Title: Using the efolio
1Using the e-folio
- Slides 2-4 Logging on to your e-folio
- Slide 4 The My School page
- Slides 5- 10 Using the Skills Builder
- Slides 10- 12 Using the CV Builder
- Slides 13-17 Setting personal goals and plans
- Slides 18-19 Points to note about the e-folio.
- (Note Messaging system is now redundant. Use
e-mail instead).
2 Enter Queens Online using User ID and Password
(provided at Registration). Then click log in.
3Your Homepage
Click on Personal Development Planning to access
your e-folio
Note Goals that you are currently working on
(active) will be shown here.
You are now in the e-folio
4 The My School Page Specific supports
relevant to students in your School.
Blue Hyperlinks Will take you To a range
of Supports and Help exercises
5Using the Skills Builder within the e-folio
1. Click on the Skill Builder tab.
2. Click in a relevant Skill Set to open a
6Accessing the Skills Builder
1. Self-score Skills on a scale of 1 to
5 2. Click here to input a planned action. 3.
When you have finished the self assessment make
sure to click on Update Skills
Note After you have updated skills any
target you have set will automatically move to
your action plan. Evidenced strengths (scored 4
or 5) will move into your CV Builder.
7Your evolving action plan
Click on edit to complete action plan
8Editing a target within the action plan
1. Click in each box to add relevant Text.
- Click on calendar
- icon to pick a date
- or add date manually.
9The partially completed action plan Downloaded
as a Word document
This can be saved on a memory stick , edited or
e-mailed like any other Word document
10Completed self-audits to date are recorded in My
Achievements and CV
Note Inputs you have made such as achievements
and the strengths your evidenced in Skill Builder
have come through into CV Builder
You can start to build a draft CV by clicking
11The CV Builder
Click in boxes to select items for inclusion in
draft CV
12The CV Builder continued
At the bottom of the CV Builder page, you will
find advice on CVs and an option to create a
draft CV as an editable Word document
13Setting your own goals and viewing suggestions
Select Set a goal From within reflecting
options from My PDP or PDP cycle pages
14 Set your own goals or undertake those set by
your School/Tutor.
Goals set by your Tutor or School appear here.
Click on View to see details
You can also set your own Goals. Select the goal
type and complete the details.
Having completed the details, click Undertake
this goal.
15Setting your own goals.
Read the SMART advice before setting your
first goal
Set your SMART goal and Action Plan
Dont forget to save!
16Doing and Reviewing
Click on the relevant file heading and Complete
your record.
Click the relevant boxes to ensure inclusion
in CV Builder.
Dont forget to save!
17Part 2 How to Share a goal with your tutor if
requested (Always e-mail tutor to let them know
you have done this).
Note Messaging system is now redundant and
should not be used. Always use e-mail if you
wish to contact a lecturer
18Points to note about the e-folio
- The e-folio/planner is technically secured within
Queens Online. - You can share aspects of the e-folio with a
tutor/other member of staff if you wish to do so.
No one else can see the content of your e-folio
unless you elect to show it to them. - You are responsible for the maintaining the
records within the e-folio/planner. - Usage rather than the content of your
e-folio/planner is monitored by your School and
the University.
19The purpose of the e-folio
- To support your development as an independent
learner. - To allow you to take a longer term view of your
experiences at Queens and develop a personal
strategy for success. - To provide you with a personal record which links
to the Queens database (including your
transcript of results) and helps you to
ultimately build a CV/produce Job Applications. - To support you in preparing professional
portfolios (e.g. Medical, Nursing and Social Work