Title: This presentation covers key components of the Approaches t
1Government of Southern Sudan(GoSS)
- 3rd Sudan Consortium
- Under the Theme
- Sustaining Peace through Development
- Approaches to Peace Building
- Oslo, Norway
- 5th 7th May 2008
2Presentation Outline
- The Presentation briefly shades light on
- Quick Introduction
- Opportunities CPA
- Small Arms Proliferation in S/Sudan
- Community Peace Rationale
- Implementation of the Initiative
- Profiles/Activities of Key Actors
- This presentation covers key components of the
Approaches to Sustainable Peace Paper.
- It covers the DDR, Mine Action Authority and Rule
of Law Good Governance (Police, JOSS, Prisons)
- The presentation is set against the background of
the opportunities as provided for by the CPA.
4Opportunities - CPA
- The CPA brought peace, created environment for
building democratic governance and initiated
recovery programmes.
- The CPA provides an overall vision and broad
strategies to guide peace and stability, good
governance and development processes in
post-conflict Southern Sudan. - The CPA recognizes the political and
administrative autonomy of Southern Sudan.
5Background InfoSmall Arms Proliferation
- Introduction of firearms into Southern Sudanese
society dated back to colonial era.
- Due to the civil wars, the volume and
sophistication of armaments has increased
- Small arms are used in traditional or sectional
fights, cattle raids, abduction, robbery, etc.
6Background InfoSmall Arms Proliferation.
- Many communities are impoverished and others
displaced as a direct result of this.
- Vast areas of Southern Sudan is not de-mined
- Hence many lives are being lost mobility and
activities such as farming and grazing etc are
also restricted.
- The main victims are mothers and children.
7Community Peace Initiative Rationale
- There is major threat to peace and instability
through out Southern Sudan
- The possession of illegal arms in the hands of
untrained civilians
- Prevalence of landmines in economically important
- Absence of laws and order in remote places
8Community Peace Initiative Rationale.
- Insecurity is an obstacle to a full
implementation of the CPA.
- There are immense difficulties to mobilize
resources and deliver social services among
warring communities.
- Development programs that constitute integral
part of CPA cannot be implemented due to
- Skills building and infrastructure support to
laws enforcement organs such as police, prison,
judiciary and the likes is one of the more sure
way to sustain peace in the Sudan.
9Initiative Implementation
- The project will be implemented in partnership
- Bureau of Community Security and
- Small Arms Control
- De-mining Commission, Disarmament and
Demobilization Commission,
10Initiative Implementation
- Ministry of Interior (Police, JoSS, Prisons, Fire
- Human Rights,
- Other relevant laws enforcement and development
Brief Profiles Areas of Competence and/or O
12The Bureau of Community Security and Small Arms
- It was established toward the end of the year
2007 in the Vice President office (GoSS).
- One of the key tasks of the Bureau is to link the
presidency with
- All major stakeholders,
- States,
13The Bureau of Community Security and Small Arms
- UN Agencies,
- International NGOs
- Southern Sudan civil society groups engaged in
community security and small arms control.
14Activities The Bureau of CSAC
- Para legal training for Communities (1000 people
a year)
- Awareness raising and sensitization campaign on
civilian disarmament
- Action oriented researched on disarmaments
- Establishment of disarmament and peace
- Establishing security posts at tribal border
areas and deploy police
15Activities The Bureau of CSAC
- Confident Building and recovery Projects for the
disarmed communities
- Constructing and maintaining recreational centers
for the disarmed youth
- Organizing inter communities competition
- Monitoring and Evaluation
16Southern Sudan Mine Action Authority
- Mandated government Institution to carry out
coordination and supervision of sustainable mine
action (e.g. De-mining, Mine risk education,
victims assistance etc) in Southern Sudan. - It works according to the needs and priorities of
17Southern Sudan Mine Action Authority
- Antipersonnel and antitank land mines as well as
other explosives remnants of war are common in
most part of Southern Sudan.
- Mines post a huge threat to the security of
- Different international and local mine
organizations are undertaking de-mining work in
Southern Sudan.
- Activities limited due to funding
18The Disarmament and Demobilization Commission
- It is mandated to demobilize ex-combatants and
other illegal arms groups.
- To implement its stated Commitment, Southern
Sudan DDR Commission, SPLA and UNINEF have been
working collaboratively to
- identify,
- register,
- trace,
- demobilize
- and reunify children associated with the SPLA and
its ally armed groups.
19The Disarmament and Demobilization Commission
- The reintegration operational plan and its
implementation shall be guided by
- the key principle that guides DDR process in
Sudan as stipulated in the CPA,
- National strategic plan and
- reintegration policy.
- National ownership and leadership is key
- Justice and equity is safeguarded
20The Disarmament and Demobilization Commission
- The Commission Work in partnership and through
the existing institutions
- There is consideration to cultural diversity
- Gender responsive and sensitive projects
- Overall objective is to sustaining peace across
Southern Sudan
- Specific objectives includes, not limited to
- Creation and establishment of police
infrastructures (Academies, colleges, centres,
- Undertake training in the areas of civic
education, human rights, democracy, good
governance and etc
- The law enforcement agencies in Southern Sudan
are not sufficiently trained and are ill equipped
to fully maintain security, law and order.
- Consequently there are number of areas where
insecurity prevails which in turn has negatively
impacted on peace and stability in Southern
- The possession of illegal arms by civil
population and unorganized armed groups poses
threat to peace in some parts of Southern Sudan.
- The lack of the legal framework for most
institutions of the Government in Southern Sudan
has affected the proper functioning of the
government machinery in shouldering service
delivery responsibilities.
- The Service delivery institutions are poorly
equip and lacks adequate funding.
- In this regard it has been realize that the
service delivery institutions need basic
infrastructure, facilities and heavy investment
in building human resource capacities.
- The government of Southern Sudan is in the
process of re-appraising its priorities to
address the service delivery gap in these key
areas- - Reviewing of the SPLM laws to conform to the CPA
and the Interim Constitutions
- Review of the National security laws and other
laws to provide for-
- Next elections
- Human Rights
- Service delivery through Local Government
- Way forward The following out puts are to be
- Train the law enforcement agencies
- Disarmed the civil population
- Provide legal framework
- Equip those Service Delivery Institutions
- Substitute the culture of war for culture of
- Campaign for national healing and reconciliation
and build confidence amongst the people of
southern Sudan and of Sudan in general
28The JOSS
- JOSS is to embark on
- Strategic Policy Development
- Institutional Capacity Building
- Construction and Renovation of Infrastructure
- Provision of Furniture, Equipment and Vehicles
- Oversight and disseminations of Legislations
- Prisons want to undertake the followings
- Institutional policy review and development
- Construction and renovation
- Human resource management and integration
- Equipment procurement and maintenance
- Prisoners care, treatment and rehabilitation
30Activities Southern Sudan Human Rights Commission
- Establish Human Rights monitoring, reporting,
investigation, complains, handling and victim
- Raise public Human Rights awareness and engage
with civil society in policy development and
- Build effective and efficient institutional
capacity (at GOSS and state level including
- Effective coordination with GOSS institutions and
outside the Country
31Fire Brigade
- Fire Brigade would like to
- Develop Strategic Framework (Policy Development
- Provision of Fire Appliances Equipment
- Construction and maintenance
- Human Resource Management and integration
32Local Government
- Local government aims to develop
- Local Government policy and Coordination
- Capacity Building of Local Governments
(Including Infrastructures)
33The Community Peace Initiative Sustainability
- The initiative is
- People centred
- Empowerment driven
- Hence sustainability is ensured through the
creation of ownership.
34(No Transcript)