Title: Peace Brigades International
1Peace Brigades International
PBI's pioneering strategy of nonviolent
deterrence is accomplished through the use of
unarmed protective services including physical
protective accompaniment, international
observation, information sharing and open
dialogue with all legal actors in the conflict.
The services provided to clients include moral
support and monitoring, providing them with the
security they require to continue their work
promoting respect for human rights and developing
peaceful ways to transform conflict.
2PBI field team volunteers
3Clients gather with PBI in Medan
4PBI in Papua
5Activists for Peace
- PBI Aceh clients are activists from 7 Acehnese
NGOs working to promote civil society and defend
human rights in a context of violence and
repression. They are non-partisan and
non-violent, and are often targeted by both sides
in the conflict .
6Koalisi NGO HAM and PB HAMs
Yusuf Puteh, well known as Nek Suh