Title: The Myth
1 The Myth of Chinese Characters
The Myth of Chinese Characters
Dr. Zheng-sheng Zhang Department of Linguistics
Oriental Languages SDSU
2The Myth
- In Chinese script
- Characters?meanings
- In other writing systems
- Letters ?sounds?meanings
3That is to say
- Chinese characters are
- either pictographs
- or ideographs
4Why the Myth?
- Chinese writing did start with
- Pictographs/ideographs
- There are still examples of both
5A More Systematic Look
- Are all characters picto/ideographs?
- What other types are there?
- What is the MOST common type?
6Type 1 Pictographs (??)
7 Type 2 Simple Indicative (??)
8Type 3 Compound Indicative (??)
9But how to represent 10,000?
10The Rebus principle!
11 Chinese Rebus Phonetic Loans (??)
- ? wàn scorpion
- wàn 10000
- ? scorpion /10000
12Chinese Rebus Phonetic Loans
- ? lái wheat
- lái come
- ? wheat/come
13Type 4Signific-Phonetic Compound (??)
- Step 1 phonetic loan (? , ? )
- Step 2 add signific to differentiate homophones
- Ex. ? wàn name of a river (water signific
added) - Ex. ? lái name of a mount (mountain signific
added) - Original meanings of ? and ? irrelevant
14Types of characters summary
- Wholly Meaning-Based 3 types
- Pictographs (?????)
- Simple indicative (???)
- Complex indicative (?,?)
- Partially Sound-Based 1 type
- Signific-phonetic compounds (???)
15What is the most common type?
16In Signific-Phonetic compounds, which part is
more important?
17- The mutilation test
- ?? qingtíng dragonfly
- delete phonetic ???
- delete signific ??? Qingtíng
- ?? guma fathers sister
- delete phonetic ???
- delete signific ??? guma
- ?? bèijing background
- delete phonetic ???
- delete signific ??? beijing
18So What do Significs Do?
- Revealing material culture and beliefs
- ? (peddle has shell radical shell was once
currency) - ? (thin has sickness radical to be thin is
sick) - Differentiating homophones????(lái)
- Though important for other reasons, not really
necessary for representing speech
19More Evidence of the Greater importance of
- Modern day rebusing (phonetic loans)
- Rebusing easy way out of a closed system (cant
add characters easily)
20Rebusing (I) Homophone errors (??/??)
- Ex ?/?/? de ?/? zài
- Easy to make, hard to catch
- Why do they arise? Desire for WYWWYS
- Can you tell homophones apart in speech?
21Rebusing (II) Popular Characters (??)
- A possible hand-written version for a common dish
- ????? chives fried with eggs
22Rebusing (III) Dialect words (Cantonese)
- There are words without characters
- borrow existing characters for sound only
- ?? (side-path) where
- ?? (but-home) now
- ?? (same-bury) and
- Or with minimal addition ??????
23Rebusing (IV) Foreign Words
- borrow existing characters for sound only
- ?? (Bashì bus)
- ?? (Madá motor)
- ?? (Bùshí Bush)
- Some with minimal addition
- ????? Jiasha ?Kasaya monks robe
24Why Phonetic Preference Simple Economy
- Fewer symbols needed for phonetic system
- How many characters needed to represent Mandarin
sounds 1100 - Fewer than non-phonetic systems
25If Chinese characters are mostly phonetic, why
are some phonetic not consistently pronounced
Discrepancies results of sound changes
26If characters are phonetic, why are theremore
than 1100?
- Existence of non-phonetic characters
- Multiple graphs for same character ?, ?
- Phonetic representation not one-to-one
- same sound, more than one phonetic
- jing ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
- same phonetic more than one sounds
- ? qing (?) jing (?) qian (?)
27How Phonetic is Ingloti Spelling?
- Why English can be written as Ingloti
- ing more accurate than eng
- ghoti can be used to write fish (Bernard Shaw)
- Same sound, different letter(s)
- imeat, meet, mete
- ff, ph, gh
- Same letter, different sounds
- cat, cake, caught
- cake city
28How does this help us?
- Pay more attention to sound clues
- Use sound clues to guess pronunciation
- Use sound clues to help character recall
- Use sound clues to ease dictionary lookup
- Beware of homophones with same sound clue
29For more information
- DeFrancis. 1984. The Chinese Language Fact and
Fantasy. Honolulu U. of Hawaii Press. - DeFrancis. 1989. Visible Speech The Diverse
Oneness of Writing Systems. Honolulu U. of
Hawaii Press. - Unger. 2004. Ideogram Chinese Characters and the
Myth of Disembodied Meaning. Honolulu U. of
Hawaii Press. - Zhang, ZS. www-rohan.sdsu.edu/dept/chinese/
- aspect/Chinesefiles.html