Title: Quadrupole Pickups
1Quadrupole Pick-ups
A. Jansson PS/OP
2What is a quadrupole pick-up?
- A non-invasive instrument sensitive to r.m.s.
beam size. - Uses the non-linear terms in electrode response
to particle position (very small) to measure
quadrupole moment.
Vacuum chamber
Pick-up seen along beam path
3PS quadrupole pick-up
- Position contribution can not be avoided, but can
be measured and subtracted. - Design suppresses the dominating intensity signal
by coupling to the radial magnetic field
Pick-up seen along beam path
Induction loop
4Installation in PS
One pick-up per plane
5First signals 2001
- Large beam size oscillations detected at start-up
(due to wrong magnet settings in transfer line).
- First 10-20 turns are used to measure matching.
- Values after filamentation are used to check
position correction and measure filamented
Beam EASTB Date March 28, 2001
Quadrupole moment evolution after PS
injection Position contribution has been
6Measurement of matching
- Simultaneous fit to the two pick-up signals
gives - Injected emittances.
- Betatron mismatches.
- Horizontal dispersion mismatch.
- Input parameters
- ?H, ?V, DH, ??H, ??V,?p,qh,qv
- Most input parameters can be checked
10 free parameters, 20 data points
7Injection matching measurement
- Betatron mismatch
- Dispersion mismatch
8Measurement of filamented emittance
- For a stable beam, the emittance can be
calculated from two (constant) pick-up readings. - Different horizontal/vertical beta function
ratios at the two pick-ups are required. - Signal noise is reduced by averaging over many
Quad PUs
Statistical error
9Beam based calibration
- Comparison Quad PU vs. Wire-scanner on stable
beam. - Several different beam types.
- Systematic error from
- Beta function 10
- Dispersion 10
- Mom. spread 3
- Estimated from measurement on stable beam.
- Fluctuation lower than 0.5 mm2 r.m.s. (4 1011
p/bunch ). - This corresponds to a 1-2 beta beating at PS
injection. - Improvement still possible.
11Can the same pick-ups be used in LHC?
- The pick-ups were optimized for the LHC beam
parameters at injection into the PS.
- The most important difference between PS and LHC
is the bandwidth requirement .
Note that a design that works in the SPS would
work in the LHC!
12A pick-up adapted for the LHC
- At high frequencies, the loops essentially behave
like badly matched strip-line couplers.
- Replace each loop with two matched strip-lines
and a wideband hybrid. - Good hybrid required (available).
- Transfer impedances x10 larger than in PS.
- Quadrupole pick-ups can measure continuously
without perturbing the beam. - Both matching and emittance can be measured, on
each bunch individually. - The results in the PS have been very good.
- It can be done in the LHC, e.g. using strip-line