Title: Digestive System
1Digestive System
2Review of Structure and Function
Digestion - Ingestion Secretion Mixing/
Propulsion Digestion Absorption Defecation
3E - esophagusL - liverG - gall bladderSt -
stomachP - pancreasSI - small intestineLI -
large inrestineC - cecum
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Small Intestine Carbohydrates Amino
Acids Sodium-Linked Secondary Active
Transport Fatty Acids - micelles with bile
salts synthesis of chylomicrons transported
via lacteals to lymph system Large
Intestine Water and Salt - 10 Liters/day
secreted 1/4 Liter defecated
7Age Related Changes
Mouth - Loss of Teeth Periodontal
Disease Dentures (about 1/2 over 65) Influence
on food choices affect nutrition Dryness - often
reported most often effect of medications
(iatrogenic) decrease secretion of salivary
glands affects food choices Esophagus decline
in peristalsis, loss of smooth muscle, weakened
esophageal sphincter - heartburn, belching
8Age Related Changes
Stomach - loss of goblet cells and gastric
glands decrease secretion of mucus and gastric
juice chronic atrophic gastritis decrease in
motility (slower emptying) Small Intestine -
decrease mass, both mucosa (villi) and
muscularis decrease surface area, decrease
motility however, no real decrease in
absorption decrease lactase secretion, lactose
9Age Related Changes
Large Intestine - atrophy of all layers leads
to weakening of wall outpockets form
(diverticula) change in gut flora hemorrhoids
increase with age Pancreas - decline in
secretory cells affects primarily lipid
digestion Liver - fibrosis (age-related or
pathology ?) cirrhosis accumulated damage -
impact function ? jaundice
10Age Related Dysfunction
Hiatal Hernia- weakened hiatus - tip of stomach
protrudes into thoracic cavity, leads to acid
reflux Cancers - (carcinomas) increase
frequency with age stomach, liver, pancreas,
gall bladder small intestine - extremely
rare Large intestine and colon - most
common prevention, endoscopic exams
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12Age Related Dysfunction
Diverticulitis - inflammation of
diverticula more common in western diets (low
fiber) Constipation - infrequent or difficult
evacuation decreased motility weakening of
colon wall Fecal Incontinence if once a month
or more loss of control of external anal
sphincter Intestinal Obstruction - blockage or
14Nutrition in the Elderly
Decline in cell number, decline in mitochondria,
increased fat and connective tissue
cause decreased metabolism and energy
requirements. BMR declines about 5 every
decade Nutritional requirements - no major
change in vitamin, mineral and protein
consumption should decrease fat and carbohydrate
intake Disease Prevention - ?? Increase calcium
for post-menopausal women RDA changes at 50,
increase Vitamin D