Title: Richard Palmer
1Water Supply and Allocation Issues in the Puget
- Richard Palmer
- Michael Miller
- University of Washington
- Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
2Objective and Outline
- What will be the climate and hydrology of the
Puget Sound in 2020/2040 and what are the impacts
of climate change on water supply issues? - How can mid-term forecasts improve management of
water supplies for people and fish?
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5Objective and Outline
- What will be the climate and hydrology of the
Puget Sound in 2020/2040 and what are the impacts
of climate change on water supply issues? - How can mid-term forecasts improve management of
water supplies for people and fish?
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7Current state of climate modeling
- Climate models are currently capable of credibly
simulating present climate at the continental
scale. - Models are continually improving, yet key
physical relationships remain poorly understood,
the water vapor/cloud formation and feedback
process being the most significant. - Greater resolution and more complex
parameterization of physical processes will
continue as computing power increases and study
continues. - Models are not predictions of future, but can be
considered as credible simulations of a multitude
of possible futures.
8GCMs - General Circulation Models
- IPCC discusses 34 GCMs
- Coupled Model Intercomparison Study examines 29
in more detail - Compares GCMs via historical observations for air
temperature, precipitation, sea temperature, air
pressure, ice extent. - We have selected nine of the more prominent
models to demonstrate GCM selection process
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10Downscaling Methods
- Dynamical downscaling
- Regional climate models Difficult and computer
intensive. Not yet proven to be any more
reliable. - Statistical downscaling
- Transfer functions Based on observed empirical
relationships. - Weather generators Extension of stochastic
hydrology - Weather typing Use of historic patterns,
predicated on observed climactic variables.
11Downscaling Methods
12Downscaling Methods
13Evaluation of Climate Change
Climate Shift
Meteorological Data
Hydrology Model
Demand Model
Operations Model
14Temperatures will increase by 2 C by 2040, with
higher temperatures in the summer
Precipitation will increase in the winter and
decrease in the summer.
15DHSVMDistributed Hydrology-Soil-Vegetation Model
16Sultan River Inflows into Spada Reservoir Average
Annual Hydrograph
17Tolt River Inflows into Tolt Reservoir Average
Annual Hydrograph
18Cedar River Inflows into Chester Morse Reservoir
Average Annual Hydrograph
19Green River Inflows into Howard Hansen Reservoir
Average Annual Hydrograph
20Ranked Cumulative Winter Flow (JFM) 2040
21Ranked Cumulative Spring (AMJ) Flow 2040
22Results Impacts on HydrologyPercent difference
from current climate cumulative seasonal flows
- Climate impacts on the four basins hydrology are
similar - Average percent difference in seasonal flows
- 2020 Winter 28 2020 Spring
-20 - 2040 Winter 37 2040 Spring
-31 - Absolute average percent difference
- Sultan 31
- Tolt 18
- Cedar 36
- Green 32
- Average supply system impact is 15-17 increase
in System Use (surface storage, groundwater
and/or system shortfalls)
24Climate Impact on Water Supply Average climate
impact on Supply Used, Percent Difference from
Current Climate
25Possible Reactions to Climate Change Information
- Supply
- Tacoma to Seattle Connection (2nd Supply Project)
- Seattle to Everett Connection
- Water Reuse
- Demand
- Conservation Measures
- Pricing
- Change Service Base
26Objective and Outline
- What will be the climate and hydrology of the
Puget Sound in 2020/2040 and what are the impacts
of climate change on water supply issues? - How can mid-term forecasts improve management of
water supplies for people and fish?
27Why do a Forecast?
- 6-month forecast applied to the PRISM models
- Usefulness of forecasts
- Why forecasts are useful
- Who could use the forecasts
- How are the forecasts developed
- Examples of the forecasts
- Future direction with the forecasts
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29Applying 6-month Forecast
- Prior to a forecast
- Water management decisions
- 50 years of meteorological records
- 73 years water supply and demand records
- With a forecast
- Water management decisions based on potential
future conditions - Forecast continue using DHSVM and CRYSTAL for
water supply and management
31Usefulness of Forecast
- For policymakers
- MI Demands
- During below average conditions
- Improve timing of water restrictions
- Provide more information as to the type of
restriction - HCPs
- During above average conditions
- Determine amount and length of large flow
releases - During below average conditions
- Revise timing of releases to minimize habitat
32Usefulness of the Forecast
- For water managers
- During average and above average flow
- Forecast potential of these resources
- Discharge necessary to meet future flood control
- During below average flows
- Forecast initial drought conditions a couple
months sooner - In the early summer months, forecasts could
indicate when fall and winter flows will increase
33Forecast Development
- Developed by Andy Wood,
- Edwin Maurer, Arun Kumar, and
- Dennis Lettenmaier
- NCEP Data
- Bias Correction
- Downscaling
34NCEP Data
- National Center for Environmental Prediction
(NCEP) - Global Spectral Models (GSMs)
- Hindcasts
- Temperature and precipitation
- 10 initial conditions
- 21 years (79 99)
- Forecasts
- 20 ensembles
- 6-month forecast
35Bias Correction
- Forecasted meteorological data
- Based on month from the historic 21-year record
(79-99), most similar precipitation - Precipitation is scaled (multiplicative process)
- Temperature is shifted (additive process)
- Preformed to each month of each ensemble
- Distributed Hydrologic Soil Vegetation Model
(DHSVM) - Most recent year of actual data run prior to the
forecast - To have the model set for the forecasted data.
- Keep model run time reasonable
38DHSVM Output
- 20 forecasts of stream flow
- Forecasts are compared to historic average flows
- Comparison used to forecast higher or lower then
average flow.
39June Forecast Cedar
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- Climate Change
- Initial results suggest significant impacts on
water supply - Lower summer flows will challenge releases for
both fish and folks - New management strategies are necessary
- Future planning should include this impact
43Summary on Forecasting
- Forecasting with longer-range climate indicators
offers promise - Past forecasts did not provide sufficient lead
time for certain times of year - Will have on line forecasts this quarter