Title: ANR
1ANR Communities _at_ MSU A Marketing
Challenge MSU Extension and Research Station
Council Radisson HotelLansing, Michigan March 9,
2- Marketing Challenges
- Very little public awareness and understanding of
ANR_at_MSU programs - Limited public understanding of MAES MSUE
- Lack of CANR identity and image
3- Marketing Planning Team
- Representatives from CANR, MSUE, MAES, CVM, CHE,
University Relations - Extensive marketing expertise
- Timeline February-May
- Draft plan to Dean DirectorsJune 1
4- Key Planning Assumptions
- MSU is flagship brand Advancing Knowledge.
Transforming Lives. - ANR Community programs are campus-and
state-wide - CANR, MSUE, MAES will continue discrete marketing
efforts -
5- Key Planning Assumptions (cont.)
- Marketing ANR Communities _at_ MSU will enhance
discrete MAES, MSUE and CANR efforts -
6Our Marketing Must Be Coordinated and Integrated
Beginning with
7Our Marketing Must Be Linked to Priorities, Goals
and Initiatives
- Food and Health
- Environmental Stewardship and
- Natural Resource Policy and Management
- Enhancing Profitability of Agriculture
- and Natural Resources
- Secure Food and Fiber System
- Families and Community Vitality
- Career-ready socially responsible graduates
equipped for life-long learning. - Efforts to provide a safe, secure and healthful
food supply. - Programs aimed at encouraging environmental
stewardship and natural resources management
among stakeholders. - Promote (socially) responsible land use for
current and future generations including farmland
and green-space preservation and sprawl
management and education. - Family, youth and community vitality.
- .
- Helping Youth Succeed
- Enhancing Profitability in
Agriculture - Encouraging Responsible
- Land and Natural Resource Use
- Building Strong Communities
- Building Healthy Communities
8The Marketing Strategy Must Support and Leverage
MAES and MSUE Branding and Positioning
MSUE Positioning Branding Bringing Knowledge
to Life
MAES Positioning Branding Research for Your
9We Must Develop a Marketing Strategy That
Capitalizes on Partnerships with Other Colleges
MAES Branding Positioning
. Advancing Knowledge. Transforming Lives.
CANR Branding Positioning
10Our Marketing Must Be Consistent, Cooperative
and Mutually Supportive
Farm Bureaus, DNRs, Apple Committees Priority
Issues Messages
Unit Areas of Excellence
11- Priority Areas of Marketing Focus
- Key decision-maker stakeholder awareness and
understanding - Undergraduate student recruitment
- Support for the Capital Campaign
12- Key Strategies to Meet Needs
- A marketing approach to all communications
public relations activities - More emphasis on media relationstelling our
story - Deployment of more powerful electronic
communications tactics
web portal, e-publications,
e-messaging, etc. -
13- Discussion
- Are we on the right path?
- What are we missing?
- Excellent comments from Jan. 12 discussion.
- Other suggestions and recommendations?