Title: EXLINEA Field work findings
1EXLINEAField work findings
- Warsaw, EUROREG
- 5-7 November 2004
2Polish- Ukrainian (and Belarusian) transborder
regionArea eligible to Neighbourhood Program
3Field studies areas
- 1. TomaszĂłw Lubelski Zamosc
- 2. Przemysl -Jaroslaw
- 3. Lublin and RzeszĂłw (capitals of regions)
- 1. JaworĂłw ZĂłlkiew -Sokal
- 2. Lviv (capital of region)
4Field studies activities
- Standardized questionnaires
- In-depth interviews
- Entrepreneurs questionnaires
- Hotels questionnaires
- Bazaars/markets questionnaires
5Standardized questionnaires
- 29 questionnaires in Poland
- 26 questionnaires in Ukraine
6In-depth interviews
- 49 interviews (31 polish side and 18 Ukrainian
side of the transborder region) - 2/3 with the actors on the local level
- Actors
- -self-governments representatives
- -business and economic institutions and
associations (like regional chamber of
commerce) - -regional development agencies and
associations -
- -culture, tourist, research institutions
- -local mass-media representatives
7In-depth interviewsI. Regional and local problems
- Unemployment (restructurisation of industriy)
- Lack of capital
- Poor infrastructure (special border crossings)
- Agriculture (small not-productive oriented farms)
- Instability of law
- Environmental problems
- Poor society
- Illigal migrants
8In-depth interviewsI. Regional and local
- 1. Ukrainians concentrate more on the social
situation of the citizens, whereas Poles on
economic problems and handicaps - Present problems of Ukrainian side are similar to
the Polish at the beginning of the transition
period - 3. National problems similar to regional
9In-depth interviewsII. CBC in the regional
- Desirable field of intervention
- Border crossings
- Nature protection and prevention of ground and
water pollution - Agriculture
- Tourism
- Cultural exchange
10In-depth interviewsII. CBC in the regional
- 1. Ukrainians perceive CBC as a way to change
peoples attitude toward Europe and EU mechanisms
and borders - 2. Ukrainians usually listed many areas of
intervention whereas Poles only one or two - 3.Hovewer,in general these areas are the same
11In-depth interviewsII. CBC in the regional
- Actors
- State administration on the Ukrainian side
- Local authorities
- NGOs
- Self governments
- Entrepreneurs and business institutions
- Self governmental associations
- Other institutions like schools, fire brigades
which cooperate on a small scale
12In-depth interviewsII. CBC in the regional
- Lack of experience and tradition in co-operation
institutions are new - Ukraine more centralized state administration
is responsible for decisions, however local
representatives more interested in CBC - 3. Self-governments on Polish side started the
cooperation (even if only symbolic)
13In-depth interviewsII. CBC in the regional
- Reasons for staring co-operation have economic
base (including differences in level of prices
and salaries) - Co-operation is perceive as a natural because of
the geographical proximity of regions - Possibility to obtain extra funds
- For Ukrainian gaining the experience and new
technologies, knowledge, standards etc. - Common history, culture, families ties underline
by Ukrainians
14In-depth interviewsIII. Perception
- But it doesnt mean negative attitude towards
15In-depth interviewsIII. Perception
- Border is necessary to stress state independence
and preserve security (Ukrainians) - Border gives a chance for making good business
(Poles) - Border as a bridge willingly but in the future
(Poles) - Nowadays - Border as a main obstacle in CBC
(Poles and Ukrainians)
16In-depth interviewsIII. Perception
- Visa regime is a necessity in opinion of
Ukrainians and most of them understand and accept
it and get used to - Without visas was easier but dont want the total
openness of the border
17In-depth interviewsIII. Perception
- Mixed feelings about visas in Polish side of the
region - visas make the border more civilized and
safer - visas was our obligation
- visas are not a problem for business
partners - -visas affected the poorest people who sell
and buy products on markets less people on
markets - -decrease of incomes for local small
entrepreneurs -
18In-depth interviewsIII. Perception
- 1. Polish opinions about Ukrainians and Ukraine
are more differentiated than Ukrainians about
Poles and Poland - Poles appreciate the huge progress in development
of Ukraine in last years, special in lat 2-3
years and treat Ukrainians as good students - Hoverer they are more devoted to centralization
and structures - Different attitude towards business lack of
long term perspectives and plans - Lack of trust, especial in business
- 2. Ukrainians treats Poland as a rich country
with stable and organize structure, low and
situation which belongs to western civilization - Appreciate Polish strategic partnerships and
efforts on the European forum to include Ukraine
into European policy -
19In-depth interviewsIII. Perception
- No transborder identification, despite the long
common history
20In-depth interviewsIV. Practices
- Co-operation on a small scale mainly soft
projects - Hard projects development of border crossing
point in Rawa Ruska (TACIS) and establish of
Local Agencies of Development in Javoriv (TACIS) - Ecological development of the former sulphur
basin (Jaroslaw and Javoriv) - Cultural events Galicia festival and
Roztocze festival - Establish of institute Mosty na WschĂłd
21In-depth interviewsIV. Practices
- -Lack or often changes in law in Ukraine
- -Bad climate for investors in Ukraine
- -Lack of funds
- -Differencies in procedures on both side of the
border - -Border crossing points
- -Lack of educated staff and organizations dealing
with CBC in Ukraine - -Differences between political systems
- -Corruption
22In-depth interviewsIV. Practices
- -Border crossing
- -Instable law in Ukraine
- -Lack of local leaders
- -Lack of strategic thinking
- -Feeling of unsafe
- -Differences in attitude toward business
- -
23In-depth interviewsV. CBC policies
- General feeling that there are no special
policies toward border regions and CBC
co-operation on both side of border - Regional and local level seems to be mostly
involved in initiating CBC activities. Nobody
mention national level. - Main source of funds on CBC project is EU, but
general opinion that the funds are not enough to
the needs -