards/criteria in this
section. Standards/Criteria Connections
Identify each of the criteria by its standard
name and identifying letter (e.g., 1a, 2c, or 7d)
that this artifact addresses. You can click
Standards and Criteria below to find that
information. Remember, it can address more than
one Standard. After each criterions name,
explain why you believe this artifact addresses
this standard. Write your explanation referring
to the criteria description and using some of the
vocabulary used in the description. Artifact This
is where you exhibit the actual artifact. If
the artifact is small (e.g., certificate), you
can Insert it into the rest of this document. If
it is more complicated (e.g., lesson plan) or in
a different format (e.g., .pdf), you should type
the name of the artifact here and hyperlink it to
the appropriate file in your storage folder.
Standard1 Criteria and Artifacts
4Standard 2 Building Family and Community
- Artifact 1 _______________
- Reflection
- Reflect on the artifact. Remember to write this
in paragraph format. This is where you explain
the importance of this artifact. You do not have
to refer to the standards/criteria in this
section. - Standards/Criteria Connections
- Identify each of the criteria by its standard
name and identifying letter (e.g., 1a, 2c, or 7d)
that this artifact addresses. Remember, it can
address more than one Standard. You can click
Standards and Criteria below to find that
information. After each criterions name, explain
why you believe this artifact addresses this
standard. Write your explanation referring to
the criteria description and using some of the
vocabulary used in the description. - Artifact
- This is where you exhibit the actual artifact.
If the artifact is small (e.g., certificate), you
can Insert it into the rest of this document. If
it is more complicated (e.g., lesson plan) or in
a different format (e.g., .pdf), you should type
the name of the artifact here and hyperlink it to
the appropriate file in your storage folder.
Standard 2 Criteria and Artifacts
5Standard 3 Observing, Documenting, and Assessing
to Support Young Children and Families
- Artifact 1 _______________
- Reflection
- Reflect on the artifact. Remember to write this
in paragraph format. This is where you explain
the importance of this artifact. You do not have
to refer to the standards/criteria in this
section. - Standards/Criteria Connections
- Identify each of the criteria by its standard
name and identifying letter (e.g., 1a, 2c, or 7d)
that this artifact addresses. Remember, it can
address more than one Standard. You can click
Standards and Criteria below to find that
information. After each criterions name, explain
why you believe this artifact addresses this
standard. Write your explanation referring to
the criteria description and using some of the
vocabulary used in the description. - Artifact
- This is where you exhibit the actual artifact.
If the artifact is small (e.g., certificate), you
can Insert it into the rest of this document. If
it is more complicated (e.g., lesson plan) or in
a different format (e.g., .pdf), you should type
the name of the artifact here and hyperlink it to
the appropriate file in your storage folder.
Standard 3 Criteria and Artifacts
6Standard 4 Teaching and Learning
- Artifact 1 _______________
- Reflection
- Reflect on the artifact. Remember to write this
in paragraph format. This is where you explain
the importance of this artifact. You do not have
to refer to the standards/criteria in this
section. - Standards/Criteria Connections
- Identify each of the criteria by its standard
name and identifying letter (e.g., 1a, 2c, or 7d)
that this artifact addresses. You can click
Standards and Criteria below to find that
information. Remember, it can address more than
one Standard. After each criterions name,
explain why you believe this artifact addresses
this standard. Write your explanation referring
to the criteria description and using some of the
vocabulary used in the description. - Artifact
- This is where you exhibit the actual artifact.
If the artifact is small (e.g., certificate), you
can Insert it into the rest of this document. If
it is more complicated (e.g., lesson plan) or in
a different format (e.g., .pdf), you should type
the name of the artifact here and hyperlink it to
the appropriate file in your storage folder.
Standard 4 Criteria and Artifacts
7Standard 5Becoming a Professional
- Artifact 1 _______________
- Reflection
- Reflect on the artifact. Remember to write this
in paragraph format. This is where you explain
the importance of this artifact. You do not have
to refer to the standards/criteria in this
section. - Standards/Criteria Connections
- Identify each of the criteria by its standard
name and identifying letter (e.g., 1a, 2c, or 7d)
that this artifact addresses. You can click
Standards and Criteria below to find that
information. Remember, it can address more than
one Standard. After each criterions name,
explain why you believe this artifact addresses
this standard. Write your explanation referring
to the criteria description and using some of the
vocabulary used in the description. - Artifact
- This is where you exhibit the actual artifact.
If the artifact is small (e.g., certificate), you
can Insert it into the rest of this document. If
it is more complicated (e.g., lesson plan) or in
a different format (e.g., .pdf), you should type
the name of the artifact here and hyperlink it to
the appropriate file in your storage folder.
Standard 5 Criteria and Artifacts
8Additional Information (optional)
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