Title: Teaching Portfolio
1Teaching Portfolio
- What is it?
- Why do I need one?
- How do I start?
2Complete the following sentence
- I do or I dont want to be promoted because..
3If you were hiring a new clinician-educator, what
credentials would you look for?
5Teaching Log
- A record of your educational activity
- List of what, who, how, and how much you teach
- Major categories
- Teaching
- Mentoring/Advising
- Educational Administration/Leadership
6Teaching Portfolio
- aka
- Educators Portfolio
- Teaching Dossier
- Promotion packet
- Faculty activities handbook
7Teaching Portfolio
- A record of your educational activity with
evidence of its impact - Highlights strengths and contributions
- Presentation of your accomplishments supported by
relevant data - Reflections on your teaching
- Your story of professional development as a
8Teaching Portfolio
- Addresses the question
- How do I demonstrate that I am an
effective teacher? - Professional reflection on your teaching as a
scholarly activity
9Why should I have one?
- Keeps all educational activity organized
- For application for promotion or tenure
- For job applications
- For annual review in current job
- To evaluate my effectiveness as a teacher
- For self-reflection and growth as educators
10Use of Teaching Portfolios in US Medical Schools
- Then
- 1992 survey of 126 medical schools
- Only 24 (19) used portfolio systems
- Simpson et al. Teaching Learn Med 1994
11And now
- Online search of 126 medical school websites
200203 using key terms related to teaching
portfolios (portfolio, dossier, etc.) - phone interviews with individual primarily
responsible for promotion - Simpson, et al. Acad Med 2004
- 76 schools (64) had web-based information on
documenting educational activities for promotion - Of these 76 schools
- ½ had descriptions of what to include in the
promotion packet - ½ had examples of portfolios or instructions on
how to complete one
13- Every faculty member should maintain a teaching
portfolio that contains information regarding
this aspect (teaching activities) of his/her
career - Faculty members who have achieved extraordinary
distinction as educators and scholars in
pedagogical topics may be promoted and awarded
tenure on the basis of their superior teaching
accomplishments - 2002 Revision to Policies and Procedures for
Promotion and Tenure www.med.nyu.edu/faa/docs/revi
14Adina Kalet, MD, MPHNYU DoM PT Committee
15What should go into a teaching portfolio?
- Approach to Teaching
- Educational Contributions
- Reflections and Assessments
- Supporting Material
16What should go into a teaching portfolio?
- Approach to Teaching
- Educational philosophy
- Educational Contributions
- Curriculum development/evaluation
- Teaching activities
- Advising and mentoring
- Educational administration/leadership
17What should go into a teaching portfolio?
- Reflections and Assessments
- Evaluations by learners
- Letters from peers/supervisors
- Continuing education as educator
- Long-term plans as educator
- Supporting Material
- Documentation, evidence of scholarly activities
- teaching materials developed
- participation in workshops
- publications
- Honors and awards
18Philosophy of Education
- Discuss your personal philosophy of teaching
- Personal theory regarding learning
- View regarding the role of the teacher
- Top 3 characteristics of a good teacher?
- View regarding role of the learner
- Excellent teachers recognize students are?
- Personal objectives for teaching
- Primary goal in teaching?
19Philosophy of Education
- How have you tried to accomplish these
objectives? - How have they changed over time?
- How effective are you by these criteria?
20Teaching Contributions
21Regional/National Impact and Scholarship
22Curriculum Development and Instructional Design
23Educational Administration and Leadership
24Mentoring and Advising
25Awards and Grant Support
26Educational Consultations
27Long Term Goals
30(No Transcript)
31Scholarship of Discovery and of Teaching
- Application to Research
- Clarity of hypotheses
- Knowledge resources
- Study design
- Hypotheses tested
- Publication/presentation
- Critical reflection guides direction of research
- Application to Teaching
- Clarity of objectives
- Knowledge and materials
- Teaching eval methods
- Measures of effectiveness
- Share results methods
- Critical reflection guides steps to improve
- Clear Goals
- Adequate Preparation
- Appropriate Methods
- Significant Results
- Effective Presentation
- Reflective Critique
32Teaching as Scholarship
- Six Criteria to Evaluate Scholarship
- Clear Goals
- Adequate Preparation
- Appropriate Methods
- Significant Results
- Effective Presentation
- Reflective Critique
- Glassick Huber. Scholarship
Assessed-Evaluation of the Professiorate. San
Francisco, CA Jossey-Bass, 1997.
33Teaching as Scholarship
- Six Criteria
- Clear Goals
- Adequate Preparation
- Appropriate Methods
- Significant Results
- Effective Presentation
- Reflective Critique
- Application to Teaching
- Clarity of objectives
- Knowledge and materials
- Teaching eval methods
- Measures of effectiveness
- Share results methods
- Critical reflection guides steps to improve